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In Actual Play

1/25/2006 ryanmrich: Rich Forest Game MASTER & SW Florida
I remember back in the day playing street fighter, dark conspiracy, vampire and more games on the back porch. Working on one of his or our or Ben(Terry)s game ideas…
In Actual Play
Participants: ryanmrich, Ron Edwards, Trevis Martin, Rich Forest.

1/25/2006 Glendower: [PTA] Jazz or DIE!
This Tuesday was our "in between" gaming night.  One member was absent, so we decided to put other campaigns on hold this week and play cards.  After about 4 hands…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, Paka, Matt Wilson.

1/25/2006 Paka: [Sorcerer, Dreamation] Refining Mu
I think, after about four or five runs of my Dictionary of Mu scenario with the pre-made kickers all around, I've got the hang of running this game.  Both games…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Iskander, mtiru, Thor Olavsrud, James_Nostack, Lisa Padol.

1/25/2006 hix: [Lucky Jones] 2 playtests at Kapcon
I ran 2 games of Lucky Jones at Kapcon this weekend & it went down well. By pulling in an extra player at the last minute, I was able to…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Ron Edwards, MikeSands.

1/25/2006 urbanpagan: [Shab-al-Hiri Roach] The Power of Klaus Compels You!
We recently played the Roach at NC GameDay 9 in Raleigh, NC.  We had seven players at the table.  (Yup, seven.)  Myself, Eric, Jason and Remi (all played the Roach…
In Actual Play
Participants: urbanpagan, jasonm, Aman the Rejected, Technocrat13.

1/24/2006 Keith Senkowski: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Blood Opera (Dreamation)
[b]Turtles and Cockroaches[/b] So I ran the Blood Opera Scenario at Dreamation this past Saturday  (with Lisa, Jared, Russel, Rob, Alexander, and Mayuran) and it was a  failure in my…
In Actual Play
Participants: Keith Senkowski, mtiru, RobNJ, Iskander, Jonathan Hastings, Jared A. Sorensen, gains, mneme.

1/24/2006 Iskander: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Blood Opera (pre-Dreamation)
[quote="Luke Crane"][center][b][size=12pt]It's [i]Conspiracy of Shadows[/i], not [i]Conspiracy of Rainbows[/i][/size][/b][/center][/quote] [b]Players[/b] [b]Keith[/b] - [i]GM[/i]. Handed out sheets, explained rules, when not looking them up in the book, framed the first scene.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Iskander, Jonathan Hastings, lin swimmer, Keith Senkowski.

1/24/2006 inthisstyle: [Dreamation: Mortal Coil] Old Gods Returns
Mortal Coil runs again, this time at Dreamation. I had an overflowing session, all six slots were full and Nathan Paoletta joined at the last minute, making this a seven-player…
In Actual Play
Participants: inthisstyle, Keith Senkowski, Ben Lehman, mtiru, Iskander.

1/24/2006 Andrew Morris: Pacing and trouble players
So, in the games I ran, played in, and observed at Dreamation, I saw some things that I either addressed or am not sure how to adress. In the InSpectres…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, bcook1971, Krista E, gains.

1/23/2006 Andrew Morris: Topic: [DitV] Windy Valley Branch (at Dreamation)
I was a bit worried about running sessions on Thursday night, since I figured attendance would be super-light, but I ended up having five players (which, of course, is one…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, forlorn1, drnuncheon, Krista E, TonyLB.

1/23/2006 Nathan P.: [Dreamation: Carry] Ah, So This Is Why We Playtest...
Gah, long! This post is the description, the next will be the reflection. Intro Technically, I had a playtest game of Carry scheduled for Friday night at midnight, but it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., inthisstyle, RobNJ, Joshua BishopRoby, Doug Ruff, thelostgm, ubergeek2012, Asperity.

1/23/2006 Marhault: Ongoing online Amber game
[b]The Basics[/b] The game is Amber Diceless.  Starting set of players and their characters: A.  -  playing Sarevok, son of Gerard.  C.  -  playing Edwin, Knight Protector of Arden E. …
In Actual Play
Participants: Marhault.

1/23/2006 HenryT: [DitV] A first try
I ran Dogs in the Vineyard for the first time last night, with a group of players, also all new to the game (one had heard about it before, the…
In Actual Play
Participants: HenryT, Alex Fradera.

