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In Actual Play

10/22/2006 John A: [tMW] First game...
Yesterday a group of us met to play the first half of a game of the Mountain Witch, lasting about 7 hours in all. Myself, Alex F, David, Bjorn and…
In Actual Play
Participants: John A, timfire.

10/22/2006 Everspinner: [Experimental] The bastard child of Polaris and Shadowrun
Some background: Our group has been playing Shadowrun for the longest time (15 years). The latest incarnation is under new management (GM) and is called SRTeens, as we are playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Everspinner, Ben Lehman, Steven Stewart.

10/21/2006 Willow: [Agon] First Try
Tim, Len, and myself met for a rousing session of killing things (and taking their stuff). The night started off a little humorously, Tim's computer couldn't be connected to both…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, rafial, John Harper, TJ.

10/20/2006 Zak Arntson: [D&D 3.5] Slaughter in the Plaza
Previous plays with this group: 1. Monster fight on the Open Sea! 2. Badger, Goblin, Fight! Before Play I discovered a great resource for printing up battle maps called DungeonForge.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, Narf the Mouse, r_donato, Noon, Mason, Primordia.

10/19/2006 Melinglor: [PTA] the Penultimate Nightshade Alley
This is apparently the week for awesome Actual Play for me. Two days after I had this killer Over the Edge session with my regular group, I played PTA with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, Paul T, hix, Kami-no-Mark, cydmab.

10/19/2006 Malcolm: [Contenders] This Must Be The Place
So after unanimous consent in the pub last week, this week we sat down to play Contenders. So there we sit round Per’s kitchen table drinking…ginger beer? Regardless of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, Joe Murphy (Broin), pfischer, iain, Dantai, Yokiboy.

10/18/2006 LeSingeSavant: [Agon] Camp Nerdly: The Island of Ithaka
We played Agon the first night of Camp Nerdly. After a half hour of prep, I was ready to go. Character generation went fairly smoothly, and we ended up with:…
In Actual Play
Participants: LeSingeSavant, foucalt, John Harper, rafial, jasonm.

10/17/2006 Melinglor: [OtE] Dice for the Masses
I ran Over the Edge with my group last week, and it rocked hard. I unveiled and implemented a set of changes to the Experience Dice system that I discussed…
In Actual Play
Participants: Melinglor, r_donato.

10/16/2006 jasonm: [TSOY] Camp Nerdly: Mayahuel's Revenge
I ran The Shadow of Yesterday for six players at Camp Nerdly:  Krista, Remi, Joe, Dave, Frank, and Andy.  Two players were quite familiar with TSOY but the other four…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, foucalt, TonyLB, SNES Chalmers.

10/16/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Best Friends] Game in a pub
On Thursday, I met up with various forum people (Steve, Alex, Drew and Jukka) in a London pub. We had a quick game of Best Friends: which turned out to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, r_donato, Alex Fradera, Gregor Hutton, Merten, GB Steve.

10/15/2006 Zak Arntson: [D&D 3.5] Badger, Goblin, Fight!
Our second D&D session is done, and much fun was had by all. The first session can be found here: Monster fight on the Open Sea! Before Play Here…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, ffilz, Steven Stewart, DAudy, Wolfen, Noon, cpeterso, James_Nostack, Gaerik, Melinglor, Narf the Mouse, r_donato.

10/13/2006 wunderllama: [With Great Power...] Ragnarok meets teenage angst!
So we just finished up our first issue of With Great Power last week, and wow. I mean... wow. Fantastic.  We had The Valkyrie, my character, who was chosen by…
In Actual Play
Participants: wunderllama.

10/13/2006 c: [Mortal Coil] Of Wolves, Dragons, and 11 year olds.
Last weekend at Osh Con we played several games of Mortal Coil and this game was the one I found most interesting. We had three players, myself, Len, and Derrick…
In Actual Play
Participants: c, Storn.

