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In Actual Play

10/16/2005 Wolfen: Rats in the Walls: second playtest
This weekend was an odd weekend for my gaming group. Due to some compositional changes, my normal games are falling by the wayside, and as it was my turn to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, Ron Edwards, Lxndr.

10/16/2005 jrs: [DitV] The Death of Brother Hiram
[i]Brother Hiram could take care of his own and didn't need help from no one, especially not from these two strange Dogs standing in his house.  He dragged Brother Newton…
In Actual Play
Participants: jrs, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, lumpley.

10/16/2005 Ben Lehman: Under The Bed with Finns
Under the Bed with Finns -- So, on the <a href="">tour that Eero and I did</a>, we played a whole lot of <a href="">Under the Bed</a>.  UTB pretty much our…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben Lehman, mutex, nikola, Eero Tuovinen, Noon.

10/16/2005 Joshua BishopRoby: [Conquer the Horizon] Godfria, Mars
Got to play Conquer the Horizon for a second time last night, and was highly satisfied with the results. Players were: myself (27), my brother (22) and his wife (27),…
In Actual Play
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Mike Holmes, Ice Cream Emperor, Roger.

10/15/2005 Jasper Polane: [Cosmic Combat] First play-test
We did a first play-test of my Ronnies game Cosmic Combat. It was great! The game still needs a lot of work, of course, but I'm happy to know this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper Polane, Graham Walmsley, Spooky Fanboy.

10/14/2005 RobNJ: [DitV] Zarephath, A Town Too Proud For Its Name
So tomorrow night, I'm'a run my first session of Dogs in the Vineyard ever.  Here's the town I came up with, called Zarephath after a creepy little Christian community right…
In Actual Play
Participants: RobNJ, Paka, Bastoche, Spiral Jacobs, Danny_K, lumpley.

10/14/2005 Wormwood: A Faustian Arc, or The Thin Line Between Narrativism and Munckinism [7th Sea]
Bear with me here as this is a portion of a game a ran some time ago, but I believe it presents an interesting case study. Context: The system and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wormwood, Joshua BishopRoby, Andrew Norris, mutex.

10/14/2005 Heraldic Game Design: [PTA] Eat at Joe's - Pilot Episode
[b]Scene One[/b] Space. To the strains of [i]Also Sprach Zarathustra[/i] a large, looming object enters from the top of the screen and blacks out the stars. A thrumming sound swells,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Heraldic Game Design, Mike Holmes.

10/13/2005 Artanis: [Pool Scape] Roleplaying introduction for two new players
Hello all! This afternoon I threw together the Planescape setting (originally for AD&D 2) and the Pool rules, so as to make an introduction to roleplaying for two classmates. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, Mike Holmes, jaw6.

10/13/2005 Chris Geisel: [CoC] and thoughts about the genre
Last night during a very enjoyable (and typical) CoC session, I noticed something about the play that struck me as schizophrenic: the genre requires that characters start out innocent/unsuspecting, until…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris Geisel, lumpley, Jared A. Sorensen, Eric J-D, Artanis, MetalBard, Ice Cream Emperor, Rustin, Ron Edwards, Sean, Rob MacDougall, Noon, carnival.

10/13/2005 mtiru: [Dust Devils] Hanged Man Hang Ups
[b]Premise[/b] This was our first time playing “Dust Devils” together, so we went with the scenario provided in the book called “The Hanged Man.” Players: Ryan Reed (hereafter "Reed"), Jason,…
In Actual Play
Participants: mtiru, Tim Alexander, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder.

10/12/2005 Arturo G.: [Universalis] First experiment: An intro to a pirates story
Hi there! Finally, I managed to get some people to play. I followed (with some degree of success) the procedure described in the thread Topic: The Belt: Creating the show…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arturo G., Jack Aidley, Mike Holmes.

10/11/2005 Jasper the Mimbo: indie flavored DnD. (long)
"we don't have everyone we need for that game, let's start a new game with the people we have here." Normally this isn't a problem, untill the people that weren't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, Andrew Norris, Arturo G., MetalBard, John Kim, TonyPace, Mike Holmes, Adam Dray, Everspinner, Ben Lehman.

