[Sorcerer] Please Explain the 'Big' Ability

Started by Joel Rojas, April 28, 2011, 02:20:23 AM

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Joel Rojas

The text says Stamina is increased for purposes of resisting damage and makes it clear this is not for attack or defense rolls.  What damage roll does it mean?  Is it the Will roll to cancel out penalties for being injured?


Hey Joel,

Ron can correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding of Big is that it doesn't affect rolls at all.

So if you have a stamina of 3 and a Power 4 demon makes you Big.  Then you still roll 3 dice for attacking and defending.  However you can take 7 total penalties before you start having to make Will rolls to act.  It also means that you don't actually start taking penalties on your rolls until the demon's Power score is exceeded.  So up to 4 penalties you're rolling 3 dice for Stamina but at 5 penalties now you're rolling 2 dice.

Make sense?


Joel Rojas


My first stop for this sort of thing is the sorcerer wiki

which is moslty compiled of quotes from this forum. Very useful, provides lots of context. I recommend it.

Joel Rojas


Quote from: Karl on April 28, 2011, 08:53:28 AM
My first stop for this sort of thing is the sorcerer wiki

which is moslty compiled of quotes from this forum. Very useful, provides lots of context. I recommend it.

That's great. However, I noticed some new Demon abilities in the list, but those entries require a password to be red. Anyone knowing why is it so?

Per Fischer

Hi Klaus,

You mean Command, Shadow and Shapeshift? I think the small question mark next to each of them means that there isn't as of yet a description of these abilities on the wiki - and since this is a password-protected wiki, only people logged in can edit entries. You can email the site's owner Doyce Testerman to get the password

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Ron Edwards

Per's right. There is no restriction to reading anything at Doyce's Wiki.

However, perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. When you say new demon abilities, do you mean ones that aren't in the rulebook? I'm not aware of anything of the kind at the Wiki, aside from the sort-of joke entry which emphasizes that there is no Mind Control ability.

Best, Ron


Quote from: Ron Edwards on June 08, 2011, 02:34:45 PM
Per's right. There is no restriction to reading anything at Doyce's Wiki.

However, perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. When you say new demon abilities, do you mean ones that aren't in the rulebook? I'm not aware of anything of the kind at the Wiki, aside from the sort-of joke entry which emphasizes that there is no Mind Control ability.

Best, Ron

Yeah, I mean the three ones Per cited.