Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Started by animadversio, January 15, 2009, 03:18:15 PM

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Is it still expected to be available for GenCon '09? :)

Don't mean to be a pest, just looking to start something up soon and would feel better with this book in hand...

Christopher Kubasik


You're not being a pest.  I've simply been remiss on updates.

I've been meaning to post an update on the Play Sorcerer blog, and will do so by tomorrow.

The book won't be available at GenCon, unfortunately.  Too many other projects (actual bread and butter, pay the rent, build the career) gigs have come up over the last few months.  I've never stopped working on it -- but between directing a documentary, preparing a TV pilot for meetings, and setting up a presentation for three separate mini-series about the history of Saudi Arabia, write the third draft of a 180 page script for Michael Eisner and so on -- focus and time has been choppy an divided.

However, I will have a chapter ready for distribution for GenCon that lays out the Conflict Resolution System clearly and concisely.  My goal is to have that emailed to all the book's backers the first day of GenCon, and have it as a small pamphlet at GenCon.

My apologies to anyone who was looking at the convention for a specific deadline.  I shouldn't have pegged the schedule to the convention.  I knew out of the gate I'd be using the Greg Stafford "When It's Done It's Done," model, and should have respected that.


"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield


A clear and concise Conflict Resolution System will be most appreciated. While I won't be attending GenCon, I'll be looking forward to seeing it in my inbox. "When It's Done It's Done" can and should be the only model for a play guide like this, in my opinion.

Thanks for the update!

Christopher Kubasik

I'll say this, too... though it's part of the post I'm planning for the blog:

At GenCon I'll be running a Sorcerer Boot Camp.  I'm very much looking forward to this for the purposes of the book. I'll be testing how I communicate the game with people right there, face-to-face.  If the ideas are clear, I'll know it.  If my communication is muddy, I'll know it.

It will also allow me to get feedback on what notions, procedures, ideas and assumptions people get hung up on.  Part of my work these past months has been scouring the Internet -- old threads and new -- finding out where people go astray or get confused by the game.  At GenCon this will be fast and furious feedback cycle -- which can only strengthen the final text.
"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield


Tell us more of this "Sorcerer Boot Camp!"  Or tell us where to learn more, please!


Quote from: ejh on July 26, 2009, 02:18:39 AM
Tell us more of this "Sorcerer Boot Camp!"  Or tell us where to learn more, please!
Based on Christopher's earlier post, I would surmise that at GenCon he is planning on running an event where he teaches Sorcerer to novice players. As Sorcerer usually involved a long time to master, the "Boot Camp" would be a session where he wants to communicate as much about the game as possible in a limited time. At the moment he's trying to anticipate where folks will be confused so that he's ready to address those particular issues.

If there's ore to it, I don't know that part.
Marv (Finarvyn)
Sorcerer * Dresden Files RPG * Amber Diceless
Forge Member since 2004
OD&D Player since 1975

Christopher Kubasik


The Boot Camp will be at GenCon. 

There will be two parts of about an hour each. 

Part One is about Building Characters and Setting and GM Prepping; Part Two will be about Playing the Game (Bangs, the application of Kickers, why a story that you're making up on the spot doesn't spin off the rails, and so on.)

The will be held at The Forge booth, and rotate through the four days of the convention.

There will be four slots for for folks for each part.  Ideally, one will have attended Part One  before attending part Two.

I will be there with lots of water and throat lozenges.

Looking forward to it!
"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield


Awesome!  I hope to make it.  Thanks for the info.


Which days for the "Boot Camp" and how long is each session?

I ask because I'd love to give it a try, but I'll be in Indy only for a few hours on Thursday. My sister and I do a hit-and-run for a few hours on one day to shop and look around GenCon and I never know how long she is willing to stick around before she gets bored.
Marv (Finarvyn)
Sorcerer * Dresden Files RPG * Amber Diceless
Forge Member since 2004
OD&D Player since 1975

Christopher Kubasik

Hi Marv,

The schedule isn't set yet, but both sessions will be running in rotation (of some kind) every day of the convention.

So, Thursday, yes.

When I have more details, I'll post.
"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield


The boot camp sounds really interesting, but as I mentioned earlier I cannot personally attend. Hopefully one person from our play group will be, though. Any chance one or several of the sessions you run could be recorded (audio and/or video)? That'd be awesome!


I'm a bit late on board with this one.  Stuck over in Aus there is no way Im going to get to GenCon but really like the sound of the chapter that you are sending out to the backers.  Any chance of jumping on the band wagon?  Is it to late to become a backer?


Christopher Kubasik


I'm sure something can be worked out.  (But the backers thing is closed.)

I'm in full lock-down mode in preparation for GenCon right now.  We'll revisit the matter a few weeks.

"Can't we for once just do what we're supposed to do -- and then stop?
Lemonhead, The Shield