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Started by Ron Edwards, August 18, 2009, 08:52:20 PM

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Ron Edwards

The book debuted at GenCon, and a copy or two was in fact bought.

Copies are now, or very soon will be, in the hands of my fulfiller. When I confirm that, I will compose a Paypal buy-button, and you will see it in the very same place that you buy everything else by me on-line. It'll be the same button used on my website too, when the website goes up.

Until I get the rudiments of the new site set up, payments sent to the current Trollbabe button (i.e. the old PDF) will be refused. I'll fix that as soon as I can too.

Best, Ron

Antoine F

Thanks Ron,

Being able to put my hands on Trollbabe soon is very good news.
Besides, I had some hopes that it'd be possible to order S/Lay w/Me at the same time. Will there be some hardcopies or a pdf soon ?


Ron Edwards

Good point. Everything I said about Trollbabe above applies to S/Lay w/Me in full.

I want to be able to provide PDFs for each as well, but I would prefer not merely to use the printer PDFs. I'd rather have documents designed for on-screen use and reading as well as for printing, i.e., good PDF products. Those still have to get made somehow, so tack "later" to that idea.

Best, Ron

Per Fischer

Yay, of of those copies is on its way back home to me :)

You been very quiet in terms of promoting the new TB, Ron, so much in fact that I had no idea it was out on GenCon until Gregor contacted me with the good news.

Cheers, looking forward to it!

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Dang, I should have harassed a friend who made it to GenCon! Awesome news! Can't wait to get a copy.


Skatay, the minute either of us gets a copy, you're running it.  We found a nice quiet park over by Artichoke.


Looking forward to it.
AKA Jeff Zahari


(In my best shill voice)

So, Ron, I'm wondering: what changes have you introduced to the game or the text to make it better? If I already owned the original edition, what additions would I be getting if I bought this new edition?
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown

Ron Edwards

I don't even know where to start. It's a completely new book, re-written and re-organized from scratch. The rules will be familiar to you, but with absolutely crucial changes, specifications, and instructions.

This is my only dedicated teaching text for Story Now play. It explains everything and uses lots of diagrams for things that have, to my knowledge, never been addressed in an RPG text before. You know my range of knowledge regarding the hobby, and I can say confidently that this statement is not hyperbole.

Regarding the product as an object, the cover art is the same. I used a lot of the old art but have included many new pieces as well.

Overall, I don't enjoy describing or advertising my work very much, despite the obvious marketing benefit. I'd rather let someone who bought the book carry on from here.

Best, Ron


And I'm certainly interested in hearing more!

A Story Now teaching text.... That's definitely intriguing to me.
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown


Yay!  Trollbabe print!  All Hail Tha!

That said... Ron finally writes a Story Now teaching text and chooses Trollbabe to do it with.  Ron, you make the *weirdest* publishing decisions.

But I think that weirdness drills down into the designs themselves which is what I enjoy about them.  Trollbabe, alas remains the only Adept Press game I haven't played (well S/lay w/ Me too but that just came out).  Maybe with print book in hand I'll have an easier time inspiring people.



Quotehat said... Ron finally writes a Story Now teaching text and chooses Trollbabe to do it with.  Ron, you make the *weirdest* publishing decisions.

Makes perfect sense to me. Um, though now I'm having a hard time articulating why. Some of it has to do with the fact that Trollbabe was designed to be Vanilla Narrativism. Between that and a relatively simple system (though not a shallow system!), it makes for an easy introduction to this approach to roleplaying.

Actually, I was realizing that I have a daughter who is interested in roleplaying. I'm wondering if Trollbabe would be a good game to try with her. (Her brothers are also interested, but, you know, not long term interested at this point.)
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown


AKA Jeff Zahari

Arturo G.

I was really expecting this.

Trollbabe was the first game that put me on the way to really understand some things about game design and narrativism. But I discovered it much later.


I cannot wait to get my hands on this one.

And at the same time, I am kicking myself for not asking my buddy/proxy on the Gen Con floor to pick up a copy for me along with Misery Bubblegum and RPGirl.

Now I will just have to be patient.