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In Actual Play

9/16/2005 RobNJ: [Burning Wheel] Bangs and NPCs for my first game
MY PLAYERS--PLEASE DO NOT READ. So here are my notes for the first session of Burning Carnival, The Don and the Dame.  Criticism and critique are welcome. Situation: The local…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Paka, Chris Geisel, WhiteRat.

9/16/2005 JamesDJIII: [Donjon] IRC, fifth session - we're rockin' now
Played the fith session last night on in #indie-rpgs. You can read the session IRC log at and follow the links to the Files section. I must say,…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, James_Nostack, Miskatonic, Vaxalon, greyorm.

9/15/2005 demiurgeastaroth: [The Pool][Questing Beast] Experience
I'm not sure if this is the right place, but the Random Order forum is inactive. I'm running a game of the Pool, with the addition of the Monologue of…
In Actual Play
Participants: demiurgeastaroth.

9/15/2005 Nathan P.: [Timestream] Bricolage In Action
I've been playtesting my materials for the Timestream game I'll be running at Southern Exposure at the end of the month. Todays game was very fun, and provided some examples…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., Arturo G., Joshua BishopRoby, Emily Care, MatrixGamer, Silmenume, Bret Gillan.

9/15/2005 jasonm: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] The Horror in the Museum
We playtested the Shab-al-Hiri Roach last night and it went very well.  The principals were: Joseph Conolly (Tom), Assistant Professor of Geography.  His Enthusiasms were Deception and Manipulation, which Tom…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, IMAGinES.

9/15/2005 Jonathan Hastings: [InSpectres] Second try...
A few weeks ago, I tried to run InSpectres for the second time, using a lot of the advice I got after posting the play report of my first attempt. …
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Hastings, Tim Alexander, Jasper.

9/15/2005 Technocrat13: [Villains of Safinubi] A courier, an engineer, an architect, and the Park.
Terribly exciting. We played our first session of Villains of Safinubi tonight and it went swimmingly.  I think I'd rate it a 7 on a scale of 1-10 for fun-osity. …
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, jasonm.

9/15/2005 thrall: [DitV one-shot] White River Falls
I finally got to pick up Dogs at GenCon Indy, and I still get happy shivers when I think about playing it. I convinced two of my fellow gamers to…
In Actual Play
Participants: thrall, ScottM.

9/15/2005 Artanis: [Paladin 40K] #3: Tzeentch (GNS clash?)
Third session of Paladin in the universe of Warhammer 40K, continued from last session. This time, all five players were present. This is also where we saw the most player…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, GreatWolf.

9/14/2005 Jasper Polane: [Trollbabe] Rabaucke and Ingirid
We played Trollbabe last Monday, and it was fun. I was the GM, Victor and Jop were the players. None of us had previous experience with the game. Jop is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper Polane, Tim Alexander, Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards.

9/14/2005 IMAGinES: [PtA Voice Chat] The Pitch (Unnamed Show)
Hello, all, This is the first thread of Actual Play I’ve ever created, and the first gaming I’ve done in around nine months. Since moving to Cairns, finding other gamers…
In Actual Play
Participants: IMAGinES, Joe Dizzy, ScottM.

9/13/2005 Noon: [online game: Urban Dead] Wanting end game.
Okay, just a short one. I was playing an online game recently called urban dead. It's about zombies and has the rather interesting technique in play that death leads only…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, jasonm, chadu.

9/13/2005 John Kim: Report on Buffy at ConQuest 2005
This was the third Buffy game I had done using roughly the same characters.  I had originally created the series concept (Fifties Slayer reincarnated in modern-day Santa Cruz) and characters…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim.

9/13/2005 John Kim: [DitV] Dogs at ConQuest 2005 Report
Though I've run many games at conventions and played a number of indie games, this was my first time gamemastering a Forge-style indie game at a convention.  It went pretty…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, GB Steve, lumpley, cdr, Emily Care, John Harper.

9/12/2005 Frank T: [KULT] 13 months and 3 sessions at Castle Hessenstein
[b]Session 1, January 2004[/b] Tinka is amazing. She is radiating energy as she plunges, head first, into her first time gamemastering KULT. One of her first times gamemastering at all.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, JasperN., xenopulse.

9/12/2005 bcook1971: [D&D v1.0] Expedition to Barrier Peaks
Alright, I can't stand it anymore. I have to post about last night's session with my regular group. We met at the place where I stay. I invited Kevin to…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Jaycenn.

9/11/2005 Albert of Feh: [Mountain Witch] What a mountain!
I ran my first session of The Mountain Witch tonight, and I'm still feeling really jazzed up from it some two hours later. I was actually really worried about running…
In Actual Play
Participants: Albert of Feh, timfire, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, jasonm, Zaldreon, Technocrat13.

9/11/2005 Gamskee: [Capes!] Future Force
This is my third times with Capes! proper and I have finally gotten a group of people to agree to a weekly game on Thursdays, though this week we interjected…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gamskee, Miskatonic.

9/9/2005 Stickman: [Universalis] First Steps
Last night I got together with my regular group and, as we were a few down, we decided to play a one off. Jack and I had deiscussed playing Capes…
In Actual Play
Participants: Stickman, Jack Aidley, bcook1971, Valamir.

9/9/2005 Blankshield: [PtA]The Belt: Creating the show and Stealth Gaming works.
(This is part of my on-going resolve to be more useful on the forge, instead of just walking away with the goods) This Thursday (as in, about 4 hours ago)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Blankshield, Tim Alexander, Joshua BishopRoby, Bregon, Arturo G..

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

9/16/2005 Emily Care: [Under the Bed-GenCon demo]Fantasy, Fears & fun
Hey there, I been meaning to write this up for a while, but have even more incentive to do so now that J's started his contest.  I got to play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, nikola.

