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In Actual Play

9/29/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Spandex Soap-opera
So I had the first session of my face-to-face Capes campaign last night. Some good stuff and some bad stuff. The good stuff: Once characters were created, they quickly lined…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf.

9/29/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Getting whooped but good
Played Capes over IRC again on monday. I've posted a transcript again, mostly because it's easy. Fun, unexpected session. Our heroes got trounced. Seriously, it is hard to describe the…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Noon.

9/28/2004 Tim Mahan: First Sorcerer session - I should have known better.
A few months ago I ran a one-shot game of Sorcerer with the gaming club at my old college. Actually, I attempted to run a one-shot game but fell quite…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Mahan, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Bankuei, Ravien, Adorame, Paganini.

9/28/2004 hanschristianandersen: [DitV] "Goin' to war? On a Sunday???"
DitV turns out to be quite the crowd-pleaser. The Big Thing that everyone latched onto was the ability to win a conflict without raising a hand against your opponent. Most…
In Actual Play
Participants: hanschristianandersen, Doyce, lumpley, Vaxalon, Jonathan Walton.

9/27/2004 hyphz: Abuse of the need to have fun
We've been playing D&D (hey, I don't pick 'em) on and off a bit now with several different DMs, but we've just switched back to the DM who was originally…
In Actual Play
Participants: hyphz, greyorm, Clinton R. Nixon, Marco, clehrich, John Kim, Noon, jdagna, Precious Villain, beingfrank, DannyK, StalkingBlue, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, S'mon, Vaxalon, NN.

9/27/2004 John Kim: [My Life With Master] Roszakabad
OK, I recently played the second and final session of a MLWM game. The Master was Dr. Charlus, French/German physician and natural philosopher. He runs a sanitorium in this remote…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Paul Czege, Valamir.

9/24/2004 Paka: [Monkeywrench] Solo Space Monkey
Today I ran a 4th grader on my maiden run of Zak Arnston's Monkeywrench. On Friday the kids are allowed to bring in their Gameboys. A gaggle of usually imaginative,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Bob Goat, Noon, Zak Arntson.

9/24/2004 Paka: So now I work in an elementary school after-school program
I am working part-time in an elementary after-school program with kindergartners through fifth graders. There are a few fifth grade boys who do what they call playing D&D. Essentially, this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Walt Freitag, abzu, RobNJ, Noon, eef, Manicrack, StalkingBlue, greyorm, Sean, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, komradebob, WhiteRat, ErrathofKosh, Ron Edwards, ffilz.

9/22/2004 lumpley: [kpfs] I was Rude to my Customers (graphic)
The conversation about safewords reminded me of this story. Here's some safeword-relevant context: I've run like a million demos of kill puppies for satan. What I do when I run…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, inthisstyle, ErrathofKosh, clehrich, Rob MacDougall, beingfrank, Ron Edwards, abzu, Noon.

9/22/2004 Jere: [Age of Paranoia] Moving to 1974
For my Age of Paranoia game (see here and here and here) we’ve recently jumped ahead in time 3 years from May 1971 to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jere.

9/22/2004 Lisa Padol: MLWM First Session: Are We Doing This Right?
Apologies if this ought to be on the MLWM forum -- I didn't want to cross post, and it seemed closest to Actual Play. My Life With Master Attempt, First…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, timfire, Doyce, Sydney Freedberg, Erik Hanson, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

9/21/2004 inthisstyle: [Fading Suns d10] Smell the Dysfunction
The game was a White Wolf rules (d10 dice pools) Fading Suns game. I had been asked to sit in by the running GM, mostly because he knew his group…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Ron Edwards, DannyK, greedo1379, Madeline, Marco, Roger, contracycle.

9/21/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] "Outrun the pain"
Greatest in-character line (by far, IMHO) of a very satisfying game of IRC Capes last night. Anyone who is convinced that giving players narrative authority will lead to them favoring…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf.

9/21/2004 hanschristianandersen: [The Pool] A very satisfying first attempt.
(This is my "First attempt at The Pool post". There are many like it, but this one is mine.) A few months ago, I was back in California visiting with…
In Actual Play
Participants: hanschristianandersen, Paganini, Ron Edwards, Paka, Caynreth.

9/20/2004 ErrathofKosh: [Star Wars] The Day my Style Changed....
My reason for posting this session of play is that I am curious to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. So here goes... The Players Brian, Dave,…
In Actual Play
Participants: ErrathofKosh, bcook1971.

9/20/2004 Tobias: [YGAD/Universalis] Actual play causes YGAD delay... :)
Yesterday we played a game of Universalis as an intermezzo between normal YGAD sessions. The reason: we were getting a new player (K), and we wanted to 'level' the playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias, Valamir.

9/19/2004 jdagna: In search of a satisfying ending...
There's a general issue here as well as some actual play, so I'll start with the play example first. My regular group has been taking a break from Pax Draconis…
In Actual Play
Participants: jdagna, komradebob, Ron Edwards.

9/18/2004 matthijs: [Improvised game] Drug kids on the moon
Improvised game run at Arcon This is written from memory, which in my case means it’s full of great big holes and errors. Still... Gaute, Haakon and I have a…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, HOT, Noon.

9/18/2004 ffilz: [Fudge] why I am reluctant to be a player
Sugar and spice, I thought I'd relate a bad gaming experience also. One of my players invited our gaming group to a Fudge playtest session with here room mates. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, clehrich, jdagna, Ron Edwards, Marco.

