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In Actual Play

5/26/2005 neonathan: Hi
I'm new here. I just wanted to say hello to everyone! _________________ Free Paid Surveys
In Actual Play
Participants: neonathan.

5/26/2005 Kesher: [Polaris playtest] My god, it's full of stars... [LONG]
Polaris, session one In the interests of time, I'm going to post this in a couple of installments. This first will be our setup and the first two scenes we…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kesher, Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, Miskatonic, Emily Care, the duck.

5/25/2005 BrennaLaRosa: Forum games and GM/Mods
A few weeks ago, I got talked into running a Sentai diceless game on a Forum. Don't ask how; let's just say it was a deal with the Devil. My…
In Actual Play
Participants: BrennaLaRosa, Valamir, sirogit, Simon Kamber, Danny_K, Mike Holmes.

5/24/2005 jessizzle08: anyone wanna role play?
what kind of role play, im up for any options
In Actual Play
Participants: jessizzle08, Leningrad, Silmenume.

5/24/2005 jessizzle08: what is this?
is this an actual role play site, if so, what kind of role play od u want to do?
In Actual Play
Participants: jessizzle08, daMoose_Neo.

5/24/2005 Andrew Morris: [Breaking the Ice] Disney romance and one hot stripper
This weekend, I played Emily Care's playtest version of Breaking the Ice. Something about the game captured my attention in Emily's Actual Play post, but I couldn't identify exactly what…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, Brand_Robins, Ben Lehman, Emily Care.

5/23/2005 jburneko: Audience/Author Duality of RPGs. Can it impact theme?
Hello Again, Something very very interesting is happening in my current 7th Sea game. The game is a sequal to a game we played over a year ago. Some of…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Sydney Freedberg, xenopulse, Andrew Morris, Frank T.

5/23/2005 jburneko: Is taking responsibility for your character really so hard?
My weekend group is now four or five sessions into a 7th Sea game. This game is a sequal to a game we played a year ago. Some of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Danny_K, Valamir, Sean, TonyLB, Alan, John Kim, Lee Short, bcook1971, James Holloway, Noon, Brand_Robins, Heraldic Game Design, Eric J., hyphz, Mike Holmes, Itse, Wolfen, komradebob, S'mon, Mandacaru.

5/23/2005 TonyLB: The inevitable appropriateness of your character
In (Accept/Reject) x (Text/Meaning) I was eventually convinced that there is something to just plain enjoying your character (absent any other drive). Way back in game design and psychology Emily…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, xenopulse, Bankuei, Madeline, Frank T, contracycle, Sydney Freedberg, Gordon C. Landis, beingfrank, Noon.

5/23/2005 Ron Edwards: [Primetime Adventures] The Heel
Hello, PTA does it again, this time for our regular group which includes me, Tod, Julie, Maura, and Tim (that's Mountain Witch Tim). As you might expect from a pack…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, jrs, Maura Byrne, Valamir, timfire, Sydney Freedberg.

5/22/2005 Paka: One Day in Mu's Bed
We had our third Get Your Geek On-a-thon here in Ithaca, in a continuing effort to cross-pollinate our gaming groups and just game together apart from our weekly cliques. Some…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, TonyLB, Bret Gillan, Ron Edwards.

5/19/2005 Kesher: [T&T] A crowd of teenagers & way too many leprechaun
[u]PHASE ONE[/u] Two weeks ago I had a miserable experience trying to make DnD characters with some students of mine who were interested in gaming. Part of the problem with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kesher, Ron Edwards, Sean, Zachary The First, Hearthweru, Miskatonic, Noon.

5/19/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] I threw a tantrum and nobody minded!
We just had a session that (in my opinion, anyway) hugely rocked... and yet, the thing that sticks with me is that I got to throw a tantrum in character,…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg, Grover.

5/19/2005 Jason Petrasko: [Delphian Tides] Second Playtest
I've released a full 111 page preview edition of Delphian Tides on RPGnow. Since I'd not yet run the sample scenario provided in the book, I printed off a copy…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason Petrasko, John Burdick.

5/17/2005 Zachary The First: [The Imp Game] Playtest and Review
This is a brief synopsis of a playtest I ran for Neo Production's The Imp Game--Mischief & Mayhem. I should add before I go any further, I also did a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zachary The First, daMoose_Neo.

5/17/2005 Frank T: On immersion, fascination, and precious moments (long)
I am posting this to actual play because it is my personal view on immersion, and on the question what makes a session special and legendary. Maybe it can spin…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Mike Holmes, jdagna, Mikko Lehtinen, nilsderondeau, Ron Edwards, epweissengruber, Vaxalon, apparition13.

5/16/2005 WonderLlama: [Rervoir Dogs] First playtest
This game is described in the Design forum. I don't know how to link to it, but it is in the topic Mexican Stand Off. Keep in mind, I…
In Actual Play
Participants: WonderLlama, Andrew Morris, Mike Holmes.

5/16/2005 Gaerik: [D&D 3.5] Kids in the game.
I ran my D&D 3.5 Forgotten Realms campaign this weekend. This is the second session since we brought in two very young players, Caitlin (9 year old girl) and Sean…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gaerik, ffilz, droog, Valamir, contracycle, Noon, Stickman, Zachary The First, matthijs, komradebob, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

5/16/2005 Paka: Burning Wheel: The King in Gray
We got together to play BW and one of the players just wasn't grokkin' it. The chunkiness of the system, the density of the rule-book, the two different books, everything…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, bcook1971, Thor Olavsrud.