10/12/2006 Reithan: [Mage: The Awakening] Here goes nothing...
Ok, after wanting to do this, being told to do this, still wanting to and generally dreading doing it, mainly for the reason that I haven't a clue how to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Reithan, Danny_K, Glendower, Ron Edwards, Selene Tan, Noon, Ice Cream Emperor, r_donato, Paul T, Marco.

10/12/2006 Web_Weaver: [HeroQuest -modified] Scene Framing Questions
Hi all, This time out I am not expressing a problem, as I am confident that the game is on track here, but I have little twinges of doubt and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Web_Weaver, Lamorak33, sebastianz, Gaerik.

10/11/2006 ffilz: [LEGO] Almost Roleplay?
This past weekend I had an interesting experience that I'd like to explore a bit. Since 1999, I have been collecting and building with LEGO, and almost immediately got into…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, DAudy, David Artman, Hans.

10/11/2006 Malcolm: [Perfect] Three Crimes & A Soiree
So, we sat down to play Perfect at GEAS, the Edinburgh University games society last Sunday. Hugo, Shevvy and Vicky had all expressed keenness the previous week, so this time…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, joepub, David Artman.

10/11/2006 Eric J. Boyd: [Shock:] Shadowrun
Last week my group got together and took Shock: for a spin. We had the intent to play a game in a setting similar to Shadowrun, so our two shocks…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J. Boyd, nikola.

10/10/2006 Storn: [Spirit of the Century] Con experience (with pics!)
This weekend, I got a chance to play Spirit of the Century, which I believe is a Fate 3.0 engine.  A very, very good pulp game system.  As I am…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, oliof, Reithan, iago.

10/9/2006 museleading: Ongoing failure to understand
In this thread;topicseen Ron stated: The hobby as a sustainable activity (which requires no-murk) is still in its infancy. I can still see it everywhere - the ongoing…
In Actual Play
Participants: museleading, Ron Edwards, memolith, GreatWolf, crowyhead, Valamir, contracycle, Noon.

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In Actual Play

10/23/2006 Simon C: [Savage Worlds] New thinking on old style of play
Hi!  I'm new 'round these parts so please forgive me if I've missed some forum rules, and for starting off with a hefty post. Recently I finished a long running…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, baron samedi, r_donato, anders_larsen, Storn, Barlennan, Narf the Mouse, Mike Holmes, Noon.

10/24/2006 Tim C Koppang: [Hero's Banner] Gameday 2006
I was recently in Mt Prospect, Illinois for the En World Gameday 2006 -- which I must say was all kinds of fun. During the morning session, I ran an…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tim C Koppang, WildElf.

10/24/2006 muddlepud: [A Thousand And One Nights] and [InSpectres] Indie Sunday 22/10/06
I'm starting up a regular game day I'm calling Indie Sunday to try our numerous rpgs that Jye and myself brought back from GenCon earlier this year. This time around…
In Actual Play
Participants: muddlepud, droog, Emily Care, timfire.

10/24/2006 Malcolm: [Cold City] - Fade To Grey
So, character creation was somewhat staggered over a couple of weeks for this game. Some players created their characters when we sat down to discuss stuff a week ago, other…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, Shevaun.

10/24/2006 ubergeek2012: [Mortal Coil] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Last weekend I ran a one-shot of Mortal Coil for a few of my friends.  They’re gamers, but had never played Mortal Coil before.  It was my first time running…
In Actual Play
Participants: ubergeek2012.

10/24/2006 andrew_kenrick: [Dead of Night] Coyote Creek in triplicate
[url=]Coyote Creek[/url] is the Dead of Night demo adventure that I’ve run countless times over the past year. I first ran it at Gencon UK, late 2005, and have finally…
In Actual Play
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Narf the Mouse, Ron Edwards.

10/24/2006 Storn: [PTA] Lions at the Gate ep 4
This last week’s episode, I took pretty extensive notes during play.  In a format that I’m just gonna transcribe.  To refresh everyone’s memory of the cast, we have: Producer:  Bret…
In Actual Play
Participants: Storn, Paka, Matt Wilson.

