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Universe Alice art contest

Started by Ron Edwards, August 13, 2002, 07:42:06 PM

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Ron Edwards


My first post in the new public forum.

Here's my deal: Adept Press will pay (Dr. Evil moment) $50.00 to the artist who delivers the best portrayal of ...

Universe Alice

I don't have the faintest idea what she looks like, or should look like, or what she should be doing, or anything. That's why you're the artist and why there's a contest.

But! No one gets the prize unless I have at least ten contestants. The deadline is September 1st.



Mike Holmes

Well, that's the last time I underestimate Ron. He said he was going to do something like this, and, by golly, he has. I really thought he was joking.

Well, you heard the man! Get crackin'! That's fifty clams American! What are you waiting for?


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