Getting New Fonts

Started by Seamus, September 08, 2011, 01:52:54 PM

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I use Indesign CS4 and need to get some new fonts (the standard fonts just aren't cutting it). But have never purchased fonts before. I checked out something called Font Folio on adobe's website but it is like 2,500 dollars. Does anyone know where one can get good solid fonts (the kind of designs that you might need for an RPG book) at a good price from a reliable source (that will work in INdesign).
Bedrock Games

Kyles Games

I get the feeling that this isn't the right place to put your question, but it's now zero minutes into my morning and I'm feeling helpful.

And maybe a little snarky.


I would recommend DaFont too. The selection they have there is phenomenal and most of the fonts are licensed very broadly too.
Echelon: Adventure and Airships

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Ron Edwards

As a public service announcement: this is a perfectly acceptable topic for the Publishing forum. All practical matters of getting one's product into its desired form are welcome here.

Best, Ron