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In Actual Play

2/10/2007 BWA: (Sweet20 D&D) Imperial Bad-Guy Elves
I posted several months ago about using the Sweet20 experience rules (from The Shadow of Yesterday) in a D&D campaign. I did that with a small group of close friends…
In Actual Play
Participants: BWA, oliof, Simon C, chriscrouch.

2/7/2007 Lamorak33: [V:TM 2nd Ed] The Forbidden Tome Kickers
Hi I have just started a new group with the intent of playing another round of the Forbidden Tome scenario, from Sorcerers Soul. The players all decided that London would…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Ron Edwards, Web_Weaver.

2/7/2007 MatrixGamer: Dracula Engle Matrix Game - Refereeing example
ENGLE MATRIX GAME REFEREEING: DRACULA ACTUAL PLAY Three players, Tom, Bob and Chris are gathered together to play “Dracula: The game before the game” (available on RPGNow from Hamster Press).…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer, Noon, komradebob.

2/7/2007 joepub: The best roleplaying I've ever done [sorcerer]
So, I'd like to talk a bit about the session where I felt that I did my best roleplaying to date (a very subjective statement, I know). There was one…
In Actual Play
Participants: joepub, r_donato, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, J B Bell.

2/6/2007 rycanada: (new guy) Lost at the Forge...
Hi, I'm new to the Forge, although I devoured the intro to forge theory blog entries and read deep in the game start to finish. I'm pretty dissatisfied with my…
In Actual Play
Participants: rycanada, Simon C, komradebob, johnwedd, Noon, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Jasper Flick, Valamir, Paka, Web_Weaver, contracycle, Marco.

2/4/2007 Andrew Morris: [Dreamation] [Unistat] Knights of the Living Dead
Here's the quick and dirty write-up of my Friday night game at Dreamation. Player (Character/Trait) Emily Care-Boss (Jennifer the Zombie/Who am I?) Mike Miller (Mayor Zane VanFoil/Self-Important) Ralph Mazza (Sir…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Morris, Emily Care, Valamir.

2/4/2007 joshua neff: [The Princes' Kingdom] Children, parents, and imaginative play
This is a continuation of my thread "The Princes' Kingdom, family style," although there are some other issues I want to discuss. My wife, Julie, our daughter, Morgan, and I…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Mel_White, Simon C, ffilz, cdr.

2/2/2007 Wise One: [PTA] Over the Wall
Having laid my hands on PTA a couple of months ago, I've finally got round to running a series through my university gaming society.  We've got five players (3 male,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wise One.

2/1/2007 JamesDJIII: [Dogs In The Vineyard] Silver City - a FLGS demo
This is my third time running "Dogs in the Vineyard." After running a couple of games for my buddies, it was time to run it as a demo. I drew…
In Actual Play
Participants: JamesDJIII, David Artman, ffilz, jasonm, Web_Weaver, WhiteRat, Ice Cream Emperor.

2/1/2007 Mel_White: [D&D] (Dreamation) "Well Met in Mankara"
After an 'unfun' experience playing D&D at DEXCON I determined that I would run my own D&D session at a convention that I would try to do 'better'.  So this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mel_White, Sempiternity, Bill_White, Paka.

1/30/2007 Malcolm: [Cold City] Operation Violine, convention play
This is a report on a cold City game played in a 3 hour slot at Warpcon, Cork, Ireland. Con games in the standard 3 – 4 hour slot are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malcolm, Yokiboy, jasonm, komradebob, Kami-no-Mark.

1/30/2007 Paka: [Dreamation '07] Dictionary of Mu
I ran the Dictionary of Mu for a few years while it was still just a word document with red ink on it.  It was at Dreamation that I met…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, ShaneJackson, James_Nostack, Uruush.

1/30/2007 Kevin Allen Jr: [Primitive] Dreamation 07
On Friday in the 8:pm Slot I ran a game of Primitive for 6 wonderful players, who I had never played the game with before.  They had also never played…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kevin Allen Jr, jasonm, Ron Edwards, bluegargantua, Nathan P..

