You Asked for it and now You've Got it! ;)

Started by Stregheria, September 01, 2010, 09:55:21 PM

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Some people have suggested I post in the actual play section here to talk about my game but I've taken the idea a stage further. I decided to try and organise a group of people to run a PBP game for me to showcase my rules. Jon over at Fanasy Chapters has decided he'd like to run the game and he's recruiting players as I type. Those of you that wanted to see actual play examples of my game can go a step further now and actually play it! :)

All players will receive free .pdfs of the rules. Jon is looking for new members for his excellent PBP site, so why not join the Stregoneria game over there and do himself and myself a favour?
Stregoneria RPG

Eero Tuovinen

Do by all means write back here when the game's gathered some steam. I'm sure there'll be interest in seeing how it runs.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Gregor Hutton

Hi Andy (?)

C'mon, I know you're wanting to market your game and get eyeballs looking at it, but please could you just post, like, an actual example of play? I came rushing in here thinking "at last" and it's bait and switch.

Anyway, that's by the by. You have me wanting to see some AP.  And it doesn't need to be one of those awful write ups of fiction that bear no relation to what actually happened at the table (in fact, definitely don't do that). And it doesn't need to be a long or involved detail of a session.

Just a cool moment or part of a session where the game rules did just what you wanted. Whatever that is! Please, pretty please with a cherry on top?

And then we can talk about it and you can show me why I should care about your game (aside from the shared taste we have in historical art).


The final playtest for the game will be a gruelling affair. I'm setting up a relay situation in which single players, a different one each evening, five evenings a week for two weeks will take a turn at playing the same party of three characters that will be carried over from session to session. If my sanity is still intact after that, I'll post an excerpt here. If I don't post an escerpt here, then you know I'm probably rocking back and forth in the foetal position in the corner of my bedroom! ;D
Stregoneria RPG

Eero Tuovinen

Gregor's query inspires me to ask - have you actually played this game yourself? I mean, you seem sort of reluctant to talk about actual play for some reason. This is a strange question, but I think I've seen some roleplaying game products out there that were never played by their designers before publication, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.

That playtest seems pretty insane to me as well, I have to say. Hopefully you'll get something useful out of it, especially when you have such a strict deadline for actually publishing the game.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.

Ron Edwards

No more posting here until actual play is discussed.

Best, Ron