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In Actual Play

6/30/2009 MatrixGamer: [Engle Matrix Game] Thunder Hamsters and the Temple of Cheese
My big release for Gen Con is Thunder Hamsters - a hybrid Engle Matrix Game/Board Game. In the game hamster heroes run into the temple of cheese looking for... cheese.…
In Actual Play
Participants: MatrixGamer, Ron Edwards.

6/28/2009 Noon: Warhammer; Chaos! Order! Molasses!
Played some warhammer RP (the new book) with some friends last night (Daniel and Matt, who are also brothers, Matt younger. Daniel is GM). There's this odd thing that I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Jasper Flick, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter, Frank Tarcikowski, Emily Care, Patrice, contracycle.

6/26/2009 Dionysus: [PTA] Episode 1 - Are we doing this wrong?
Hi again. We got together and continued our adventures. I was left feeling curiously unfulfilled though - and we ended the game with me (the producer) having unspent budget. Overall…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dionysus, Noclue, Danny_K, Ron Edwards, basilisk120.

6/26/2009 Bill_White: [Virtual Play] Episode 40: Do We Really Know GNS When We See It?
While my brother Mel is stationed overseas, I'm filling in for him on his actual play podcast Virtual Play. The episode I just posted is called "Do We Really Know…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bill_White, Ron Edwards.

6/23/2009 rgrassi: At the roots of roleplaying
Hi all... I'd need to have feedback about this. My opinion is that, at the roots of roleplaying are the following statements: 1) The players desire that something happens (as…
In Actual Play
Participants: rgrassi, Adam Dray, M. Burrell, Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6, Noon, contracycle, Caldis, FredGarber, JMendes.

6/18/2009 Elkin: [InSpectres] Pacing and Stress
Hi, About two months ago, I was introduced to InSpectres on the Indie Gaming chatroom. We had a short chat game, which was pretty fun. I bought the pdf, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Elkin, Ron Edwards, Noclue.

6/18/2009 Dionysus: [Primetime Adventures] Pilot episode - Cakewalk
Howdy again. Yes, we just got through the pilot episode. We've decided we want to go ahead and play some more (so the 5 episode character arcs) but the pilot…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dionysus, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson.

6/16/2009 Dionysus: [Primetime Adventures] pre-game killing game?
Howdy all. I finally convinced my mates to try out something other than WoD/Exalted. So yay for primetime adventures.... But I'm gettting a sinking feeling that the pilot episode is…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dionysus, Paka, Eliarhiman6, Zamiel, Alan, Noon, Wordmaker, Noclue, Melinglor, Ron Edwards.

6/15/2009 Ron Edwards: [Nicotine Girls] If you want it hard enough, and you try hard enough - and?
Hello, Julie, Maura, and I played Nicotine Girls. I asked Julie to be a GM for a number of reasons, one of which was that I wasn't inclined to be…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, jburneko, jrs, Paul Czege, Evlyn, greyorm, C. Edwards, Noon, d.anderson, Melinglor.

6/9/2009 chearns: [Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan] Playing with someone I love
Me and my partner are playing Kazekami Kyoko Kills Kublai Khan over email. We've been playing now for about two weeks. Most of the posts happen while she is at…
In Actual Play
Participants: chearns, Simon C, Jonathan Walton.

6/4/2009 Ron Edwards: [Dirty Secrets] A few days ago in Chicago ...
Hello, I'd given the book a good read yet again, this time with an eye toward what I wanted to tell people just prior to play. What I decided to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Chris W, jburneko, GreatWolf, Tim C Koppang.

5/30/2009 Noon: Inadvertant prima donna-ism?
I was thinking about another thread and how to say that it seemed like prima donna-ism. I can't remember how I made the leap, but I was thinking how the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, JoyWriter.

5/29/2009 Saint Erebus: [3:16] Screw-Ups and Monstrous Troopers
I'm putting this up here because it's been bugging me for the past couple of days, and I'd like to get some input from other people who may or may…
In Actual Play
Participants: Saint Erebus, Lance D. Allen, Ron Edwards, Noon, Wordmaker, Jasper Flick.

5/28/2009 Matt Wilson: 3:16 gives me love
We played Gregor's fantastic game 3:16 for the second time last night, with only Brennan returning as a veteran player. Kevin Allen JUNIOR and a friend of Brennan's (I'm so…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Noon, Darcy Burgess.