1/30/2007 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] (Dreamation) Her Tears Fall As Rain
Her Tears Fall As Rain Dave played a curious child. Frank was a cursed youth. Fred started off as a harsh truth-teller. Matt was a brave javelineer. Lisa was a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bill_White, iago, Lisa Padol.

1/30/2007 Qi Chin: [D&D] Just some examples
Alright, after lots of encouraging from a couple of you here I am going to try and write up my RPG experiences at the gaming table. Note that while D&D…
In Actual Play
Participants: Qi Chin, James_Nostack, Artanis, Jasper Flick.

1/30/2007 Emily Care: [Shooting the Moon] Dreamation: Love's Reflection, or The Daughter of Deception
On Saturday afternoon at Dreamation, I got to play Shooting the Moon with Dave Cleaver, Matt Gandy, Michelle, Kat and Michael Miller. Dave and Matt were the two who had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, Simon C, Dave Cleaver, semioticity, Michael S. Miller.

1/29/2007 Glendower: [PTA] The Chosen, Pilot
From their experiences last week, E and A wanted to try out a full episode of Primetime Adventures.  When I arrived, A had some misgivings about the original series.  He…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower.

1/28/2007 Graham Walmsley: [Best Friends] At Dragonmeet
Best Friends went down a storm at Dragonmeet: five strangers randomly signed up and gelled quickly. Here's some notes on how it went (mainly for the reference of anyone else…
In Actual Play
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Emily Care, Paul King.

1/28/2007 hix: [Kapcon 16] How to run a medical procedural show using Primetime Adventures
Last weekend, I ran PTA at a local con for three players. We settled on a supernatural forensic medical drama. I’d watched two seasons of House recently, so I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, James_Nostack.

1/27/2007 lev_lafayette: Indie Games at Arcanacon (Melbourne, Australia)
There was some lovely people showcasing some indie/forge games at Arcanacon XXV today. We got to play My Life With Master, Agon, Mexican Stand-off and Best Friends. Agon's unfamiliar crunchiness…
In Actual Play
Participants: lev_lafayette, muddlepud, Aaron.

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In Actual Play

2/12/2007 Glendower: [DITV] Orchard Plains
The first game I played with Erica and Aaron was Primetime Adventures, and though it was fun, there was the conspicuous lack of dice that both of them really wanted…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, Valamir, 14thWarrior.

2/13/2007 hix: [Universalis] A fantasy epic in 3 hours (or How I took the Gloves off)
This happened back in January last year, on the first day of Kapcon (our local convention). Five players – Ivan, who I’d never met before. Margee was a friend from…
In Actual Play
Participants: hix, Simon C, Valamir, Yokiboy, TonyLB.

2/13/2007 J B Bell: [Dead Inside] Tears in Afghanistan
On Saturday, 10 February 2007, myself and a few friends played Dead Inside. Overall, it went extremely well and I was very pleased with how the system worked. In trying…
In Actual Play
Participants: J B Bell, joepub, Anemone, Dumirik, chadu.

2/14/2007 MatrixGamer: Matrix Game Decision Making Process
MATRIX GAME DECISION MAKING PROCESS I have always found that solo games are useful for understanding thought processes. Thought experiments like this hark back to the first generation of psychologists…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer, Simon C, komradebob, Valamir, Aaron Blain.

2/14/2007 Lamorak33: [V:TM 2nd Ed] The Forbidden Tome - Rule Changes Revolt
Hi Although I like the genre of Vampire, and I am happy to run it (you never have trouble finding players for this game), some of the rules bug me…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lamorak33, Noon.

2/16/2007 Thierry Michel: [TSOY] well, they say they had a good time...
I wanted to try TSOY for a long time, but it's only recently that I managed to find interested players. I intended to run a one-shot, but since they were…
In Actual Play
Participants: Thierry Michel, thark, Eero Tuovinen, Jasper Flick, Paka, Ron Edwards, Simon C, Noon.

