The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

3/20/2010 Darcy Burgess: Hyperlinking within a Document - Help!
Hi, I'm hunting for some hyperlinking help, and I'd like to discuss it over here. Once I've found my solution, I'll pop back in and update this thread. Thanks, Darcy
In Publishing
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

3/17/2010 preludetotheend: Would you rather go to one big con or a bunch of little con's?
So pretty much just like the subject says; would you prefer to have a booth at one big gaming convention or go to say 4-5 smaller ones. I am thinking…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Malcolm, David Artman, jasonm.

3/15/2010 Eero Tuovinen: Asian printers and who knows anything about them
I have some vague memory of one or two people around here having tried out Chinese printers for their rpg products. I have a non-rpg hardcover book in the pipeline,…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, hix, Gregor Hutton.

3/10/2010 Silver_Dragoon: New indie RPG company
I am very pleased to announce that Spellbook Games is now open for business, ready to supply a variety of interesting and useful aids for the classic games-master, and memorable…
In Publishing
Participants: Silver_Dragoon, preludetotheend.

3/10/2010 Emily Care: Hardcover recommendations
I'm looking for information on sources of hardcover printing for a game book, other than Lulu. Have you used a different printer? What was the quality like? Cost? Customer service?…
In Publishing
Participants: Emily Care, Simon C, Gregor Hutton, Malcolm.

2/26/2010 greyorm: [ORX] Creative Commons Release Question
You may have heard that I have been working on a stripped-down version of ORX, which I am very shortly planning on releasing into the commons. However, I haven't decided…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, pells, Eero Tuovinen, preludetotheend, JoyWriter.

2/26/2010 Aus_Specs: Opinions of Designers on Copying Mechanics from other RPGs
Greetings, I am a law student at the University of Chicago, working on a paper to study Intellectual Property ("IP") norms within the RPG industry. Specifically, I'm curious why there…
In Publishing
Participants: Aus_Specs, Luke, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, HeTeleports.

2/25/2010 noahtrammell: Tell me about lulu
So, I'm developing a game and even though it is a loooong way in the future, I'm looking ahead to publishing.  Lulu looks easy and stress-free.  I'm not looking to…
In Publishing
Participants: noahtrammell, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, jasonm, Vulpinoid.

2/18/2010 Filip Luszczyk: Controlling PDF Accessibility
Is there a way to display PDF files online without making it possible to save the file itself? That is, impossible without resorting to some m4d h4ck1ng sk1llz, obviously... The…
In Publishing
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, greyorm, Jasper Flick, Mike Sugarbaker, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

2/17/2010 pells: [Avalanche] - Goodies, there should be a way I could use those ?!?
First, let's start with the purpose of this thread, shall we ? - Introduce you to our new illustrator and partner (read associate as in art director), Greg Taylor. -…
In Publishing
Participants: pells, Eero Tuovinen, Luke.

1/22/2010 Frank Tarcikowski: So BARBAREN! will be in English, but not self-published
Hi there, Those of you who have been following BARBAREN! might be interested that it's finally going to be published in Engish (the German version was released in October). We…
In Publishing
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Tim C Koppang, Emily Care, KeithBVaughn.

1/13/2010 Eero Tuovinen: A quick question about the Indie RPG Bookshelf
I'm finally laying out my World of Near in pdf form, and at this point it seems that the pdf file will be somewhat too large for distribution as a…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Eliarhiman6, Ben Lehman.

1/12/2010 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] trepidations about illustrations
I want the 1st edition of Rustbelt to have illustrations. I don't have the money to pay an artist -- I mean, AT ALL. My budget for this project is…
In Publishing
Participants: Marshall Burns, preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, C. Edwards, JoyWriter, Jasper Flick, Charlie Gilb, Paul Czege, Tim C Koppang, Noon, Filip Luszczyk, Luke, davidberg.

1/9/2010 drkrash: Embedding of Fonts in PDF
I've tried to find an answer by searching the forum, but I didn't quite find it. I have a font that I want to use for headings in my PDF. …
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, trick, David Artman.

1/9/2010 LandonSuffered: ISBN Price Question
Why do ISBNs have different prices depending on where you buy them? Lulu (YourISBN)  $99.98 $125 CreateSpace $0?? Is there some sort of different quality of ISBN you're getting…
In Publishing
Participants: LandonSuffered, guildofblades.

12/25/2009 noahtrammell: Licenses and other pesky stuff
  So I'm considering using FATE for a game.  Could anyone give me a quick explanation of how the OGL works?  Are there any quirks I should be aware of …
In Publishing
Participants: noahtrammell, Dan Maruschak, Ron Edwards.

12/21/2009 MatrixGamer: Color Printing question - for Ryan at GOB
You said that you have printers that don't need varnish after printing. Can you tell me more about them? What sizes do they print? What is the quality? How much…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, fernando.

12/21/2009 Seamus: Microsoft Word: Problem with tracking changes
I just encountered a very strange problem with tracking changes on microsoft word, maybe someone here knows what the source is. My editor sent me back an edited manuscript (no…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman.

12/19/2009 Seamus: movie and tv references
I know this subject has been addressed before. But I am working on the final edits of our next book and wanted to get some peoples' thoughts on the subject…
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Ken, Jasper Flick, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Troy_Costisick.

