Now for the long wait

Started by Gryffudd, September 20, 2010, 04:58:02 AM

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Well, it's done. Things kinda fell apart in the middle of the week, so I spent a few days rethinking things and had to do all the writing over this weekend between, and during, work shifts. Ended up simplifying the idea in some areas, losing a theme (It went missing around Wednesday, I think), and making it more of a post-apocalyptic steampunk idea. Not as much setting stuff in there as I'd like, but the rules are complete, and I think I'd enjoy playing it or running it, so it's got that going for it. :)

It's up at with my other stuff. I'm happy with it in the end. Good luck to everyone who entered. I'm not likely to place highly, but it was fun to participate. I could get used to doing this.

So, when's the next one? ;)



You finished, and that's the important part. Good Work,

A lot of great games come out of the frenzy that is Game Chef. Many of the successful ones are the games that didn't do so well in the contest, but which sparked the creative drive of their designers.
A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.


You're better off than me, brother. Things didn't really click for me until just a few days ago, so I'm still plowing through my first draft. I'll get it done in time, though. This I vow!
--Mike Olson


Devlin, you and I will be racing the clock together.  Just got back from a playtest with my (second) gaming group and I've gotta get all the rules ironed out in time to submit ...


Quote from: baxil on September 20, 2010, 07:56:32 AM
Devlin, you and I will be racing the clock together.  Just got back from a playtest with my (second) gaming group and I've gotta get all the rules ironed out in time to submit ...
Pfft! Playtesting! Luxury!

The only playtesting my game got was me talking to myself at two in the morning. "That should work, right? Yeah, that should work. Right? Sure."
--Mike Olson


Gotta love that Schizophrenic playtesting.
A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.


Heh. Got mine finished with just long enough to put it up on my site before I had to rush to work. Literally 5 minutes to spare. Darn work. I could have ahd another 90 minutes to work on it if it wasn't for work. <shakes fist in direction of the job that let's him buy food and pay rent>

Nice to see so many submissions made it in time. Almost 40 last time I counted.



59 now!

Anyone want to take any guesses how long it'll take Jonathan to read 59 games and pick an unspecific number of finalists?
--Mike Olson


Out of the 20-odd games I downloaded, there were a mix of games from 4 pages up to 70+, with a decent number sitting at around the 8 to 12 page mark.

I'm not going to do a full page count of all entries, not a complete word count. But based on the estimate of about nine solid text pages across the board (a lot of the longer entries had pages dedicated to pictures..and the longest entry had only half the page filled on many of the pages)...our illustrious master chef will have to read through roughly 500 pages.

It took me a decent weekend of reading (with no outside distractions) to get through that in the form of a novel....and I'll hazard a guess that most of us have writing styles that aren't up to novel it would probably take a bit longer, and at least double that if he's going to be writing decent critiques.

If he has a life, and I'd like to think that he does...I can't see him getting through it any sooner than a fortnight.

I'd expect some kind of short-list by the mid October...any later than that and I'll start questioning when the result are due to arrive.

As I've said in a couple of places, I'll be offering my own critiques on my blog over the next couple of weeks. Probably about 1 every day or two.

But that's just a personal exercise because I enjoy seeing what other people are doing and how they see gaming progressing over the next few years.
A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.


Quote from: Vulpinoid on September 22, 2010, 09:02:18 AMIf he has a life, and I'd like to think that he does...I can't see him getting through it any sooner than a fortnight.

I'd expect some kind of short-list by the mid October...any later than that and I'll start questioning when the result are due to arrive.
I can't dispute that math, but I sincerely hope we can get the shortlist before mid-October. Aren't we supposed to all play them to help select the winner?
--Mike Olson


In case there's anyone oblivious to this, Jonathan Lavallee has read all the Game Chef entries and posted short review for each one on his blog (here -

His own entry is titled "Over The Wall", just so you know. =)


Quote from: Tamara on October 09, 2010, 02:07:53 AM
In case there's anyone oblivious to this, Jonathan Lavallee has read all the Game Chef entries and posted short review for each one on his blog (here -

His own entry is titled "Over The Wall", just so you know. =)
Sweet! Thanks for the heads up.
--Mike Olson