[S/lay w/Me] Say it yourself

Started by Bret Gillan, September 08, 2010, 02:42:55 PM

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Bret Gillan

So I know that coming up with your own Who is by the book. Can you also 'say it yourself' to the Where, or Ron do you encourage people to just repeat the locations?

Also, I saw the S/lay w/Me settings thread further down and Ron it seems like you have some very clear ideas about what makes an appropriate Who and an appropriate Where. Is there any chance of getting those thoughts organized and turned into something like a bullet point list? I know that would be super-helpful to me.

Ron Edwards

Hi Bret,

I'm not sure you're interpreting "Say it yourself" correctly. That subtitle means, literally, that the "You" player speaks the words that follow aloud, and nothing else. It doesn't refer to creative input.

The character blurb must be chosen straight from the book's text. It is made more specific and visual by the short sentence or phrase that the "You" player writes.

The location blurb must be chosen straight from the book's text. It is made more specific and visual by the "I" player, during the creation of the Monster and Lover, and also during the two spoken introductory contributions before the Goes begin.

I am not sure if I can verbalize my standards for Who and Where. However, unless you are those two crazy Italian guys, it's unlikely you'll need to write your own.

Best, Ron

Bret Gillan

Ron, at the end of the list of character blurbs it says "Or say it yourself" which both myself and my player interpreted to mean we could come up with our own player blurb. If that's the case I hope you can understand my interpretation.

We may not need our own, but we've played 3 sessions in a week with more to come so it may come to that!

Ron Edwards

Oooopss! You are right. I had forgotten all about that. It is part of the rules to make up your own character blurb. However, regarding locations, you should use the ones listed.

I'll try to see if I can come up with a rubric for how I made up locations. I'm still kind of wondering how or why a pair of people could work through all of them without managing to have anyone stay with a Lover, though ...

Best, Ron


Quote from: Ron Edwards on September 09, 2010, 01:17:04 AMI'll try to see if I can come up with a rubric for how I made up locations.
That would be nice. I was reading through the thread where several folks had posted their location ideas, and you had responded. I started to take some notes on your comments, but a rubric designed by you would be better than my notes!
Marv (Finarvyn)
Sorcerer * Dresden Files RPG * Amber Diceless
Forge Member since 2004
OD&D Player since 1975

Bret Gillan

Ron, my player is anxious to make up her own locations, and I think that has less to do with needing to because there aren't enough locations and more to do with the enjoyment that comes with creating your own. I'll tell her to hold off and use the locations in the book until she can't stand it anymore. It may not end up being necessary at all.