Sex & Sorcery... unavailable?

Started by Ian Christiansen, October 13, 2008, 08:11:43 PM

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Ian Christiansen

I had an opportunity to buy this book in a second hand store on Belmont ages ago, but I was rather poor back then and opted to buy a Solomon Kane book instead. Some years later I'm trying to purchase it off the Sorcerer Home Page (I live overseas now), but it doesn't seem to be available. They have Sorcerer, & Sword, and Soul... all of which I'm thinking to buy for a mate back in the US anyway. But what happened to Sex &? Can anyone help me out here?

Ron Edwards

It's available at Indie Press Revolution. It should be linked there from the Sorcerer site, but if not, I'll fix it.

Thanks for checking!

Best, Ron

Ian Christiansen

Thanks Ron, that's it alright! For some reason it wasn't coming up at IPR when I was searching, but maybe I was typing the title wrong or something.

On another note, if I want to order something there to have shipped to someone else, can I just edit the shipping address to reflect or will that look shady?

- Ian