5/26/2009 Willow: Awesome Adventures: In the Player's Seat
I don't often get the chance to play Awesome Adventures, so when Brendan said he wanted to run it, I was quite keen to join in.  Our setting was 1950s…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Wordmaker, nikola.

5/21/2009 ShallowThoughts: Funny little anecdote - the players surprised me (GM)
I'm using this anecdote to demonstrate a point I made in the "Challenge the Player, not the Stat Block (D&D)" . I can't circularly link, and since that response already…
In Actual Play
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Caldis, LandonSuffered, wgrzanic, Frank Tarcikowski.

5/19/2009 Paul Czege: he's the decider
Barack Obama <a href="">plays</a> <a href="">Executive Decision</a>. Love the hack where the game ends with the President dictating on the spot the text of the announcement of his decision. Paul
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege.

5/17/2009 jenskot: [Dogs in the Vineyard] Point Hollow
It’s been a whirlwind week of GMing! I took the week off and ran 3 consecutive Dogs towns then D&D 4E 2 days ago, and another Dogs town for Paul…
In Actual Play
Participants: jenskot, Paul T, davidberg, Lance D. Allen, Jasper Flick, lumpley.

5/16/2009 droog: A small clash of vision
I've written before at greater length about an RQ game I used to run. I'd like to consider one issue here. Out of many years of play it sticks out…
In Actual Play
Participants: droog, Noclue, Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski, Abkajud, Noon, Alex Abate.

5/13/2009 Simon C: Let's See - Rethinking "Sim"
I've been following with interest Vincent's discussion of "Right to Dream" play on his blog.  I agree with him that "Right to Dream" is a far more useful handle than…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Caldis, whiteknife, contracycle, Gregor Hutton, Frank Tarcikowski, lumpley, JoyWriter, jlarke, Filip Luszczyk.

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In Actual Play

7/1/2009 Michael Desing: [Mythweaver: Reckoning] Vault of the Goblin Campaign
I’m building four characters to take through the dungeon as I build it. I originally made three heroes and started the adventure, but it’s been some time, and the rules…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael Desing, Jasper Flick, Melinglor.

7/1/2009 rgrassi: [Levity]: Is this a technique? Or what?
Here's something I'm asking from a while. In a PbF we're making (we're three players) we're playing a situation in which there are two kids and a police sergeant (we've…
In Actual Play
Participants: rgrassi, Web_Weaver, Andrew Norris, JoyWriter.

7/1/2009 Ayyavazi: Gamism and Narrativism: Mutually Exclusive
So, I started a thread in the Site Discussion, and Ron said I needed an actual play example. Here we go. When: I'll use a game I played around march…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ayyavazi, Patrice, Adam Dray, Noon, Ron Edwards, JMendes, Jasper Flick, chance.thirteen, Danny2050, Caldis, Alan, contracycle, Ralek, Vladius.

7/2/2009 nikola: Recreating the Providence of the fiction of my youth
When I was 16 or so, probably around 1988 or 89, I had one of the best RPG experinces in my life. The following is told largely in fiction because…
In Actual Play
Participants: nikola, Jasper Flick, Paul Czege, Noon, jburneko, Frank Tarcikowski, Ron Edwards.

7/6/2009 Nexus6: Addition to GNS Model
Hi, this is my first post to the Forge forums. I'm a relative role-playing neophyte, but am vastly interested in the theory of it and the like.  While reading through…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nexus6, Caldis, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter, Jasper Flick, Ayyavazi, Marshall Burns, Alan, rgrassi, Rustin, JMendes, greyorm, ShallowThoughts.

7/6/2009 jburneko: [A Penny For My Thoughts] Audience Investment and Distributed Fictional Entities
I played A Penny for My Thoughts this Sunday.  Present were myself, CK, Eric and Laura.  Unfortunately, due to a time restriction we didn’t quite get to finish.  We got…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Noclue, Ron Edwards, ptevis, Christopher Kubasik, GreatWolf.

7/6/2009 Noon: Art in mechanical design - has always been an awful idea?
Not sure how to start this. I guess I'll just stumble into an example first - take the idea of turns. Turns seem to be a pretty good idea for…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, Jasper Flick, Vulpinoid, ShallowThoughts, Caldis, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter, Christopher Kubasik, otspiii, Danny2050.

