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Recent Purchase?

Started by kragar00, May 10, 2012, 01:01:24 AM

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I purchased Sorcerer and Sex & Sorcery from the unstore back in March. I received my receipts from PayPal, but haven't heard anything since. I've sent a few emails to Mr. Edwards, but haven't gotten any responses. What's the standard turn around on hard copy books?

Ron Edwards

I've received no emails from you.

Please try

Best, Ron


I used a different email address to to purchase/email you. I did send the emails to the address you listed. I'll send another email from this address.

Thanks for your quick response.


Mr. Edwards, I just wanted to verify that you received the email I sent Wednesday. I sent it from the email address on my profile here.

Ron Edwards

I didn't. Let's take it to the private message system here at the Forge, which is not my preferred system, but it can be our backup.

Best, Ron


Ive experienced the same thing, bought Sorcerer online at Novmber 5th 2011. Havent heard a word or seen my package since, despite writing both Mr. Edwards and Paypal twice.
Rather annoying to say at the least.


Ive experienced the same thing, bought Sorcerer online at Novmber 5th 2011. Havent heard a word or seen my package since, despite writing both Mr. Edwards and Paypal twice.
Rather annoying to say at the least.

Ron Edwards


Make sure to post three times here at the Forge to activate your private messages.

I've been trying to resolve a number of dropped messages and notifications in my ordering process, and thought I'd found everyone. Use those private messages here if you've been screwed.

Best, Ron


Ok. I´ll try and send a private message then, so we can work it out.


Hi, Ron!

I have also sent you 3 emails about a Trollbabe purchase (thru the Unstore) but didn't get a response.
my email is