[The Pool] Update: essay available

Started by Ron Edwards, December 02, 2010, 03:10:17 PM

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great work! I'm running a Puddle game right now, and your essay is giving me a lot of things to think about. Thanks!

Just a very small nitpick: On p. 7, under Teaching trait-based mechanics and action statements, you wrote "How does that actually help you catch the ship?", but the example is about chasing a guy on a horse. I remember you using an example with a ship someplace else, so I guess that explains it.

Ron Edwards

I'm glad you like it! Start a thread about the Puddle game if you'd like, too.

Paolo, I apologize for not replying immediately, but I am in the middle of receiving and reading Ronnies entries. When I have the Questing Beast text in front of me as well as a short break, I'll quote the text I'm talking about.

Best, Ron