10/24/2006 Mel_White: [Ubercon] “Burning Wheel”
At Ubercon 2006, I had the opportunity to play Burning Wheel for the first time.  The game was superb.  We played the ‘Inheritance’ scenario, where player character conflict is paramount…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mel_White.

10/25/2006 Lamorak33: Newvampire game, with bangs, exciting!!!
Hi Last night we met for character creation. In fact it was for Chronicle creation too. Our Pendragon game (which I played in) had imploded and I was asked to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Danny_K, Trevis Martin, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/25/2006 Mytholder: [MLWM]The Untitleable
After a long break, I've started gaming again, with two groups. One group is playing Runequest at the moment. The other group is playing 'whatever odd stuff I bring to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mytholder, Adam Dray.

10/26/2006 BabbageCliologic: D20 Multiverse Game - Actual Play
Hello All: So my Friday Night group usually meets every other Friday. On one alternate Friday a month, I host a game where I invite people from my Friday group…
In Actual Play
Participants: BabbageCliologic, Gaerik, Noon.

10/26/2006 Thomas D: [Lacuna] Character sheet and static notes.
So I'm going to run Lacuna at the upcoming tiny con. (I've already got someone signed up for the con session.  I checked the other games he's signed up for:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thomas D, Yokiboy.

10/26/2006 Trevis Martin: [Vampire: The Requiem] Play as written?...right.
I decided early in 2005 that I wanted to play a game with the new Vampire: The Requiem rules.  It was pretty easy to convince the group to give it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Trevis Martin, sirogit, James_Nostack, Simon C, Joe Murphy (Broin), Lamorak33, TJ.

10/27/2006 Ron Edwards: [Best Friends] Thor is no damn good
Hello, We played a third session of Best Friends, following up on the events described in Larceny, hatred, and supportive self-actualization, with me, Tod, Julie, and Maura. This…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, jrs, Gregor Hutton, sirogit, Graham Walmsley.

10/28/2006 Willow: [Agon] Agon is a Harsh Mistress
Our first session writeup was here: Tim, Len, and myself gathered for another session of blood, sweat, and glory. After spending many interludes allowing Alastor to regain his wounds…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, John Harper.

10/28/2006 Ron Edwards: [The Shadow of Yesterday] Drugs, hugs, knives, and Zu
At last! Despite a whole bunch of schedule conflicts, we finally got our game going, with me, Tim A, Tim K, and Chris. Setting up for it reminds me a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, crowyhead, Frank T, Matt Wilson, pfischer, pedyo, buzz, Miskatonic, Paul T.

10/28/2006 Ron Edwards: [Dead of Night] Werewolves! Men with guns! Mom!
Hello, Last week, Tim A's household was laid low by kid crud, so Tim K, Chris, and I met to play a one-session game in the interim between Shadow of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, inthisstyle, Yokiboy, andrew_kenrick, rumble, charlesperez, Web_Weaver, Tim C Koppang, Tancred.

11/1/2006 Matt Snyder: [D&D 3.5] Wyrd Tales
This past Sunday evening, we got to play D&D using my new Wyrd experience system. The Group In about May, my group of old friends and younger brother started off…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Snyder, Gaerik, Simon C, Aaron, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins, Roger, Ice Cream Emperor, charles ferguson.

11/2/2006 pells: Meeting old friends and promoting indie scene
Being in vacations in my native land, I was invited to take part in a game. I wasn't the DM, this wasn't my product, nor my typical group of players,…
In Actual Play
Participants: pells, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Noon, Filip Luszczyk.

11/3/2006 Kaare Berg (Old): [Shock:] First time stumbling and relevation
[size=8pt]This has been a long time coming, and writing this right now is therapy for me with regards to some heavy real world issues. Which has nothing to do with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg (Old), nikola.

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