Am I in the right place?

Started by Aaron Baker, June 27, 2010, 09:20:31 PM

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Aaron Baker

OK, I think I am following the rules...
I read in the "First Thoughts" area that before I post my idea for a game there that I should post here so people get a feel for my gaming style.
That said, the system I would like to design is generic, starting with "generic fantasy," but designed with the intent to easily be adapted to "generic modern," "generic future," and even "generic weird," (e.g.toon).
In my admittedly limited time here, I keep reading about systems that seem to be designed towards a certain type of game, almost "niche," if I may say so without insulting anyone.  I can see how in a RPG design environment, a good back-story and world design would be the best way to quickly set your work apart, since systems are difficult to judge without actually playing (perhaps my disgust for 4th ed would go away if I actually played it, instead of just reading all three core books cover to cover while holding my nose).
I have a number of questions about how to make a balanced system, how game mechanics work or should work, and what may make a generic fantasy game "fun."  That being said, I have no intentions of my system having any effect of the characters a person can create, other than a desire to encourage (what I call) role-play with some system for rewarding both "flaws," and "characterization."
Is this a good place for such a discussion?  I don't want to waste everyone's time discussing a generic system if that is not interesting to the folks who are here...

Larry L.

Hi Aaron! Welcome to the Forge.

The particular questions you're asking do belong in First Ideas, but, yes, it is a good idea to post something to Actual Play first. You should, however, give us an account of a particular time you played that maybe touches on the design aspect you'd like to discuss.

The general idea is that when people try to discuss RPGs on the Internet in abstract terms, people end up talking past each other. But if you try to describe what actually happens when you sit down at the table with other people, maybe we can pick up on some unspoken assumptions of what you like or don't like, and can try to help you figure out what you're trying to accomplish.

Go ahead and pick a time you played something, any system, that seems like it relates to some of the issues you'd like to address in your design. You don't have to write anything particularly profound or analytical.

Aaron Baker

Posted a lengthy "me post," at
That said, is this a good place for a designer of a Generic role playing system, or is it more focused on games for specific worlds?  I don't want to waste folks' time.

Trevis Martin

Hi Aaron,

The Forge is a resource for anyone who wants to design and publish their own RPG.  It's hard to know whether people will respond to your generic rpg or not, but go ahead and put it out there.  People who are interested will respond.  Ask the questions you have.  Talk about what, in your playing experience, lead you to want to do things the way you want to do them.

There are some games from around here which while are not what I would call Generic are very very flexible and have been used in multiple settings.  Primtime Adventures, for example, can be played in just about any genre.  It's main concept is that of emulating a serial television series.  Universalis is a GMless game which again ends up being able to be in just about any genre.  The Solar System is a set of rules that originally were Clinton Nixon's fantasy game The Shadow of Yesterday which has been adapted into many different settings.


QuoteI have a number of questions about how to make a balanced system, how game mechanics work or should work, and what may make a generic fantasy game "fun."  That being said, I have no intentions of my system having any effect of the characters a person can create, other than a desire to encourage (what I call) role-play with some system for rewarding both "flaws," and "characterization."
Is this a good place for such a discussion?  I don't want to waste everyone's time discussing a generic system if that is not interesting to the folks who are here...

I am admittedly new here, and do not know which forum is appropriate, but I would indeed enjoy a generic-setting discussion more than a setting-specific discussion.

Sadly, I only get to play one RPG, which has it's own setting.  Other settings would be much fun to learn about, but currently I lack the free time.  But some nice game mechanic concepts to think about during my slow moments throughout the day?  That would be nice.

Ron Edwards

Hi everyone,

Please, no more posting to this thread. Feel free to begin new threads about your own experiences with role-playing, following the rules in the sticky for this forum.

Best, Ron
site moderator