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In Actual Play

7/22/2005 PlotDevice: CoC Dreamlands: Failed Game
Players: Characters (can't remember the names very well, so including 'hook' and character descriptions) Myself: Game Master Michael: Loner with affinity for cats. Wayne: Scholar with strong social skills Michelle:…
In Actual Play
Participants: PlotDevice.

7/21/2005 BeZurKur: Why Did It Not Work?
Trying to wrap my head around the ideas behind the Creative Agenda, I decided to come to these boards and discuss actual play.  I’m thinking specifically about a past game…
In Actual Play
Participants: BeZurKur, TonyLB, Thor Olavsrud, Ron Edwards, StalkingBlue, Andrew Norris.

7/20/2005 RobNJ: Ganakagok at DexCon 8 Actual Play
This thread jumps off from my DexCon 8 Actual Play thread.  Please also see my Capes thread for my long-winded, hand-wringing disclaimer.  Here I'm going to write about my experience…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Bill_White.

7/20/2005 RobNJ: Capes Demo at DexCon 8
Okay, so as promised on my DexCon 8 Actual Play thread, I'm going to try to tackle each of the games I played at DexCon more in depth.  I had…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Paka, TonyLB, dyjoots, Technocrat13, Sydney Freedberg, elgorade, Stickman, Valamir, abzu, Doug Ruff, matthijs.

7/20/2005 Andrew Morris: [Ganakagok] Best gaming experience at DexCon
While I'd love to go into the execution of the new rules, I can't really recall anything in particular that stood out, other than the removal of the village phase.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, Bill_White, Rob Donoghue, Adam Dray, Ben Lehman, Shawn De Arment.

7/20/2005 Joe Dizzy: [PtA] Badge or another tale of woe and frustration (long)
This is a write-up of our first sesson of 'Badge', a cop-drama set in New York and chronicling the exploits of the Organised Crime Division New York in battling the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Joe Dizzy, TonyLB, Matt Wilson, Andrew Norris, Frank T, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Alan, John Harper.

7/20/2005 Technocrat13: [FH8] Bronze Age Lizardfolk and the Gods of the Dream World.
I had a very specific idea in mind before we sat down for what the setting and conflicts would be like.  FH8, true to it's design, injected so much collaboration…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, Sydney Freedberg, xenopulse, jasonm, Ron Edwards, Paideuma.

7/20/2005 Travis Brown: Campaign planning, plot out vs outline
So I wanted to see what other people's take is on this concept, especially people who are regular GM's for games. I have been running a game session with a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Travis Brown, TonyLB, Noon, Justin Marx, Jake Richmond, Ron Edwards.

7/20/2005 bcook1971: [TSOY] One-shot Session
I had an interesting time tonight, running a TSOY one-shot for the Dallas-Plano Chapter of DFW Roleplayers. I've got it scheduled to run for the Tarrant County Chapter next THU,…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards.

7/19/2005 ewilen: Clarifying Sim vs. Vanilla Nar
This is another post related to my thread over in the GNS forum about identifying GNS modes, here. Bankuei had expressed a distaste for "non-directed Sim". That raises the question…
In Actual Play
Participants: ewilen, Ian Charvill.

7/19/2005 Andrew Morris: [In Nomine] Trailblazing ain't so much fun after bass playing
After getting used to what is referred to as "bass playing" in terms of GM style, I found it pretty difficult to get back into more "traditional" styles. I used…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, Technocrat13, TonyLB, Paka, JSDiamond, Ian Charvill.

7/18/2005 RobNJ: DexCon 8 Actual Play thread
Herewith I will present what I intend to be brief passes at each of the games I played at DexCon 8. Thursday: Capes:  My very first gaming experience of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Paka, Michael S. Miller, Bill_White.

7/18/2005 johnmarron: [PTA] Problems pointing conflicts at issues (long)
     Last Friday my group played the pilot session of our first game of PTA.  My question involves coming up with conflicts to address the protagonists’ issues, but I’ll…
In Actual Play
Participants: johnmarron, ashmoo, Sydney Freedberg, Jasper Polane, Alan, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson.

