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In Actual Play

11/19/2005 Rob Alexander: [D&D] Back in the saddle
Okay, as promised here's an AP account for the game I DM'd last Sunday. I apologise for the length but I don't know how to structure it in a less…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rob Alexander, Halzebier, ffilz, Joe Zeutenhorst, Roger, Noon, John Burdick, diadochi, Lamorak33.

11/18/2005 Tim Alexander: [UtB] A Girl named Jo
Hey Folks, So on Tuesday we finished up and Under the Bed game that started the week before. The group I do most of my gaming with these days ends…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim Alexander, TonyLB, nikola.

11/17/2005 Simon Marks: [Transhuman Space] First attempts at Sim play.
So, I started up a game of Transhuman Space the other day, and I wanted to ask about how to make my Sim reffing better. We have three players at…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon Marks, Rob Alexander, TonyLB, Lamorak33, Joshua BishopRoby, Liminaut, Mike Holmes, Pol Jackson, nikola, Miskatonic, Supplanter.

11/16/2005 knicknevin: [The Memory Cheats] Jesus was Yog-Sothoth's Best Man
OK, played this for the first time last night, using a first draft copy of the rules, and it was interesting: briefly, the system worked overall with largely positive comments,…
In Actual Play
Participants: knicknevin.

11/16/2005 Jonas Karlsson: [BtI] Breaking the Ice in Sweden
I just finished the first date in Emily Care Boss' Breaking the Ice. Me and my girlfriend Helena created characters at a café this Saturday, and finally found time to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, Emily Care.

11/15/2005 Adam Dray: [DitV] Convention Play at MACE
I played in Eric Provost's Dogs in the Vineyard game at MACE in High Point, NC, this past Sunday. We had six (!!) players plus Eric, and none of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Adam Dray, jasonm, lumpley, Technocrat13, beingfrank, Brian Newman.

11/15/2005 Roger: [D&D] Roger's Group
This is about the third D&D session I've run with this group.  The group consists of: 1.  Tammy, my wife.  Complete newcomer to RPGs. 2.  Kari, my wife's friend.  Almost…
In Actual Play
Participants: Roger, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, MetalBard.

11/15/2005 bluegargantua: [DitV] Welcome to Bounty
Hey,   I'd wrapped up my Amber/Nobilis game and offered to do a Dogs one-shot for people.  I was interested in trying it out again, they seemed game to try…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, TonyLB, oliof, Victor Gijsbers, Neal.

11/14/2005 jasonm: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Convention Play
I ran The Shab-al-Hiri Roach three times at MACE, our local gaming con in High Point, NC.  I'll save the mechanical feedback for another post in the design forum, but…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Clinton R. Nixon, Technocrat13, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, segedy, urbanpagan.

11/14/2005 screen_monkey: [Heroquest] Serenityquest
Hi - I thought I'd share with you my recent session of Serenityquest, wherein I tried a much more Narrativist approach than I've done before, and it worked really well.…
In Actual Play
Participants: screen_monkey, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, droog.

11/12/2005 1of3: [Conquer the Horizon] The land of Black and White
Hi. Last weekend I tried Conquer the Horizon with two friends. The game was pretty interesting. The facts about the old world were: - Colours - Theocratic dictatorship - Not…
In Actual Play
Participants: 1of3, Joshua BishopRoby.

11/11/2005 Caldis: Rules-lite role play and the outsider
This is an actual play experience from over 15 years ago but it was one of the best games I've ever been in so the events really stuck with me…
In Actual Play
Participants: Caldis, Joshua BishopRoby, Kesher, Mike Holmes.

11/9/2005 Neal: [DitV] Olive Grove
There were only two players for this session.  Mike played Brother Thomas, brought up in a strict religious house where personal liberties and happiness were very often sacrificed to right…
In Actual Play
Participants: Neal, lumpley, jasonm, oliof, Pol Jackson.

