The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Site Discussion

7/15/2004 Chris Lekas: Question on Forge etiquette
I had a small question about Forge ettiquette (spelling there is not quite right, but it IS 5 in the morning). I would like to post a larger span of…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Chris Lekas, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes.

7/10/2004 stardog: TRoS movement
I'm interested in discussing TRoS with someone who has played it. How does tactical movement in TRoS stack up against D&D? That was the biggest selling point for me on…
In Site Discussion
Participants: stardog, C. Edwards.

7/6/2004 JamesDJIII: Thanks, Forge
Split from ...was someone somewhere babbling something about the Forge being a bunch of niche navel gazers with no relevance to the hobby at large? I don't get…
In Site Discussion
Participants: JamesDJIII, Andy Kitkowski, MR. Analytical.

7/6/2004 Ron Edwards: Moderator talk & recent thread-lock
Hello, This thread refers to my closing of Playing with strict Karma, and subsequent locking. Michael, that was a sarcastic and vicious reply to my Actual Play thread-closure. It…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, RaconteurX, ErrathofKosh, ethan_greer, Ben Lehman, Bankuei.

6/29/2004 hive: I liiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvveeee...
After taking a two year recovery from a life illness i'm back in action. It's good to see the Forge still in action and in full-swing no less. BTW...does everyone…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hive, greyorm, Matt, Ron Edwards, MarktheAnimator.

6/29/2004 M. J. Young: Congratulations to My Life with Master
Congratulations, Paul, for making the short list on the Diana Jones Award. --M. J. Young
In Site Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, C. Edwards, Paul Czege, Valamir, Andy Kitkowski, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Ron Edwards.

6/29/2004 Piers Brown: 'Most Popular Games' on the Resource Page
So this is entirely trivial, but has anyone noticed that the Most Popular Games section hasn't changed in, oh, I don't know, a couple of years? Not that I'm blaming…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Piers Brown, greyorm.

6/29/2004 cognizantchance: Player-driven Moderation
OK, this is probably going to get me in trouble here too, but I do think it's interesting enough to mention. So there's an enormous thread over at in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: cognizantchance, MR. Analytical, Ron Edwards, Balbinus, greyorm, Henri.

6/25/2004 jdrakeh: Oddly...
I just posted a thread relating to this in a different light over at RPGnet. See, I haven't witnessed any more negativity at The Forge over the last few years…
In Site Discussion
Participants: jdrakeh, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Mark Johnson, Walt Freitag, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, Clay, Valamir, C. Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, ADGBoss, Balbinus, Marco, greyorm, MR. Analytical.

6/24/2004 Noon: Glossary and narr essay showing up wierd for me
The forge glossary and the nar essay are showing up as a bunch of junk characters to me right now. I looked at some other articles and they come up…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Noon, Rob Carriere, xiombarg.

6/18/2004 Lxndr: Subscribe to Forum?
You can be notified when a reply is posted to a given thread... but is there a way to do a similar thing for a whole forum? "Notify me whenever…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Lxndr, Dev.

6/15/2004 hix: How do I ... do stuff?
Hi, I have a couple of coding questions that I couldn’t finding answers to by searching. I’d appreciate any help. 1) When I quote someone, how do I make the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hix, Christopher Weeks, jrs, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Rob Carriere.

6/14/2004 Eero Tuovinen: Moderating question (split from Bad Taste)
[quote="Doctor Xero"] As to how I would deal with those postings which I find offensive . . . Well, I'll ask this to Ron Edwards or Clinton R. Nixon (or…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Doctor Xero.

6/4/2004 KingstonC: Board game question
Hi, I've just written an educational board game (I'm a student teacher), and I would like to get some feedback on it. I know that the forge is not the…
In Site Discussion
Participants: KingstonC, ethan_greer.

6/3/2004 ethan_greer: "alot" is a disease
I've been noticing it more and more lately around here, and every time I do, it makes me want to stab my eyes. I feel certain that this grammatical lassitude…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Ben Lehman, pete_darby, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards.

6/1/2004 Moah: What forum to use for...
Hi, I'd like to know what forum to use to "update" (ie tweak significantly) a game? I saw the indie game forum had specific warning against these threads, so I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Moah, Ron Edwards.

5/27/2004 Dev: Sell Me on ______! (don't we want these threads?)
There were moderationesqe issues here. Basically, the "Sell me on ..." and "What game should I play for ..." threads are frowned upon, or have a hard time fitting in.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Dev, Ron Edwards, Doyce, Andy Kitkowski, xiombarg, pete_darby, Paul Czege, Michael S. Miller, Bankuei, sirogit, daMoose_Neo, talysman, bcook1971.

5/20/2004 kwill: other site discussion: GO archives accessible
hi, today I stumbled into the new GO message board, where it looks like the archives of old posts have been restored... the uri is not permanent, it seems…
In Site Discussion
Participants: kwill, M. J. Young.

5/20/2004 matthijs: Consultation service?
As a newbie designer, there's one thing I've really wanted to see. It's a consultation service where I can send in a game, and one or more people will hack…
In Site Discussion
Participants: matthijs, Mark Johnson, Ron Edwards, Roy, xiombarg.

5/19/2004 lumpley: It Could Be Worse
Cranky post by me: I remember a time, maybe a year and a half ago, when new people would come to the Forge, post in Indie Game Design, and ...…
In Site Discussion
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Andrew Norris, John Kim, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Brad Renfro, ethan_greer, Andrew Morris, Mike Holmes, M. J. Young, GMSkarka.