10/11/2005 jasonm: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Eating Regina
Eric, Lisa, Steve, Joel and I had a very successful playtest of the Roach last night.  It went well and raised some interesting issues which I'm addressing in the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Hastings, Technocrat13.

10/10/2005 TobiasG: (Gurps) Encouraging Character Development (Destiny)
Hi! This is an interesting site you have created (and this is my first post here, so if it needs to be moved to another forum, please feel free to…
In Actual Play
Participants: TobiasG, WhiteRat, talysman, Alan, Sydney Freedberg, John Burdick, Rob Carriere, jasonm, Andrew Norris.

10/10/2005 hyphz: Rage of the broken ouija board, misery of the slow thinker
Interesting revelation took place recently. One of the players in our group, we noticed, became intensely angry if ever his character was tricked.  He'd always try to hunt down the…
In Actual Play
Participants: hyphz, Dev, Eero Tuovinen, Sydney Freedberg, Noon, Ron Edwards, contracycle, bluegargantua.

10/9/2005 Spacecowboy: (CROE) PvP fun and conspiracy in a nondescript town
Howdy all, I'm Woody                   This is my first time posting on the forge, but from what I have seen, this is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Spacecowboy, Travis Brown, Sydney Freedberg, Jake Richmond.

10/9/2005 TonyPace: [Freeform Play] Streets of the City
[b]Streets of the City[/b] [b]The Game[/b] I’ve been gaming with this group for about a year now. I’ve known one player for a little longer; we gamed together in a…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyPace.

10/9/2005 Eero Tuovinen: [TMW] Practical GM advice and GNS analysis
Seems I don't have anything urgent going right now, so I'll tell you about my TMW experiences from this week. I played two sessions with two different groups. Here's the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, timfire, JC.

10/9/2005 droog: [Nicotine Girls] From A to C and back
I had a really good game tonight, but so unexpected! We have a friend staying with us tonight, lovely woman, completely non-geek, non-roleplaying. My wife was in bed, A was…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, Ron Edwards, Roger.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

10/16/2005 emaise: [Univeralis] Actual Play - The Shadow of the Dragon
Yesterday, a few friends came over and we played Universalis. Well, we had a blast.  Since this was the first time playing for any of us, I had to teach…
In Actual Play
Participants: emaise, Mike Holmes.

10/16/2005 Iskander: [DitV] Green Creek Pass: a Dog's pride and fall (rather long).
I played the first of two Dogs in the Vineyard one-shots yesterday, visiting the unhappy little burg of Green Creek Pass. Since I'm revisiting the town next weekend with another…
In Actual Play
Participants: Iskander, mtiru, jzn, lumpley, Frank T, gains.

10/17/2005 Michael S. Miller: [BW] Burning Pirates--Prep for play
I’m posting this both at the Forge and on the Burning Wheel forums, just to show how I’m preparing for my upcoming Burning Wheel game, as an example of how…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

10/18/2005 Everspinner: [DitV] Lonely Creek and mechanics-created goodness
Hello This was my first time playing and GMing Dogs. The only indie game I have played before was Universalis, and I am looking forward to try out Polaris. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: Everspinner, ScottM.

10/18/2005 inthisstyle: [Capes] Mayhem in the Museum
I went to Ubercon in New Jersey this last weekend to run full-session demos of indie games. Our first real session of play was on Friday night, when another scheduled…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Bret Gillan, dunlaing.

10/19/2005 Andrew Morris: [DitV] Lightbulb moments abound
I ran the first session of  Dogs in the Vineyard this past weekend, and had some interesting moments observing the players. Players Dan -- I've only known him a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, jasonm, mtiru, TonyLB.

10/24/2005 Parsolamew: [PtA} Ohio: 4431
My group has just started getting past the toe-dipping stage of indie gaming, having played a moderate bit of DitV, trading off GM duties and such.  I've been itching to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Parsolamew, James Holloway, Matt Wilson, lumpley, John Harper, pxib, thazdor, Alan, nikola.