11/8/2005 MrSandman666: [MLwM] My unsatisfying Life with Dr. Ernst (long)
Hi guys and gals... Well, this Saturday I finally had my first chance to play My Life with Master (my first chance to play any indie game, for that matter)…
In Actual Play
Participants: MrSandman666, Victor Gijsbers, Michael S. Miller, Eero Tuovinen, Paul Czege, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, CPXB, Arturo G., Ron Edwards, TonyLB.

11/8/2005 Solamasa: [Polaris] Treachery at the Utmost North
Last night we played Polaris for the second time.  If our game sessions were musical pieces, last night would have been a Queen power anthem, with the bass undulating like…
In Actual Play
Participants: Solamasa, Ben Lehman, Sydney Freedberg, GreatWolf.

11/7/2005 John Kim: Clashes over Channeling?
OK, this is picking up from Channeling and GNS at Ron's request.  I'd like to discuss the overlap of conflicts -- having GNS Nar/Sim conflict within a game as well…
In Actual Play
Participants: John Kim, Joshua BishopRoby, Wormwood, ewilen, Marco, Mike Holmes, Mark Woodhouse, contracycle.

11/6/2005 Jasper Polane: [DitV] Tower Creek
Yesterday was Worldwide D&D Game Day, so we took up the plan to play a Dogs in the Vineyard one-shot, just to be contrary. It was my first time…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper Polane, lumpley.

11/5/2005 Paka: [P.T.A.] Bounty...Hunters
We sat down, six people who had never gamed before and had a splendid game. Well, okay, a few had gamed together but only a few.  I put out an…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Bret Gillan, Matt Wilson.

11/3/2005 Frank T: Old group, new Creative Agenda?
This is a “help me cure my actual play” post. So I’m playing Pool and PtA and DitV and MLwM and (soon) Polaris with cool folks I know from the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Frank T, Eero Tuovinen, Gaerik, Scripty, Sydney Freedberg, CPXB, MetalBard, Joshua BishopRoby, Andrew Norris, JasperN., Ben Lehman, daMoose_Neo, oliof, Halzebier, Noon.

11/3/2005 Asteele: First Sorcerer (victorian england)
Sorcerer Actual play. Ran my first game of sorcerer Tuesday, was me as GM and two players.  J and S.  This was meant to be a short series (2-3 game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Asteele, Justin Marx, Ron Edwards, Lamorak33.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

11/19/2005 James_Nostack: [Trollbabe] The Blood Gates
[b]Who[/b] - Me, Jon, and Steven.  We've met maybe 3-4 times for a Primetime Adventures game about Serbia circa 1991, but we couldn't get the whole group together, so we…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Jonathan Hastings.

11/20/2005 jasonm: [Polaris] "...But only if everybody in the world dies."
Me, Lisa, Nik, and Jonathan had a nice game of Polaris today.  We were all learning (Lisa and Jonathan had played a demo and I own the book), and we…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Ben Lehman, Arturo G., Jonathan Walton, nikola.

11/21/2005 Troy_Costisick: Drawing in Experiences
Heya, I'm trying to get right in my head what I've enjoyed most about the Settings I've played in.  I want to understand why I've found certain ones compelling, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Troy_Costisick.

11/21/2005 lumpley: Saturday on PTA: Quicksilver
So I had the awesomest weekend ever. This game was part of it. Here's me, Clinton, Judd, and Joshua playing Formula De on Saturday afternoon, and Judd wins, and Clinton's…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, Alex Fradera, Paka, nikola, Clinton R. Nixon, rafial, Matt Wilson.

11/21/2005 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Old Gods - the first playtest
I ran the first playtest for Mortal Coil last Friday. I had four players in attendance, Bill, Eric, Russ, and Krista. Krista dropped out to go to bed about an…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Sean, Michael S. Miller.

11/21/2005 diadochi: [WHFR][CoC]Two experiences, both bad, where am I going wrong
Hi, This is my first post to the Forge. I’m posting here because a friend said to me that the members of the Forge are helpful in the sense they…
In Actual Play
Participants: diadochi, John Burdick, CPXB, Liminaut, Kaare Berg (Old), Victor Gijsbers, Rob Alexander, James_Nostack, nikola, Ron Edwards, Noon, Bankuei, rafial, lumpley, mutex.

