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In Actual Play

6/30/2005 Frank T: [Breaking the Ice] 3rd session: Sunset after all
This was the final session of our IRC BtI game. Have a look at first and second session. As we forced it toward the end, we got a little more…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Andrew Morris, Emily Care.

6/29/2005 Chris Geisel: [d20 Fantasy] Bangs don't always stop the Railroad
I ran the first of a two-shot d20 Fantasy game last night with a new group, and whipped up some Bangs. But to my dismay, my long habit of Force…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Geisel, WhiteRat, Andrew Morris, Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Norris, Valamir, abzu, Mister Six, Gaerik, Brand_Robins, Noon, StalkingBlue, Thor Olavsrud, Mike Holmes, Warren, S'mon, contracycle, Silmenume, Ron Edwards.

6/28/2005 Masada: [AD&D to D&D 3.5] A great 10 years of gaming
After poking around in this forum, I felt like sharing by experiences with my favorite game group, some ideas why this group worked so well and a 'where are we…
In Actual Play
Participants: Masada, Sean.

6/28/2005 ptevis: [DitV] Why did it work?
I ran Dogs in the Vineyard for first time yesterday, and the unanimous decision was that it rocked on toast. I'm trying to figure out why. Players We had six…
In Actual Play
Participants: ptevis, sirogit, lumpley.

6/27/2005 loki's wrangling: [FATE]Involuntary invocation as a railroading tool?
Hi, I've started a new campaign in a generic fantasy world using Fate(one opening session played so far, plus a bluebook session), and I'm struggling a bit with involuntary invocation…
In Actual Play
Participants: loki's wrangling, Landon Darkwood, Andrew Norris, Neil, demiurgeastaroth, iago, xenopulse.

6/27/2005 Bret Gillan: Homecoming, Forming a Gaming Group, and Sorcerer
Hey folks. I'm moving back to my hometown, and this last weekend I touched base with some old gaming buddies that I've kept in touch with and still live in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, Paul Czege.

6/27/2005 Allan: [Sweet Dreams] Math Anxiety
Finally had a chance for a full Sweet Dreams session, with friends and experienced players, using custom characters. It's the first time I've played it outside of a convention demo…
In Actual Play
Participants: Allan, spheniscidae, Noon.

6/22/2005 Anonyma: Kids in the game (split)
It might help to point out that sean is could be playing a "knight in shining armor" type character. I don't know if sean will be receptive to that, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anonyma, Heraldic Game Design, Ron Edwards.

6/25/2005 Everspinner: SRTeens does Andrew´s Little RPG
Our group and background have briefly been described in the thread where we tried out Universalis for the first time. This time we had four players present, or three players…
In Actual Play
Participants: Everspinner, Gaerik, Tube.

6/24/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [DitV] Cotton Creek
This post is a description of a town. I'll post the play report in a day or two. Cotton Creek This town was meant to be heavily based on Dust…
In Actual Play
Participants: demiurgeastaroth.

6/24/2005 Tiffanee: AVFA Adventure Game
Hello my name is Tiffanee and I'm 17. Just thought I might jump in here and share some gaming stories with you. My first gaming experience was pretty damn interesting.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tiffanee.

6/23/2005 Frank T: [Breaking the Ice] 2nd session: NDW and a funeral
So yesterday was our second session of BtI (first one see here). We played another four scenes, so we were even slower than last time since we didn’t have to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Miskatonic, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Emily Care.

6/22/2005 TonyLB: [Misery Bubblegum] We were terrible, terrible people
Shawn de Arment and I tested the extremely, extremely broken alpha Misery Bubblegum system last weekend. I wanted to get the rules fixed up before risking anyone looking at them…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, hix, Miskatonic, Shawn De Arment, sirogit, Technocrat13, jasonm, Allan.

6/22/2005 Frank T: Freeform and Fortune?
Has anybody ever used Fortune (as in: rolling dice somewhere along IIEE) in freeform gaming? Would that even be freeform any more? Here is the related story: Two friends of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Sydney Freedberg, Adam Dray, Miskatonic, Lee Short, TonyLB, xenopulse, Rob Carriere, Mike Holmes, Silmenume, komradebob.

6/21/2005 deadpanbob: Sorcerer & Sword: Queensland*
We played a marathon session of Sorcerer & Sword this last Saturday, and it was a blast! The original game prep started here, and was continued here. Feel…
In Actual Play
Participants: deadpanbob, hix, Mister Six, Uncle Vlad.

6/20/2005 Bob Goat: [Burning Wheel] Duel of Half-Wits
So this Saturday we finally got around to playing Burning Wheel Revised, and the only mechanical thing that occured was the Duel of Wits, which I got to participate in.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat, abzu, O. Rodriguez, Yokiboy.

6/19/2005 bcook1971: [Story Steps] WWII Campaign - I of III
I just completed the first session of a campaign playtest of my RPG, Story Steps. After I ran a one-shot with my now defunct meetup group, I decided to fuse…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971.

6/17/2005 Adam Dray: [Verge] Secrets of the New Gods (designer playtest)
Over Memorial Day weekend, I ran the first developer playtest of Verge, my cyberpunk role-playing game. Verge is designed to facilitate Narrative play through its Drive mechanics and its reward…
In Actual Play
Participants: Adam Dray.

6/17/2005 sirogit: [DITV] Blood, Guns and Breasts
Here's the rundown of my most recent DITV game: The players are: Me, playing Ezri, the intensly passionate guy. My brother Chris, the GM. Our friend Jeri, playing Omar, who…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit.