9/17/2004 ffilz: [RuneQuest] a demo session
Earlier this summer I ran a RuneQuest demo session for two of my players to give them the opportunity to weigh in on their interest. I felt this session went…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

10/2/2004 ejh: [Nine Worlds] The Jovian Candidate
Maxwell Chime was a menial functionary in an industrial nation on Earth, who was on the verge of being Enlightened by Prometheus, when Somebody kidnapped him. That Somebody brainwashed him…
In Actual Play
Participants: ejh, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards.

10/3/2004 Coleslaw: My First Pool Session (Warning: Very, very long)
Hello, everyone. I finally got a bunch of my friends to try The Pool with me. After telling everyone a little about the game and having everyone read the very…
In Actual Play
Participants: Coleslaw.

10/3/2004 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] 1st day in July 4 week of play.
Hullo – I have been posting here at the Forge for about a year. After much strenuous encouragement I have decided to post a portion of a play session. I’m…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Walt Freitag, joshua neff, clehrich, ErrathofKosh, hanschristianandersen, Ben Lehman, LordSmerf, ffilz.

10/3/2004 TonyLB: Earliest I've ever had conflict in a game
Danny's running a short game set in the Stargate: SG-1 universe, a month from now. He's recruited me and a bunch of the folks who play in another game I…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Ravien, Matt Wilson, clehrich, hanschristianandersen, Noon, Alan.

10/3/2004 lumpley: Primetime Adventures: Epidemonology
Cyrus Dunn is walking among corpses. We see his shoes in black and white. As he steps between the corpses they're black and white too - except that on every…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Matt Wilson, Nazzi, LordSmerf, Ben Lehman, John Harper, nikola, Valamir, Emily Care, Paul Czege, hanschristianandersen, Meguey, dunlaing.

10/4/2004 mindwanders: Establishing social contract from invite onwards
After my last attempt at a campaign had some social contract issues, I started looking at possible ways to establish the social contract with people as early as possible. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: mindwanders, Ron Edwards, clehrich, ffilz, Jere, jdagna, aganauton.

10/5/2004 pfischer: [DitV] Three Dogs in Three Mills
I shouted out an offer to run a DitV game to my local area, which is basically a group of roleplayers playing at public places every Saturday and a group…
In Actual Play
Participants: pfischer, mindwanders, lumpley.

10/5/2004 Vaxalon: [Nobilis] "So, did everyone have fun?"
One of the basic mechanics of Nobilis is that at the end of every play session, the Familia (associated PC's) get a Dynasty Point (or DP, generic do-anything divine energy)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Scripty, DannyK, suffusionofyellow, Shreyas Sampat.

10/6/2004 Noon: Player pitching the GM some nar?
This is a Rifts PBEM game but I don't believe the Rifts mechanics contributed to this. (Look for "You must also decide the fate of your captor." down the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Ron Edwards.

10/6/2004 Tony Irwin: Shoujo Story: Actual Play
[i][b]Background[/b] [url=]Shoujo Story[/url] is a playing card based roleplaying game centred on the world of shoujo manga and anime. The game's influences include [url=]Universalis[/url] for Gm responsibilties flowing back and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tony Irwin, TonyLB.

10/6/2004 jeffd: Shooting Stars 10/2/04: successful play!
I've posted about this game before, mainly about the dysfunction I've encountered in it. Namely here and then again here Briefly: Shooting Stars is an RPG premised around a sci-fi…
In Actual Play
Participants: jeffd.

10/6/2004 scidhuv: RPG World Online
Hey all, just thought I would quickly mention an RPG game I have played a lot recently - its free to play, its made in Visual Basic. Graphics are 2d,…
In Actual Play
Participants: scidhuv, Vaxalon, Ron Edwards.

10/7/2004 Thelenius: [Universalis] Introductory game
I recently hosted a introductory game of Universalis in order to get people in our University role playing club to know the game and find players who would be interested…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thelenius, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

10/7/2004 ffilz: Marathon Play
Over in this thread LordSmurf asked about others experiences with marathon play. My most vidid marathon play example was back in college in a Cold Iron (home brew system…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, C. Edwards, TonyLB, b_bankhead, Rob Carriere, nellist, Marco, jdagna, ErrathofKosh, bcook1971, beingfrank.

10/8/2004 stingray20166: [Sorcerer] First Session -- unnamed as yet
Finally got to try Sorcerer! I've been trying to set this game up since March and various issues kept interfering. In a way this was good because it gave me…
In Actual Play
Participants: stingray20166, Yokiboy, Ron Edwards.

10/8/2004 Marco: My character wouldn't do that!
Once upon a time we all made fantasy characters. I made a paladin. This guy had (it was Fantasy Hero) a powerful forcefield (so he could be all cool in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marco, TonyLB, jdagna, Eero Tuovinen, Lee Short, ffilz, Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

10/8/2004 LordSmerf: [Capes] Rough Justice #4 - Unmasked!
For those who have been following our adventure in Rough Justice, the most recent (and final) session can be found here (In Character) and here (Out of Character). One interesting…
In Actual Play
Participants: LordSmerf.

10/9/2004 bluegargantua: [DitV] One-on-One Session
Hi, So I had a Friday night free and decided to play me some Dogs. Only my friend Lucas was free. So we just did a one-on-one session. So here's…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Rob MacDougall.

10/10/2004 Technocrat13: [DitV] First session tomorrow morning
Hiya all. I've just gotten finished working out the basics of my first town for Dogs, and I'd love it if I could get any feedback before our first session…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, lumpley, Meguey, humis.

9/25/2004 greyorm: [Code of Unaris] More about chat as medium
[quote="GaryTP"]From what I've found, most diehard tabletoppers tend to think of chat as a loose form of roleplay that they'll only touch if all other game choices are unavailable. Mostly,…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, GaryTP.

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