The game(s) I'm looking forward to...

Started by Vulpinoid, September 18, 2010, 07:15:56 AM

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I've been working pretty heavily on my own game over the last couple of days and haven't had the chance to offer the feedback I'd like. But I'm taking a quick break to step back and look at the contest as a whole. Like most years, there seem to be some really cool ideas developing in some of the games. But I'd like to hear if there have been some things that I've been missing.

Have you been looking through the various posts made by the designers in the Game Chef 2010 contest?

Have you looked at any of the ideas and thought "AWESOME!!! I can't wait to play that"...?

Which games have got you psyched? Why?

I'll try to post some of my favourite game ideas and some links to their threads shortly. 
A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.


Looking forward to Sean Nittner's game.  Sounds pretty internal, to a degree, which is always interesting when pulled off well (like Penny), and I think this has potential!

I'm looking forward to people's opinion on my game as well. ;)

il mietitore

I was interested in "Vegas Baby, Yeah!", which actually doesn't seem to be in the list of submitted games.

I'll watch the other games when the playoffs will have started. Now they are too many and my brain goes in loop.
My games:
- Mortal Kombat (Beta)
- Noses (Beta)
- Brachininae (in construction)
- others


Yeah, it's always interesting to see which games get shortlisted and why....and then to see which game comes out on top due to the scoring process.

The games I was most interested in were...

Omphalos by David Pidgeon (but the designer doesn't think he really lived up to it's expectations).


The End of All Things by David E Best (but I not sure if it got finished)

A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.