12/7/2009 Seamus: Reviews
Any advice on seeking reviewers. I want to get more reviews of our game, but am concerned about sending it to people who may not be objective.
In Publishing
Participants: Seamus, Eero Tuovinen, Jasper Flick, Luke.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

4/11/2010 pells: [Avalanche] - Seeking advices on alpha and beta testing
I do have some ideas, but I need some advices. Current situation and roadmap Avalanche has been a work in progress for almost nine years now. This is the first…
In Publishing
Participants: pells.

4/11/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather RPG] Things You Gotta Do Before Printing
In 11 weeks, HfL is going to be launched but I haven't even spoken to a printers yet. What the fuck do I do now? Where do I start? Using…
In Publishing
Participants: Sebastian, Tomas, Ron Edwards, Gryffudd.

4/14/2010 ConBarba: Your game in other language/market
Hello ConBarba is a new RPG Spanish publishing house. Right now we´re in the early stage of acquiring rights of different games. This is a question for the authors and…
In Publishing
Participants: ConBarba, Eero Tuovinen.

4/14/2010 MegaMinis: Free 2D Paper Minis for Indy game designers
    We are now offering single PDF sheets of 2D paper minis from our line. If you want to incorporate them into your game design you have our permission. …
In Publishing
Participants: MegaMinis, Ron Edwards, preludetotheend.

4/21/2010 MatrixGamer: Musing about the future: 3D Printers
I was just looking at an article on a commercial 3D printer from HP. It will retail for $17,000 (so impossible for individuals now) but the cost will come down.…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, The Magus.

5/1/2010 preludetotheend: Actual on demand screen printing resource.
I just wanted to give those who would like to use merchandise to support their game a heads up about a new service. <a target="_blank" href="">Get On-Demand Screen Printing</a>. I…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend.

5/12/2010 mogunus: Collectively Owned Game Store Seeks Indie RPG's of Note
Hello! I volunteer at my local collectively-owned, volunteer run game store (no, really, here's our website: and I'm trying to put together a section of print copies of some…
In Publishing
Participants: mogunus, lumpley, Paul Czege, Noclue, SaintandSinner, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2010 wickerman: Wrote an RPG game book... now what?
I kept tinkering with RPG ideas from time to time, and my wife encouraged me to get it down in a Word file, and from there I just kept writing,…
In Publishing
Participants: wickerman, Noclue, Simon C, Eero Tuovinen.

5/14/2010 Pelgrane: Supplying PDFs to Retailers
Inspired by Fred Hicks, I've established a program which allows retailers to give PDFs to their customers, both of existing products and at the pre-order stage. Technically, it's very easy…
In Publishing
Participants: Pelgrane, Ron Edwards, jasonm, Jason Pitre.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Publishing forum - please read here first
This forum is for a wide variety of discussions about publishing role-playing games. The topics can be how-to, or what-you-have-done, or how-does-it-work, or what-about-this, or just about anything. The only…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/19/2010 Ben: Starting a Biz, but more than a little lost
It has been a long time since my last post, I glad the Forge is still up and going.  Can't believe it has taken me this long to remember you…
In Publishing
Participants: Ben, Eero Tuovinen, Teppich, Nathan P., Noclue, preludetotheend.

6/27/2010 Dietro: card editor
Because I'm very much used to cards (in Collectible Card Games and Board Games), as opposed to paper, I was in the middle of making a card-based RPG system. I've…
In Publishing
Participants: Dietro, Ben, Airafice.

7/11/2010 Tomas: Copyright resources (split)
i'm about to release my own game in a few weeks time and what someone from a business registering company told me was that if you don't register yourself as…
In Publishing
Participants: Tomas, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P..

7/13/2010 Tomas: Business Plan Help.
a kind forum member has taken the time to offer me advice and suggested i start a thread here for my business plan. i'll summarise it here and any help…
In Publishing
Participants: Tomas, preludetotheend, Noon, Eero Tuovinen.

7/15/2010 Marshall Burns: What's all this ISBN business?
Rustbelt inches ever closer to publication, and I've got me a question: what's the deal with ISBN numbers? What are they for? Where do they come from? Why/when should I…
In Publishing
Participants: Marshall Burns, jrs, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P., Sebastian, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2010 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] So this is my plan
The Rustbelt first edition has been a zero-budget project. This is due to the fact that I'm poor (although hopefully the game will help with that, or at least keep…
In Publishing
Participants: Marshall Burns, Dan Maruschak, Noon.

7/17/2010 Sage: Continued Sales.
This topic is mostly aimed at those members who've actually had experience of selling games of their own. I'm shortly going to have finished writing my own rpg and am…
In Publishing
Participants: Sage, Malcolm, guildofblades.

7/17/2010 Ben: "...Prime the ol Marketing Pump" How does that work?
Something GuildofBlades said in a post on the Continued Sales thread (and as quoted above) got me wondering.  How does one create 'buzz' for ones books?  Where does one advertise? …
In Publishing
Participants: Ben, Malcolm, guildofblades, Noon.

7/19/2010 Sebastian: Tearaway Pads & Folios -> Whacha call'em?
Did you ever buy any of those character sheet pads in the old days so you didn't have to go to the photocopier everyday? Like a 20 leaf pad of…
In Publishing
Participants: Sebastian, PJK.

7/22/2010 Tayr_an-Naar: When is it stealing?
Howdy all, I have a question, and in case it wasn't evident by my post count, this is my first question.  So I'm not really !00% sure this is the…
In Publishing
Participants: Tayr_an-Naar, Noon, Miskatonic, guildofblades, Marshall Burns, Gryffudd, Lance D. Allen, Chris_Chinn.

more subsequent topics >>