1/23/2006 Alex Fradera: [DitV] New game, new group, return to play
I posted this in the wrong forum. Foolish, foolish me. Please ignore the one in the lumpley one, and if you have input post it here. Ta. So last week…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alex Fradera, syrupalex, sunnyblue, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Brand_Robins, Andy R.

1/23/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: [Dreamation, The Princes' Kingdom] The Island of Lo Pang
I ran The Princes' Kingdom at Dreamation for seven players - which is insane, but great! I will tell you right now that it was one of the most fun…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, RobNJ, nikola, Lisa Padol, jasonm, Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, inthisstyle.

1/23/2006 Silmenume: [Middle Earth - home brew] - A really bad game night.
A couple of weeks ago, in my regular game I had one the crappiest times – ever.  The post mortem, however, was utterly fascinating. But first, some background. The game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Silmenume, CSBone, Ron Edwards, Supplanter, Tommi Brander, Noon, NN, contracycle, Walt Freitag, Marco, Liminaut, Glendower, Precious Villain, Rob Carriere, James Holloway, jlarke, Caldis, dunlaing, Mark Woodhouse, LandonSuffered.

1/23/2006 MikeSands: [Badass Space Marines] Trial by fire
Well, I've put together enough of a ruleset for my Badass Space Marines game that I could run it at my local gaming convention over the weekend. I ran two…
In Actual Play
Participants: MikeSands, hix.

1/22/2006 pells: [Avalanche] - encouraging SIM/NAR, my problems
I'm currently working on a rpg project, based on content (setting/stories). I've developed a new desing, a new way to write scenarios and setting related to them. The two main…
In Actual Play
Participants: pells, Tommi Brander, Ron Edwards, Wolfen.

1/22/2006 Paka: [Dreamation, P.T.A.] The Hare and Hound
If someone had told me that my favorite game session would happen at a con I would have said they were nuts. If someone had told me that my favorite…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, Matt Wilson, Storn, forlorn1, Nathan P., Emily Care, Krista E, Shawn De Arment.

1/21/2006 Mark Woodhouse: [PTA] We're from the spirit world, and we're here to help you...
January’s Sunday Short Subjects game almost didn’t happen. We lost 2 players out of 5 to last-minute cancellations. As it turned out, though, we ended up with a decidedly off-beat…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mark Woodhouse, bcook1971.

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In Actual Play

1/26/2006 Emily Care: [Everway Larp] at Dreamation
Hey there, Kat Miller and her friend Michelle ran an Everway Larp at Dreamation this past weekend.  It was a 4 hour session that kept us all guessing and going…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, Supplanter, WhiteRat, Kat Miller, Andrew Morris, mneme, Lisa Padol, Graham Walmsley.

1/27/2006 ffilz: [Cold Iron] Applying lessons learned
My Cold Iron campaign has been steaming along pretty well. I've really been enjoying not having to prep for hours before the game, though I have sometimes not done prep…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Ron Edwards.

1/27/2006 Danny2050: Disperate Age groups play 1st Universalis game
This is the outcome of actual play of  Universalis. I didn't keep a full transcript of who did what so there are only some highlights in that regard. Players: Aged…
In Actual Play
Participants: Danny2050, Valamir.

1/27/2006 Kat Miller: [Breaking the Ice] A Dangerous game (Dreamation)
I had the great fortune of playing Breaking the Ice with Emily Care Boss at Dreamation this weekend and it was a great experience.  Emily broke her table up…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kat Miller, Emily Care, Andrew Morris, Nathan P., jasonm.

1/27/2006 Nathan P.: [Dreamation] Building a 10-Minute Demo [Long]
[b]So this was a learning experience[/b] Hanging out with Brennan and Alexander on Saturday. Alexander talks me into trying to run a 15-minute demo of Timestream (keeping in mind that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nathan P., Iskander, TonyLB, Joshua BishopRoby, Noon.

1/28/2006 Matt Snyder: [Nine Worlds] Voice-over-Internet play (Skype)
Early this month I announced I would run a Nine Worlds game on Skype, a free and easy voice-over-Internet program. I had several interested people, and chose the first responders.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, Brand_Robins, pedyo, timopod, LordSmerf, coffeestain, Yokiboy, IMAGinES.