11/22/2005 Thor Olavsrud: [With Great Power] The Vigiles Revisited
I've owed Michael another actual play post about my With Great Power game for a while now. Here's the thread I started after our first session. Last week we had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, James_Nostack, rafial, abzu, CPXB, Michael S. Miller.

11/22/2005 Dantai: [Rolemaster] When Worlds Collide - A perfect execution of simulationist play
Well I've just returned from one of my quasi-regular jaunts north of the border which means I actually got to do some role-playing! Woo-pah! The main reason was our group's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dantai, Mike Holmes, Mark Woodhouse, NN, Kesher, kingreidos.

11/23/2005 Unco Lober: [Apocalypse Girl] The full-game playtest report
For those not familiar with the subject: - At last we have played this promising game and have much to tell. There were three players, just as proposed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Unco Lober, Mike Holmes, Sydney Freedberg, Ramidel.

11/23/2005 Dantai: [Contenders] First playtests (and muchos beer). S'gonna be Long.
I've now played Ronnie award winner (never gonna get tired of that) Contenders with two very different groups. Both times under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol. Still there's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dantai.

11/23/2005 oliof: [PtA] Eiffel City, the worlds' capital
Hello, a short report on my  experience with PtA on a weekend con. There was tremendous interest in PtA, and I had a whopping seven players at the table. Some…
In Actual Play
Participants: oliof.

11/25/2005 Vaxalon: Remembrances of Campaigns Past
Remember those campaigns of our youth, back when we were teenagers, that seemed to have gone on forever? You know how now that we're getting older, that they just don't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon, ffilz, WalkingDead, Ron Edwards.

11/27/2005 Jaik: [Capes] "Like the Tick?"
Our tale begins four weeks ago, as four friends gather together... First, a description of the group: Me-Late 20's, married, no kids yet.  I've been gaming about 12 years, mostly…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jaik, Yokiboy, Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB.

11/28/2005 lampros: [Exalted: Abyssals] "Interactive Storytelling" and really cool descriptions
Hey all, I'm currently running a game of White Wolf's Exalted: the Abyssals. Exalted is a (rigorously non-D&D) fantasy world which puts a heavy focus on setting. Characters are some…
In Actual Play
Participants: lampros, Matt, Danny_K, nikola, Blake Hutchins.

11/28/2005 Allan: [Shock 0.1.0] Brain jacks and naval plugs
The Players Allan - Serious sci-fi nut, hard-core gamer and designer, and recent narativist convert Brian - Gaming again after a 10-year break.  Used to play CoC.  New to indie…
In Actual Play
Participants: Allan, nikola, joepub.

11/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Contenders] Brief experimental play
Threads to check out first: Ronnies feedback First playtests (and muchos beer) We played Contenders too! Bear in mind, we didn't really get into it in the sense…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Roger, jrs, Dantai.

11/28/2005 Ron Edwards: [Space Rat] Femme Babes rock, I want one
Threads to check out first: Ronnies feedback Rewards for femme babes Oh my goodness, what a great game. I'll start with the biggest textual stumbling block…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards.

11/28/2005 Adam Dray: [The Burning Wheel] The Gift -- at MACE 2005
There's an interview with Luke Crane over at Treasure Tables Read it. It's excellent. Quotes within are from the article. I played in one of the games Luke discusses in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Adam Dray, abzu, Mike Holmes, Iskander, haiiro, Thor Olavsrud, Bret Gillan, Paka, Brand_Robins, JamesDJIII, segedy, Jonathan Walton.

11/28/2005 MatrixGamer: Buffy the Vampaire Slayer/ Engle Matrix Game hybrid
My brother was over for Thanksgiving and as we frequently do I ran a game for him and my wife. A couple of years ago we did a BtVS one…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer.

11/28/2005 Bret Gillan: [Polaris] The Fall of the Knights
My friends and I exchanged Christmas presents last week (yeah, we're not very patient) and my friend Jere got me Polaris. I'd heard about it, and I thought the gameplay…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bret Gillan, jasonm, Ben Lehman, Hermes3.

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