6/16/2005 Everspinner: [Universalis] First go
Ok, our first game of Universalis. It was our first Forge game as well, unless Puppetland counts? The Group: We have a group of seven players which has stuck together…
In Actual Play
Participants: Everspinner, hix.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

7/5/2005 jasonm: [Breaking the Ice] Return of the N00b
It's funny, I guess my wife isn't really a n00b any more, now that she's played both D&D and a cool indie game. I had a good time playing Breaking…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Emily Care.

7/5/2005 Adam Dray: [Verge] AdamCon play test
This was my second playtest of my Verge RPG. In brief, Verge needs lots more work. I was frustrated that it wasn't doing any of the things it was supposed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Adam Dray, Andy Kitkowski.

7/6/2005 Sean: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Sulfur Junction, Part I
OK, I've got a lot to say about this game, and it won't all get said in this post. There's a particular issue I want to get to right away,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sean, Solamasa, Uzzah, lumpley, George, Valamir.

7/6/2005 Paka: [Otherkind] Gaming with the Guys
Anthony e-mailed me a month or more ago, saying that he was hurting for some gaming, heard I was gaming regularly and wondered why we never gamed together. I responded…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, rafial, Ron Edwards.

7/6/2005 Technocrat13: [Origins 2005] Pirates, Zombies, and Rats. What a weekend.
Lisa and I managed to squeeze the time and money to go to Origins for Wednesday thru Saturday. Unfortunately we had to drive back home on Sunday and missed out…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, Marhault, Mike Holmes, abzu.

7/7/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Supers CCG] Beatdown! Playtest matches galore
Ahkay, just got done running several matches with my co-designer on the project and here are the results! (See this thread for background) Mutant vs. Techie: 2 to 2 Mutant…
In Actual Play
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games.

7/7/2005 Bankuei: [MLWM] Prep for the Clockwork Nightmare
Hi everyone, I'm prepping for a short run with MLWM. We haven't had a chance to all sit down collectively (bad, bad) but will be doing so next week. Sadly…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bankuei.

7/7/2005 xenopulse: Setting and Player Hints
This is a little revelation I had after our recent discussions here about Setting and how it relates to actual play. In my AD&D group, the GM (along with the…
In Actual Play
Participants: xenopulse, TonyLB.

7/7/2005 John Kim: Harnies play Dogs in the Vineyard
(Note: I don't have a big question here with this play report, but since a lot of people around here are interested in DitV, I thought I'd post it. I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim.

7/7/2005 John Kim: Harnies play Dogs in the Vineyard
(Note: I don't have a big question here with this play report, but since a lot of people around here are interested in DitV, I thought I'd post it. I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, Ian Charvill, Albert of Feh, Paul Czege, Sean.

7/8/2005 Lxndr: [Fastlane] Thems That Kill Supers
This past Saturday was the first of several sessions I'm to be running of Fastlane. Before the game started, I pulled out Lunch Money and Beer Money, mixed 'em up,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lxndr, Wolfen.

7/8/2005 Tobias: [DitV] King's Perch
In the lumpley forum you will find a writeup of King's Perch - my self-made town. Yesterday evening I played it with 3 players, only one of which I'd seen…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tobias, Remko, Victor Gijsbers, Rimke, coffeestain, Warren, demiurgeastaroth, Wolfen, lumpley.

7/8/2005 Henri: [Burnign Wheel] - Arcanum
Yesterday I started a new campaign of Burning Wheel using the setting of the computer game Arcanum, an anachronistic fantasy steam punk game. I've been interested in Burning Wheel for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Henri, Tobias, abzu, bcook1971.

7/9/2005 Victor Gijsbers: On rape in roleplaying games
[b]Introduction[/b] As is briefly related in [url=]this thread[/url], I recently had a very uncomfortable moment when the character I played was in the verge of being raped. I spoke out…
In Actual Play
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, Wolfen, Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei, TonyLB, Trevis Martin, Tobias, Jeroen, Ron Edwards, Sean, Asen G, StalkingBlue, Brand_Robins, Noon, cruciel, S'mon, contracycle, LandonSuffered, TheTris.

7/10/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [The Shadow of Yesterday] Eating the Black
This post is part Actual Play and part True Confessions. So, I don't play the games I write. There it is. I play them before-hand, sure. I mean, I playtest,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, bcook1971, Sean, Victor Gijsbers.

7/11/2005 loki's wrangling: [FATE]Intrinsic Extras and what I learned of them
I feel so stupid about this... I think I totally messed up with the intrinsic extra that one of the characters in my ongoing Fate campaign has. It looked good…
In Actual Play
Participants: loki's wrangling, Lord_Steelhand, Andrew Norris, Old_Scratch, Gaerik, Ron Edwards, Sean, Noon, Mike Holmes, iago, Rob Donoghue, lokis wrangling, joepub.

7/11/2005 Ron Edwards: [Primetime Adventures] The Heel, episode 3
Hello, The story of Kimmy/Malevola continues! See The Heel and The Heel, episode 2. Follow-up for Episode #2 Looking back over the second thread, I realized…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs, Ben Lehman, Maura Byrne, John Harper, Matt Wilson, Alan, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen.

7/12/2005 James_Nostack: [TSOY] The Mini-Campaign of Mologn
This is an Actual Play thread from the player's point of view, and it covers maybe six game sessions set in the World of Near. Characters and a few logs…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Vaxalon.

7/12/2005 abzu: Disempowerment/Overempowerment
[url=] That Would Never Happen! [/url] This is a tremendously interesting thread on On the surface, it appears to be yet another bitch session full of anecdotal evidence. But…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Rob Carriere, Bankuei, Marco.

7/12/2005 Wednesday: Solo Game of Mythic
This is an account of a solo game of mythic I played this evening over a period of one and a half hours. Preperation time included stealing some weapon stats…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wednesday.

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