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So Cal GenCon?

Started by mister.ribbit, June 30, 2005, 09:34:34 AM

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Is there going to be a Forge presence at the So Cal GenCon that runs in November or should I be looking to come to the one in Indianapolis to try to meet up with indie rpgers?  Since I'm in San Diego, I plan on going and would even consider running some games (DitV and PTA or something).

Clinton R. Nixon

I went last year and had a Forge booth and I'm not certain it was worth it, to be honest. I'll be attending the Indianapolis one this year.

I can say, with some certainty, that some independent publishers will be at GenCon So Cal, though. Wicked-Dead should always be there, as half of 'em is in the area.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games