1/28/2006 Anders: [The Shadow of Yesterday] Violence in the wilderness
Hello, Last night I played The Shadow of Yesterday for the first time and I thought I’d register to tell you about it. It was great fun. It was a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anders, Clinton R. Nixon, pedyo, alejandro.

1/28/2006 redivider: [Heads of State: rest & relaxation] first play test
Summary: the table was strewn with a week’s worth of the L.A. Times, a pop-psyche pyramid graced the white board, the players were engaged & entertained (I think) but left…
In Actual Play
Participants: redivider, Joshua BishopRoby, Christopher Kubasik.

1/29/2006 James_Nostack: [& Sword] The Doom of Hanno Mad-Dog
After nine freaking months everything lined up properly to give Sorcerer & Sword a go.  It was a good time, slowed slightly due to the limitations of IRC as a…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Bob the Fighter.

1/29/2006 Kami-no-Mark: [Falling Leaves] The Life of Akodo Akira
On Friday night, Tom came over and we decided to give Falling Leaves a go.  TheTris is a friend and ever since he’d explained the game to me, I kept…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kami-no-Mark, TheTris.

1/30/2006 CSBone: [Space Ranger] Two Systems, Examples in Play (LOOONG!!!)
I’m trying to wrap my brain around a ton of ideas and techniques for reducing GM prep time that I got from the thread HERE and HERE. Seems to me…
In Actual Play
Participants: CSBone, Precious Villain.

1/30/2006 Christopher Kubasik: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Our Dogs Set Forth
I start a new job in a few hours, so this will be quick. I believe others will nail down a larger chunk of the game. There were five of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, dunlaing, Supplanter, HenryT, Joshua BishopRoby, Brand_Robins, lumpley, redivider, JonasB, Noon, IMAGinES, alejandro.

1/30/2006 Michael S. Miller: [Dreamation WGP] Two-Fisted President Balks!
A strange thing happened in one of the With Great Power… sessions I ran at Dreamation ’06. The game was scheduled to start at 2pm on Friday, but due to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Iskander, Kat Miller, Sydney Freedberg, Marhault, TheTris, Supplanter, Thor Olavsrud, abzu, Doug Ruff, Julian.

1/30/2006 Michael S. Miller: [Dreamation: PTA] Life on Mars
I originally posted this in my LiveJournal and Judd suggested I might post it here for discussion. PTA "Life on Mars" I haven't signed up for anything, but Judd's running…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael S. Miller, RobNJ, Paka, Lisa Padol, John Harper.

1/30/2006 Matt-M-McElroy: [Obsidian: the Age of Judgement] Mask of Shadows
So, I ran Obsidian and I'm using a variant on the Killer adventure that is available for download on the Apophis Consortium site. I renamed the investigation company "Terminal Investigations"…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, daemonchild.

1/31/2006 DrVital: The Mountain Witch - Lost in the Woods
I've been looking to run a "next gen rpg" for a while, and settled on "The Mountain Witch".  The book is great, but it was the posts in these very…
In Actual Play
Participants: DrVital, Halzebier, timfire, Eero Tuovinen.

1/31/2006 TonyLB: [Dreamation: Capes] Eyes on the prize
So I ran a tournament of Capes.  Formulae for victory, and how to earn points, and all that jazz.  Winner got a shiny new folder of sticky click-and-lock modules.  I…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Bret Gillan, Matthew Glover, Zamiel.

2/1/2006 Gregor Hutton: [Breaking The Ice] Isla and Goldie
And here is my 2nd AP of the night. While I was over in Cork for Warpcon, myself and Dave Neil found ourselves at a loose end for a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Emily Care.

2/1/2006 Ron Edwards: [Polaris] Frenzied screwing in the icy wastes
We've been playing more Polaris since Effete, very cold knights and the demons who love them. First point is, the game moves both quickly and slowly. Quickly, in that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, Solamasa, Bret Gillan, jrs, Ben Lehman, Artanis, faerieloch.

2/1/2006 Glendower: [PTA] - Speed Demons
For some reason, playing a hand of Texas Hold'em again prefaces our crack at Primetime Adventures. Our first attempt is listed here: for those keeping score. I started by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower.

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