2/16/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Spirit of the Century] The London Centurions in … Apes of Wrath!
This was the second session we played in our new SotC game, but the first one was mostly spent getting used to the system and beating up giant cockroaches in…
In Actual Play
Participants: andrew_kenrick, iago.

2/16/2007 Paka: [Dreamation] 1st Quest: World Tree Pack
[url=http://""]I had come up with the idea for the World Tree Pack in an old thread inspired by Luke's Great Wolf lifepaths in the Monster Burner and it never…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, ShaneJackson, Thor Olavsrud, mtiru.

2/18/2007 IMAGinES: [Burning Empires] Slow Burning Fires Over Omac
I had an interesting game session yesterday afternoon and evening. I've been itching to try Burning Empires out since before I bought the game (I was hooked by Thor Olavsrud's…
In Actual Play
Participants: IMAGinES.

2/18/2007 The Mule: [First time with PTA] Firewall
[b][u]PTA: [i]Firewall[/i][/b] [b][u]Player Information[/b] I bought PTA on the recommendation of a good friend, but having only a traditional RPG background (DnD3.X, Mutants and Masterminds, Iron Heroes) I want to…
In Actual Play
Participants: The Mule, Matt Wilson.

2/20/2007 ThunderCheetah: [D&D](Savage Tides)
This is my first stable campaign in years, and my first experience with the new 3.5 edition rules (not that I was very familiar with anything else, besides a couple…
In Actual Play
Participants: ThunderCheetah, Jasper Flick, towishimp, Adam Dray.

2/20/2007 heironymous: [Seven Leagues] a short romp
The other evening I had the pleasure of leading a troupe through a short Seven Leagues game. I play infrequently with a group of indie-minded gamers, and there is no…
In Actual Play
Participants: heironymous, Nick.

2/20/2007 ElliottBelser MKII: [BESM] 9 Doggy-Style house rules and group character creation
So, yesterday I attempted to begin a game of Big Eyes, Small Mouth 3rd Edition.  I say "attempted" not because it was unfun - far from it, it was the…
In Actual Play
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII.

2/21/2007 jburneko: [It Was A Mutual Decision] OrcCon 2007
Hello Everyone, So, having met repeated resistance to playing "It Was A Mutual Decision" I decided to throw it on the schedule for OrcCon and see what happens.  Only two…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, Laura Bishop, Valamir, Meguey.

2/21/2007 Rustin: [Deadlands] Zombies and a Mine
I'm a player in a 6-7 member group.  We plan to meet bi-weekly, but it usually ends up being monthly.  I'm the only player familiar with indie style games.  Prior…
In Actual Play
Participants: Rustin, Simon C, Glendower, Jasper Flick, Noon.

2/21/2007 redivider: [lacuna] Lost Angeles: a L.A.cuna mod at orccon
Lost Angeles: L.A.cuna at orccon I ran a 6 player convention game of lacuna on Sunday. The concept was that it had stopped raining in the blue city and that…
In Actual Play
Participants: redivider.

2/21/2007 Ben S.: New to Forge/Advice on Choosing Ruleset
Hi, I'm new to the Forge, and I'm looking for some advice about how to structure a potential game that's at least a few months away (really, probably several months…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ben S., Jasper Flick, Glendower, Simon C, Ron Edwards.

2/21/2007 jasonm: Blood Saga of the Viking Instructional Technologists
The other day I had an academic job interview.  They asked me to put together a presentation and teach them something, preferably in a hands-on way.  Being an inveterate geek,…
In Actual Play
Participants: jasonm, Ben S..

2/21/2007 Glendower: [DITV] Orchard Plains - Same gun, different shooters
I ran Orchard Plains again, this time with my Tuesday night group.  They comprised of Dave and Wes, from my original AP and first post to the Forge here, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower, lumpley.

2/23/2007 Pelgrane: [DitV] King's Marshalls
I ran a game called King's Marshalls using 1st Ed D&D rules. It was intended as the first in a series of "system matters" experiments. I've just run the same…
In Actual Play
Participants: Pelgrane, lumpley.

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