[Burning Opera] An emotional RPG set in a burning theater in Venice

Started by jackvice, April 30, 2012, 07:09:10 PM

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Hello there folks!
This year I'm really proud to say I could take part for the first time to Game Chef. After days of work and peer reviewing, Walton posted the preliminar results (here: http://gamechef.wordpress.com/2012-results/)... and I'm in the runners-up list (see http://gamechef.wordpress.com/2012-results/)
This means really a lot for me, and I wanna develop this game further...and maybe publish it! Still, I can't do the work all alone, and I need everyone's help to make it through. So I decided to open this topic to let you know what I'm doing and to discuss on it.

You can find the Game Chef entry here on Dropbox: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72959723/Game%20Chef%202012/Burning%20Opera.pdf
You can find the game also on google+ at this link: https://plus.google.com/117766500140375999065/posts