10/24/2005 ffilz: [D20 Arcana Evolved] Great game starting to wrap up
I've talked about this game before in: How do I improve my reward cycle{/url] The reward/hero point discussion{/url] Engaging learning disabled players I've also…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, ScottM, MetalBard, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Sean, John Harper.

10/24/2005 Arturo G.: [MLwM] Humiliation: Another way to increase a minion's self-loathing.
In my first session of MLwM I was acting as The Master, an old-family lord in Galicia, the north-west region of Spain, a land of forgotted low-mountain-valleys, rain and myst.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Arturo G., TonyLB, Mike Holmes, Vaxalon.

10/24/2005 Jonathan Hastings: [PTA] Moon Town--pitch and pilot
So, basically, the substance of what I have to say about PTA is: "Wow.  It works." A little more detail. The Players: Me, Nick, and Bryan--see this Actual Play report…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonathan Hastings, John Harper.

10/25/2005 Trevis Martin: Universalis, Entropy and the Fall of the Uniwiki
After a fourth and fifth try, our attempts at playing Universalis by Wiki have come to an anticlimactic end. I think Mike's original idea, way back when we started thinking…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin, ScottM, Valamir, Mike Holmes, nijineko, nilsderondeau, greyorm, Christopher Weeks, CPXB, Noon, Ron Edwards.

10/27/2005 Lamorak33: Reducing drift and spooning out fog
Hi all On monday we played Heroquest, I as GM.  One of my players characters had a spear in his hand, was 20 feet away from a guy he wanted…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Mike Holmes, ADGBoss, Silmenume.

10/28/2005 Eric J.: [D&D] Differing Dynamics
Hey, I've gone a while without roleplaying (a number of months).  See, I've recently moved and started college and now I've found a new group to roleplay with. I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Ron Edwards, JasperN., Halzebier, NN, Andrew Norris, Jeph, Noon, Vaxalon.

10/28/2005 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Beginning Character Creation
Table of contents for this rambly post: 1. Meeting, with notes about food 2. Characters 3. One sheet, third and current draft (with thanks to Jesse, Josh, Julian, Dave, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Trevis Martin, mneme, Ron Edwards.

10/28/2005 James_Nostack: [PTA] Radio Free Kroia!
Welcome to Kroia, economic powerhouse of the Eastern European (or possibly Central Asian) nation of Navistan.  Kroia is a port city known for its shipyards.  In the Summer of 1991,…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Jonathan Hastings, nikola, komradebob, demiurgeastaroth.

10/28/2005 MatrixGamer: The Great Engle Matrix Game Debate: Turn resolution and the art of contradiction
The Great Debate: Turn resolution and the art of contradiction An interesting debate has come up from the latest Play by Email Game – “Zulu.”  The game is based on…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer, komradebob, contracycle.

10/30/2005 Bret Gillan: [Age of Gods] First Ever Session of AoG
Previous thread: First thread - basic concepts Myself and my friends Tom and Jeremy got together to playtest what are currently what I've called my "alpha rules" - rules…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, Joshua BishopRoby.

10/31/2005 Rob Alexander: [Shadowrun] What's wrong here?
I think this is one of these "Please diagnose my problem" threads. I'm a jaded player who's been out of rpgs for a while, and I'm trying to work out:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rob Alexander, Technocrat13, Noon, nikola, mutex, Victor Gijsbers, Lamorak33, TonyPace, John Burdick, Rob Carriere, ffilz, gsoylent, Ron Edwards.

11/1/2005 Rob Alexander: [D&D] Good solid gamism?
Hi all, I'm posting this in response to a request in I'm currently playing in a D&D game and actually enjoying it. Outside of boffer LARP, this is the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rob Alexander, Rob Carriere, ScottM, Bankuei, ffilz, John Harper, Noon, Halzebier, b_bankhead, Gaerik, Simon Marks, Eric J., Mike Holmes, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

11/1/2005 ffilz: My experiences with running Rune Quest
Ok, I was about to post on this subject when Rob Alexander referenced this thread. I am again at a crossroads of trying to decide whether to run Rune Quest…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, CPXB, Christopher Weeks.

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