5/15/2005 TonyLB: [InSpectres] Am I doing this right?
We ran three missions of InSpectres last night, and had a lot of fun with it. We investigated the haunting of television station WHGL by the ghost of Annabelle the…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Jared A. Sorensen.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

5/27/2005 epweissengruber: [Elfs] Director Stance Not Disturbing If System Supports It
My new Indie RPG Group had an impromptu runthrough of Elfs. The challenge was to play it with only 1 player. It seemed as if there would be no chance…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Ron Edwards, Alan.

5/27/2005 Simon Kamber: [DitV]Fall Valley Branch
I ran Fall Valley for the same group that played through West Cotton Fields Branch. The town had been altered to fit in line with the themes from last time:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon Kamber, lumpley, Ul.

5/28/2005 droog: Boys do Trollbabe
My HQ players haven't been showing up, so I've been taking other indie games along. So, of course, three out of five turned up last night, and me without the…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, Ron Edwards.

5/30/2005 Paka: [Burning Wheel] The One Bang Heist
The weekly Burning Wheel group got together this week. It was quite different from the Grief-laden Elven court succession game last week. This one was called Blood on the Cobblestones,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Tobias, abzu.

5/30/2005 Frank T: [PtA] Jesus, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll
I played this game of Primetime Adventures last weekend on NordCon, the biggest RPG convention in Northern Germany. I had held a workshop by the name of "Does it have…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Matt Wilson, oliof.

5/30/2005 Technocrat13: [DitV] The pacifist was shot
Well, we revisited Silent River last night and had a blast. A few different issues with the game came up that I'd like to share with everyone. First, the good…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, lumpley.

5/30/2005 Wolfen: DitV: The reason I roleplay
So okay, we've got something interesting going on with our Dogs group. We've currently got 6 players altogether, though one of them is gone for a while to Tech School…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, bcook1971, Frank T.

5/31/2005 hix: Changeling via TSoY ... rocks!
This is one of those "I had a great time" Actual Play threads. We’re playing a Changeling game set in Wellington using The Shadow of Yesterday. This is our third…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Clinton R. Nixon, petrova.

5/31/2005 Victor Gijsbers: [MLwM] My Life as Adolf
Last weekend, I went to a meeting of the Dutch/Flemish RPG-forum Mandragon. I led a game of My Life with Master for four people, none of whom had ever played…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Remko, Tobias, Jeroen, Rimke, Borogove, Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

6/1/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] This session just keeps getting cooler
A gaming report in three sections: Mechanics and Story interlaced, followed by Integration (wherein I realize, only as I continue to fit pieces together in my mind, how cool the…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB.

6/1/2005 KingstonC: [TSoY] Fox Bridge, or "I was a sexist GM"
This is my second time playing TSoY. The first two sessions we ran through "rat moon rising". The PC's were revolutionaries who rescued a regement of imperial troups lost in…
In Actual Play
Participants: KingstonC.

6/2/2005 Harlequin: [Polaris] Captains Courageous - Chargen
We finally got all schedule conflicts resolved, and started our playtest of Polaris last night. Paricipants include myself (Eric Finley), James Brown ('blankshield' here), my wife Star Newman, and philosophy/law…
In Actual Play
Participants: Harlequin, Ben Lehman, Christopher Weeks, Miskatonic.

6/3/2005 Karl: [DitV] Death in Rose Valley
Hiya My first post on the Forge, but I've been lurking for a year or so. Me, droog, Vu and Michael. Pick-up game at the club droog's been posting play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Karl, droog.

6/3/2005 Ron Edwards: [Trollbabe] Turk & Helga - and Deb
So, Ralph came by for a visit last weekend, and we got in some Trollbabe with me as GM, and Ralph and Maura as the 'babes. A friend of mine…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, Miskatonic, Maura Byrne, Mike Holmes.

6/4/2005 Noon: [Rifts PBEM] Not feeling authorised
Game background: I don't know the players in real life, but I've been playing with them for a long time. I've been running this game for almost as long as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, TonyLB.

6/4/2005 Jasper Polane: [PtA] Nevermore
Our group has been playing Primetime Adventures for the past few weeks. The show is called Nevermore, and it's a 1920's horror/mystery show, set in a small harbor town. Think…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper Polane, TonyLB, Danny_K, Frank T.

6/5/2005 James Holloway: [DitV] Dogs at Stevecon!
I ran my first game of Dogs today at SteveCon in London. I thought it went pretty well. Neither I or any of the players had played the game before,…
In Actual Play
Participants: James Holloway, GB Steve.

6/5/2005 Allan: [Sweet Dreams] Convention demo (long post)
What a great idea! I wish I'd been posting Actual Play threads years ago when I was running and playing in Sweet Dreams playtests twice a week. These days, as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Allan, TonyLB, Noon, FarFromUnique.

6/6/2005 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] Duels and Destiny or Bang it works
A little while ago I had an . . . interesting . . . yeah that’s it . . . an interesting game of Burning Wheel. I've been meaning to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, abzu, Yokiboy.

6/7/2005 FarFromUnique: [Sweet Dreams] Gaming Expiriment
Starting at the next meeting of the group I run a game at, i plan to "wipe the slate clean" as it were, and have everyone make characters as a…
In Actual Play
Participants: FarFromUnique, Allan, Alan, Valamir, Ben Morgan, Andrew Norris, contracycle.

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