9/16/2005 droog: Planning for Charnel Gods
Hi all I'm starting a new game of Charnel Gods soon, and I have some ideas I'd really like to throw around. The characters are: Sorum - an ancient sorcerer…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, Paka, hardcoremoose, Paul Czege, hix, Chris Geisel.

9/17/2005 gsoylent: [In Spaaace] Ace Reporters!
This is my account of our first In Spaaace game. It may be of interest as it's the report of three people first experience with Forge-like games and ideas (…
In Actual Play
Participants: gsoylent.

9/17/2005 rylen dreskin: [MLWM]My Life in Feudal Japan
‘lo folks Mixed results on my first session of My Life with Master.  I think I might have started things too quick out of the gate, and as a result,…
In Actual Play
Participants: rylen dreskin, ewilen, Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege.

9/18/2005 Wolfen: Rats in the Walls: First playtest notes
Game Available here: Description Available here: So! My first playtest session for Rats in the Walls went off tonight. I think there was a lot of socializing that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, Lxndr, Ron Edwards.

9/18/2005 knicknevin: Giving Feedback
Hi, as a newbie who's volunteered to playtest a game with my weekly RPG group, is there any kind of standardised feedback you use? From my experience of training assessment…
In Actual Play
Participants: knicknevin, Rob Carriere, Wolfen, Dumirik.

9/18/2005 Wade Lahoda: [DitV] First Time Dogs, First Time Dogs GM
So, I've got my copy of Dogs now.  And I'm ready to give it a run through with an assortment of folks I game with on a regular basis -…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wade Lahoda, jasonm, bcook1971, lumpley, John Harper, Blankshield, Nev the Deranged, XAQ.

9/19/2005 Christopher Weeks: [DitV] Two towns and no resolution
So, a few weeks ago I finally, finally ran a game of DitV.  I ran again today.  Each time we were down one player.  This wasn't a problem for the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Miskatonic, TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Mark Woodhouse, Ron Edwards, lumpley.

9/19/2005 David Laurence: [DitV] First game, Good Time Had
So, we played Dogs, and we liked it. First, a bit of background. There were two of us playing, me and my friend Brennan. Both guys, both 30-ish. I haven’t…
In Actual Play
Participants: David Laurence, ScottM.

9/19/2005 WhiteRat: [Ends and Means] King Lothian's Court
[i]Previous threads in this series: its [url=]Debut[/url] in Indie Game Design, the playtest [url=]Werewolves in L.A.[/url] and the [url=]Memorial Day[/url] playtest.[/i] [b]Rochester, New York[/b] -- Last week I visited my…
In Actual Play
Participants: WhiteRat, Graham Walmsley, Andrew Morris, bmgang.

9/19/2005 Malcolm: [Dust Devils] The Hanged Man (sort of)
So, after being intrigued and impressed by Dust Devils at GenCon, I finally got round to running a game of it. The game used the introductory adventure 'The Hanged Man'…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton.

9/19/2005 Malcolm: [a|state] GenCon Demos
Well, it's been a while since GenCon, but as things have been fairly hectic since I got back, I'm only now drawing my thoughts together about the demo experience on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, RobNJ, Ron Edwards, Paka, thelostgm.

9/20/2005 Technocrat13: [DitV] - A frozen town judged by cold-hearted Dogs.
The town of Five Crows is in the middle of a very hard winter.  And many of it's people want comfort in that hard winter despite the steward who wants…
In Actual Play
Participants: Technocrat13, jasonm, Nev the Deranged, Roger Eberhart.

9/20/2005 Thor Olavsrud: [With Great Power...] The Vigiles
I ran the first session of my With Great Power game last Friday (the next session is coming up this Friday), and I'd like to take this opportunity to share…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Paul Czege, Michael S. Miller, Kat Miller.

9/21/2005 Wallwalker: Help me build up a good game
First of all, you've built an excellent site with high quality discussions and articles, two thumbs up. Now, since you seem to be an exceptionally knowledgeable group of people, maybe…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wallwalker, Bankuei, mutex, Pol Jackson, Ron Edwards, Tim Alexander, ffilz, Adam Dray, nikola, Ria, StalkingBlue, Rob Carriere, Noon.

9/21/2005 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] Oanakak's Tale
I tried out the new version of Ganakagok last night with one player, a fellow named Kevin.  He teaches things like feature writing (at the school where my wife is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bill_White, Andrew Morris, jasonm.

9/22/2005 abzu: [PtA] Execution of a Chump
Dro, Thor, Andy, Rich and I got together to play Primetime Adventures tonight. My agenda for the game was explicit: I wanted to play The Wire. Pure and simple. Of…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Ben Lehman, Matt Wilson, John Harper, AndyAction, nikola, demiurgeastaroth, Sydney Freedberg, lin swimmer, Technocrat13, Mike Holmes.

9/22/2005 Jack Aidley: [Feng Shui (partly)] Uninvolved player problems
The Feng game I've been running stuttered to an end last night, and although much of it was fun, I'm feeling increasingly disillusioned with two of the players. Some background…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Aidley, Rob Carriere, Stickman, Noon.

9/22/2005 eruditus: [BW] Demo of The Sword
I ran a demo of the sword at Roundtable Games in Conshohaken, PA.  Check out the blow-by-blow here.
In Actual Play
Participants: eruditus.

9/22/2005 Pol Jackson: [Amber Diceless] Blood Hunt - 09/09/05 Session
[b]Amber: Blood Hunt[/b] [i]09/09/2005 Session [/i] Finally playing Amber again! I just recently re-started my Amber game, after about a year-and-a-half of hiatus. All the players are eager to pick…
In Actual Play
Participants: Pol Jackson, TonyLB, Rob Carriere.

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