7/9/2009 nikola: A History of Play in Rhode Island, Part 1.
[quote author=Ron Edwards link=topic=28249.msg266072#msg266072 date=1247160157] All right folks. I appreciate everyone lots and lots, and Joshua, that's the fuckin' awesome character of the year. You ought to post more about…
In Actual Play
Participants: nikola.

7/9/2009 Artanis: [Lacuna] Getting a handle on the pace of the game
Hi reader This is my first time masterizing (btw, is that the verb for "being GM" in English too?) Lacuna. I've just moved (geographically) closer to some friends who I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Artanis, agony, Danny_K, Ron Edwards, The Dragon Master, Jared A. Sorensen.

7/12/2009 James_Nostack: [WGP] Problems with a Plan, questions, and comments
I'm running With Great Power... for the third time (I've been a player twice).  I'm currently doing prep, but I have some questions/comments based on earlier play.  I'd especially like…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, InstrallFer, Ron Edwards, Jumanji83.

7/12/2009 PolarisX: [InSpectres] Converting D20 players one Franchise at a time ...
I guess I should probably start with the fact that my gaming group consists of hardcore D20 players who have for the most part never played anything but a D20…
In Actual Play
Participants: PolarisX, Noclue.

7/13/2009 Entech: Heroquest 2: what does the system add?
My central thesis is that the system of HQ2 doesn’t provide any additional benefit by using it and in some cases actually subtracts from the overall game fun. The players:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Entech, epweissengruber, Noon, FredGarber, Melinglor, Danny_K.

7/14/2009 Eero Tuovinen: [Capes] Gamism and Narrativism
[quote author=Ron Edwards link=topic=28247.msg266224#msg266224 date=1247536708] I am still interested in someone posting about Capes in these terms, because as far as I can tell, Capes does not promote Narrativist play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Alan, C. Edwards, Jasper Flick, jburneko, Melinglor, Noon, Bret Gillan.

7/14/2009 cra2: Mountain Witch question
[sorry if this is the wrong place to post a question.  don't see a right place.] Just played Mountain Witch. Have a question or two. Early in the game, I…
In Actual Play
Participants: cra2, Eero Tuovinen, timfire.

7/16/2009 Eliarhiman6: [Serial Homicide Unit] Who cares for the victim's goal?
Hi! This post is late, very late. I should have written it at least a couple of weeks ago, with the convention game still fresh in my mind, but I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eliarhiman6, jburneko, FredGarber, Noon.

7/20/2009 jburneko: [Sorcerer] More Evil Is More Morally Taxing?
So, there’s this common fear that if you throw overt demons and sorcerers into a “Dogs in the Vineyard” game it will detract from the moral issues.  I’ve never found…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Christopher Kubasik, Rod Anderson, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack, Noon, Noclue.

7/23/2009 Patrice: [D&D]Balance killed my game
All my D&D games since the 3.5 came out were boring. So much for actual play. Just boring. Boring to the point my players and I have just quit playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Patrice, Jasper Flick, Noon, Adam Dray, Ayyavazi, contracycle, Ron Edwards, Guy Srinivasan, Frank Tarcikowski, JoyWriter.

7/25/2009 Christopher Kubasik: Sorcerer + Kids = "YAAAAY!"
I spent this past week in New Hampshire with my family.  Spotty Internet, no tv, a lovely lake, and lots of family gathered up in one house. My sister had…
In Actual Play
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Finarvyn, Eszed.

7/26/2009 Paul T: Trollbabe-ish setup lacking drama
About two months ago, I ran a one-session game using a simple homebrew ruleset based on Vincent Baker's Otherkind dice idea, designed specifically for three players. (Here's a link, if…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul T, Ron Edwards, Noclue, jburneko, Arturo G., Andrew Norris, Eszed, Noon.

7/27/2009 cra2: DiTV vs. Agon ?
In your expert opinion(s), which is 'easier' to setup & run?  Dogs in the Vineyard or Agon? I have to run a session for 3-4 players in two weeks with…
In Actual Play
Participants: cra2, Simon C, Noclue, Ron Edwards.

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