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In Site Discussion

Hi. It's me. I've been looking for Clinton for a while and he's dodging me. :) I'd like to put the ENEMY GODS PDF up on the Bookshelf. Can anybody…
In Site Discussion
Participants: John Wick, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/26/2004 Vaxalon: Jargon
As some of you may be aware, I joined up here recently and started doing my best to contribute... and while I find the theory discussions mildly interesting, I have…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, timfire, Christopher Weeks, Matt, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Valamir, Mark Johnson, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, Jaik, Rob Carriere, xiombarg, ADGBoss.

7/27/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: The Forge Bookshelf and problems
I'm posting this here because I've gotten several e-mails recently about the Forge Bookshelf. Recently, the database that powers the Bookshelf crashed and all data was lost. My last backup,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, montag, clehrich, Thunder_God, Nathan P..

7/27/2004 Insect King: Disappearing Post...
Hey there, Moderating persons. I posted a new topic earlier today about an OGL-based rpg I was having to rewrite, and thus was asking for advice. It seems to have…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Insect King, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Alan.

8/1/2004 IdentityCrisis: lack of CRPG topics
New here. I'm very impressed with the forums, there seems to be an incredible amount of thought and work on RPG theory consolidated here. However, I note that it mostly…
In Site Discussion
Participants: IdentityCrisis, Vaxalon, Jasper, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, Andrew Martin, ADGBoss, timfire, Mike Holmes, M. J. Young.

8/6/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Marking/Linking to a Particular Post: Shortcuts?
I find that this is often the case: I want to link to a particular POST by another person (rather than an entire thread), in a way that will take…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, ScottM.

8/9/2004 ADGBoss: The Games formerly Known as RPG's...
Well a thread in RPG theory, this one, ended with as I read it: where do we go from here? That is a very good question. It is also…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ADGBoss, ErrathofKosh, Andrew Morris, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, Inner Circle Inc, M. J. Young, Eric J..

8/10/2004 Darcy Burgess: Hunting for someone (two someones, actually!)
I'm really not sure if this is the right forum to post to, but it seems to be the best fit. Harlequin & Bob Richter! Kindly check your private Forge…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Valamir, Blankshield.

8/17/2004 Valamir: Paging Gordon Landis
Does anyone have Gordon's phone number? He has not responded to PMs or Email. He is supposed to be at GenCon in the Forge Booth but I can't get in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Gordon C. Landis.

8/18/2004 Person: Future Actual Play?
Hey there, Peter here. First-time poster, short-time reader. I've got a question about a question. Specifically, where on the Forge (if anywhere) should questions about actual play hypotheticals be put?…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Person, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2004 ethan_greer: Long? So What?
I'm noticing lots of people are tacking "long" on the end of their subject lines when they post something that is more than a couple paragraphs. Personally, I think everyone…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ethan_greer, Marco, timfire, Joshua Tompkins, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Andrew Martin, Vaxalon, Blankshield, Noon, clehrich, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes.

8/26/2004 WyldKarde: Growth on the Forge
I was wondering, what happens when someone comes to the forge and their ideas and such metamorphose into a small indie game shop (with more than one person implementing multiple…
In Site Discussion
Participants: WyldKarde, Ron Edwards.

8/31/2004 KorbanDream: My first Post (Original?)
Greetings to all and sundry... First an apology for placing this here but I couldn't find anywhere more suitable? Please could you correct me if I am off the mark…
In Site Discussion
Participants: KorbanDream, Ron Edwards, Vaxalon, Andrew Martin.

9/1/2004 asdfff: Guideline question
Are we allowed to talk about card game design and "selected from-library game component games" rules theory? Like discuss the rules of different CGs, especially the new ones--Call of Cthulhu,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: asdfff, Ron Edwards.

9/1/2004 Kurosawa: Forge Bookshelf Problems
Sorry to make my first real post one about a problem, but it appears that I no longer have an account at the bookshelf. Since I purchased Paladin and Octane,…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Kurosawa, Ron Edwards.

9/2/2004 Doyce: Bookshelf errors?
Just logged into the Forge bookshelf... well, I tried to, that is. The system didn't recognize my username, nor did it think my email belonged to any ongoing user. I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards.

9/9/2004 Jonathan Walton: Disappointed with the Forge (re: White Wolf)
Over the past few days there have been a series of threads offering thoughts on the new World of Darkness and, more often, White Wolf's business model and "real goals"…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Matt Snyder, Ben Lehman, greyorm, Doug Ruff, Bankuei, Andrew Morris, eyebeams, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, Noon.

9/17/2004 Silmenume: Explore novel ideas rather than rush to dismiss question
This is an issue that invite all the Forge-posters to contribute. This issue pertains to my experiences on the GNS boards, so I am uncertain how it would relate to…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, greedo1379, M. J. Young, Valamir, komradebob, TonyLB, ffilz, Ron Edwards, ErrathofKosh, xiombarg, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, clehrich, Jonathan Walton, daMoose_Neo, Sean, bcook1971, Marco.

9/23/2004 ozental: Dedication...
I just wanted to post a quick note to say how impressed I am with the dedication of some posters here. It's good to see a forum with people that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: ozental, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Adorame.

9/23/2004 hyphz: Cut-down versions of games on Bookshelf
Hi, I recently noticed that "Run Robot Red" has been added to the Forge bookshelf, and went to look at the accompanying web site. However, I found that the Bookshelf…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hyphz, Clinton R. Nixon, John Wick.

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