7/17/2005 droog: Help me analyse this game
I’ve been playing in a game of d20Star Wars for a couple of months now. I’d like to offer it up for analysis in order to advance my own understanding.…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, demiurgeastaroth, Silmenume, GB Steve, Miskatonic, Lord_Steelhand, Jaik, Adam Dray, WhiteRat, Frank T, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Travis Brown.

7/13/2005 ewilen: Highs and Lows from an old campaign
Over in a thread I started about distinguishing GNS modes, Ron suggested I post some actual play experiences. (Original thread here) By way of introduction, I've been gaming off and…
In Actual Play
Participants: ewilen, TonyLB, bcook1971, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2005 jaw6: Pool/Donjon Hybrid for D&Ders ?
Not sure where to put this… Short-but-intense-time lurker, first-time poster… etc. And I do tend to ramble. I'm new at this Narrativist thing - actually, I think I've always been…
In Actual Play
Participants: jaw6, ashmoo.

7/12/2005 Wednesday: Solo Game of Mythic
This is an account of a solo game of mythic I played this evening over a period of one and a half hours. Preperation time included stealing some weapon stats…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wednesday.

7/12/2005 abzu: Disempowerment/Overempowerment
[url=] That Would Never Happen! [/url] This is a tremendously interesting thread on On the surface, it appears to be yet another bitch session full of anecdotal evidence. But…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Rob Carriere, Bankuei, Marco.

7/12/2005 James_Nostack: [TSOY] The Mini-Campaign of Mologn
This is an Actual Play thread from the player's point of view, and it covers maybe six game sessions set in the World of Near. Characters and a few logs…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Vaxalon.

7/11/2005 Ron Edwards: [Primetime Adventures] The Heel, episode 3
Hello, The story of Kimmy/Malevola continues! See The Heel and The Heel, episode 2. Follow-up for Episode #2 Looking back over the second thread, I realized…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs, Ben Lehman, Maura Byrne, John Harper, Matt Wilson, Alan, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

7/23/2005 SlurpeeMoney: Too Much Plot Goin' Round
A couple of days ago, I had a chance to step down from the Comfy Chair and strap on my adventure boots; one of my regular players wanted to run…
In Actual Play
Participants: SlurpeeMoney, Vaxalon, Noon, John Kim, Ron Edwards.

7/23/2005 Everspinner: [Balance of Power] Second SRTeens playtest session
[b]Context[/b] We played SRTeens again with the revised BoP rules. The SRTeens background, an earlier session and the link to Balance of Power rules can be found in an [url=]earlier…
In Actual Play
Participants: Everspinner, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, Tube, Julle.

7/25/2005 Frank T: Narrativist games and "winning"?
In one of my recent Breaking the Ice playtest reports, Tony wrote: It sounds like you're saying that the game would be a failure if these two people decided that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, Alan, Vaxalon, lumpley, Noon.

7/26/2005 Old_Scratch: [Inspectres] Salem Mass Branch Open
Sunday night was the Grand Opening of the Salem Massachusetts Inspectre’s Branch. It was an ordeal to get the players together, but after months of board games and missed sessions,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Old_Scratch, ScottM, Nathan P., Trevis Martin, Mark Woodhouse, Sacha.

7/27/2005 jburneko: [Capes] Most Revealing Game I've Played To Date
Hello, I've been playing Capes with my weeknight group.  We've had four sessions.  In the past I've tried to respect my fellow players' internet anonymity by only using their first…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, TonyLB, Noon.

7/28/2005 Lisa Padol: DexCon PTA Game
This is appearing in Alarums & Excursions #360, the 30th AEnniversay issue. My apologies for any inaccuracies or misspellings -- if folks who were there tell me what I got…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Andrew Morris, RobNJ, Shawn De Arment, Paka.

