53584; ?> [Sorcerer] Modern Necromancy (Ron's game)

[Sorcerer] Modern Necromancy (Ron's game)

Started by Paiku, August 13, 2010, 06:20:19 PM

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Hi Ron,

the links to the handouts and R-map and such are busted in your threads My current Sorcerer game - modern necromancy and The necromancy game continued.  I'd very much like to read them - and I bet I'm not the only one.  These seem to be pivotal and oft-referenced threads.  Any chance of re-instating those files, or re-posting them with new links somewhere (like right here)? 


Ron Edwards

H'm, I may make new PDFs from my old files and simply upload them to new links, from the Sorcerer page at the Adept website. If I haven't done it a week from now, bug me about it.

Best, Ron

Ron Edwards

Hey John,

I uploaded the first set of handouts to the Learn about Sorcerer page. I'll do some more tomorrow.

Best, Ron


How, by the names of all the gods, did I miss this before? Or if I didn't, why don't I remember it?
That is seriously incredible.
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Indeed, Greyorm.  W i c k e d.

And the old AP threads are already making more sense.  Really looking forward to reading more of the notes!  Thanks for sharing Ron,


Ron Edwards

Here are the collages for player-characters and a few NPCs that I made between character prep and the first session. And here are some later pieces that arose through play. I should explain that some of the stuff in the first PDF, like the necromancy rules, was brought in later during play, so the ordering of the material in the first three PDFs isn't quite the same as the players saw it.

Here's the Relationship map, which at this point, I consider to be over-elaborate. I probably should have stuck to using only one source-novel instead of combining two. I'll talk more about this issue later.

Best, Ron


Excellent, thanks again.  Looking forward to getting a spare hour to read through the AP threads.

Speaking of R-maps, that's one of the reasons I wanted to see this stuff.  I've mapped out a couple of Donna Leon novels lately, but I'm not sure that the R-maps are big enough /complex enough for a Sorcerer game.  Or maybe I've just simplified them too much (omitted extraneous characters).  So I was looking for more examples from actual games.
