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They HATE me! They REALLY HATE me!

Started by Gordon C. Landis, August 31, 2001, 11:48:00 PM

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Gordon C. Landis

Whoops, editing because I hit the button before I put in my comments.  Anyway, I posted this in response to something over on, and I realized . . . this is my first "complete" (by some definition) game!  Sad, but I felt like sharing it at the Forge . . . so here it is.

"They HATE me! They REALLY HATE me!"
A MRG (Meta-Roleplaying Game) of Genius and Obsession

OGGD (Obsessed Genius Game Designer) Character Creation:

Pick one or more slightly warped Obsessions. Examples - sexual behavior (be specific!), psychological oddities, historical revisionism, cults and conspiricies, religious extremism, etc.

Pick one or more Traits of Genius. Examples -  as Vicious as a Lawyer, Wild-Eyed Madman, Creepily Polite, Table-Obsessed, Determinedly Vindictive, Frighteningly Obliviuos, Logic-Averse, Better than Mere Rules. Pick at least one "psychological" (PSY) Trait and at least one "game descriptive" (GD) Trait.

Pick a Threshold. This is how much Incentive (see Step 4 in Gameplay) you'll need to keep developing your game.


Step 1 - Write your game. The game MUST demonstrate your GD Trait, and can (if you want) demonstrate one (or more) of your PSY Traits. It is usually most effective to only HINT at the PSY traits, and reveal them more
fully in Step 3.

Step 2 - Post your game somewhere public. Try not to call TOO much attention to the fact your game is available - you can gain bonus Incentive (see Step 4) by having OTHERS find your game. Post subtely, to only the  appropriate locations. EXCEPTION: If you have multiple applicable PSY Traits (e.g., Wild-Eyed Madman AND Frothing at the Mouth), you can gain Incentive just by posting long, expeletive-filled "notices" about your game (this is called being NC - Noticeably Crazy).

Step 3 - Track down EVERY reference anyone makes to your game, ever. You have 2 missions: 1) Keep track of every mention that is made of your chosen Obsession(s) and Traits(s). 2) Respond to every mention . . . IN CHARACTER! Here is where the roleplaying potential really kicks in - you can slowly reveal new Traits, confirm existing ones, and etc.

Step 4 - Periodically (monthly recommended), add up the references to your Obsessions and Traits in what OTHERS have written about your game. Add on (4 x the number of UNSOLICITED mentions of your game) you find, or (1 x the number of expletive-filled posts) you made, if you are NC. These are your Incentive Points. As long as this results in a number greater than your Threshold . . . keep working on your game. If you come up short, you can re-adjust your Threshold. Or you might want to consider a new game, and a new set of Obsessions and Traits . . .

That's it - Enjoy!

Back Cover Blub: No GM! No other players!  Just you against the world - with a staggeringly innovataive rule set that you must read to believe! Play it right and YOU could be mentioned in more on-line RPG discussions than d20!

COMING SOON - "You are SCUM!" Using the amazing THM/TRHM rules, this sourcebook lets you play the Righteous and Obsessed 'Netizens (RONs) [Sorry, Mr. Edwards - it just worked out that way, I swear!  Seriously, I'm NOT commenting on Ron Edwards in ANY WAY here.] that hunt out OGGD's and (attempt) to ridicule them. The Feedback System (tm) will
make you look at role playing in a whole new way!

Gordon C. Landis

[ This Message was edited by: Gordon C. Landis on 2001-08-31 18:54 ] (under construction)

Jeffrey Straszheim

You were reading the threads on that new F.A.T.A.L. game weren't you?

Jeffrey Straszheim

Ron Edwards

Naw, this'll never fly, Gordon. It needs to be more realistic.


Creepily Polite
Reads Weird Stuff and Talks About It
Arcane Theorist

Hey! Who said that?!


Definately a unique idea. Put some more thought to it and go from there and ... I dunno...

I like the idea though. I like it alot. I just don't see it as being playable. Keep working on it, I'd like to see what you come up with in the end.

(The Author of this post is too confused to finish)