7/28/2005 Lisa Padol: DexCon MLWM Game
This write up is appearing in A&E #360, the 30th AEnniversary issue. My apologies for any inaccuracies and misspellings -- if folks who were there let me know what they…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Andrew Morris, GB Steve, Michael S. Miller, John Kim, Eero Tuovinen.

7/28/2005 Lisa Padol: DexCon Everway Game
This is appearing in Alarums & Excursions #360, the 30th AEnniversay issue. My apologies for any inaccuracies or misspellings -- if folks who were there tell me what I got…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Nev the Deranged, daMoose_Neo, Michael S. Miller, Kat Miller, mneme.

7/28/2005 Andrew Norris: i kill puppies for oberon
(Apparently someone ran kpfs at an AmberCon; the game was called Nine Losers in Akron. That's not what this post is about, but it amuses me immensely) The Actual Play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Norris, GB Steve, Miskatonic, MichaelCurry.

7/28/2005 Jack Aidley: [Feng Shui] Finding stuff out by asking
Last night I ran the second session of a Feng Shui game. It's mostly been a blast - helped a lot, I think, by getting a forth player involved -…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Aidley, Nathan P., Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, brainwipe.

7/29/2005 Nev the Deranged: NPA Character Records, courtesy of Dave
I threw together some character sheets for Pretender a while back, which I'd like to offer for general use, but they won't post here via cut and paste. Anybody got…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Andy Kitkowski, Trevis Martin, Matt.

7/29/2005 Nathan P.: [Carry] Good playtest, mediocre play
So my group just finished a playtest session of Carry, my Iron Game Chef 2005 entry. You can download a PDF of it here, if you want. It's about 15…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Mark Woodhouse, Doug Ruff, Valamir.

7/29/2005 Simon Marks: [System Override - LARP] Problems with Instances of play.
So, here are the problems behind me posting an instance of play for an (I hesitate to use the word game) event I helped run earlier this year. They are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon Marks.

7/29/2005 Vaxalon: Incoherency from word one? As a matter of fact, no.
Last week, some buddies of mine on IRC recruited me to run a DnD campaign for them.  Since my ongoing IRC DnD campaign had just broken up, I agreed. We…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon, Bankuei, Ron Edwards.

7/29/2005 Jasper: Trials of the Grail: WWII
Last night my summer game group started prepping for a Trials of the Grail game. In the last couple of months we've played Dogs in the Vineyard, Pantheon, and a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper, Bob Goat, Ethos.

7/30/2005 Noon: Anxiety and recognition of narrativism [long]
For a long time, years in fact, I've been trying to work out how to have better games. It's started with thinking about players who didn't feel like coming along…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Mark Woodhouse, David Bapst, contracycle, matthijs, Frank T.

7/30/2005 Nev the Deranged: Pretender Actual Play: Peculiar People
So. Just finished GMing my first session of Pretender. The players: Myself as GM Cat, playing Gaia Manning, acting Spirit of Gaia (as per Pier Xanthony's Incarnations of Immortality)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

7/31/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Imp] Pick-up game, Werewolves on Pot
Out of the blue, I ended up running a session of the Imp Game for a few pals I haven't gamed with in YEARS- last time we gamed was a…
In Actual Play
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

8/1/2005 abzu: [Dogs] Red Creek Runs Red
Look at me, joining the hip crowd and posting an AP for a Dogs in the Vineyard game. I figure it's worth it for two reasons. First, I so rarely…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, lin swimmer, Victor Gijsbers, Valamir, lumpley, b_bankhead, Sydney Freedberg, Thor Olavsrud, TonyLB, Da_Killah, inthisstyle, Eero Tuovinen, rafial, Miskatonic, jason-x, mtiru, Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo, Andrew Norris, cruciel, demiurgeastaroth, James Holloway, GB Steve, Ron Edwards.

8/1/2005 Negilent: [Solar] Tales of the Gnostic Avenger, Sci Fi pilot and a curve ball.
[i]This is an Actual Play post. I just need to clear something from my mind first.[/i] It’s been a while. I once promised a post about a Battered Player Recovery…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent.

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