Previous Topics In Actual Play 7/30/2010 Ron Edwards: [With Great Power ...] Brief but strong play in Sweden During our recent three-weeks-plus visit to Sweden, my family and I enjoyed a six-day stay at a summer house by a gorgeous lake near Mellerud, in Dalsland. Peter Nordstrand came… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Jaakko Koivula, James_Nostack, Michael S. Miller, Nathan P., Peter Nordstrand, Bret Gillan.
7/29/2010 Jaakko Koivula: [Zombie Cinema] Great Balls of Fire Got Zombie Cinema (special handcraft edition) from Eero at the TraCon and now finally got to actually play it. We had 3 players: I and Petteri had never played the… In Actual Play Participants: Jaakko Koivula, Noon, Ron Edwards, Artanis, Pekoraali, Eero Tuovinen.
7/23/2010 triex: My life with master and non-verbal communication Hi, my name is Matteo and I’m a role-playing gamer.
Hiiiii Matteo
I’m Italian, and everyone knows that Italians are good in a few things: cooking, deceiving, and playing indie… In Actual Play Participants: triex, Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6.
7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: character skill vs player skill In a FPS it is all about player skill. In an rpg it is usually all about character skill.
Meaning a lvl 10 fighter should beat a lvl 9 fighter. … In Actual Play Participants: dugfromthearth, Noon, davidvs.
7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: my game system philosophy - character creation, combat, and skill resolution having played a lot of games over the years I have come to the conclusion that what is important to a system in order is: character creation, combat, and skill… In Actual Play Participants: dugfromthearth.
7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: my play and GM style I started with D&D, played GURPS for years, HERO (champions and Fantasy Hero), have played Savage Worlds recently, a bunch of WFRP 2nd edition (a tiny bit of 1st edition),… In Actual Play Participants: dugfromthearth.
7/12/2010 Jaakko Koivula: [Norwegian Style] Role-playing epiphany: Characters rule! I might've realized something about my views on role-playing, bear with me.
We played a bunch of norwegian games at the after-parties of Finnish convention TraCon. Matthijs Holter held two… In Actual Play Participants: Jaakko Koivula, greyorm, Noon, contracycle, Eliarhiman6, Tomas HVM.
7/6/2010 oculusverit: Split the party. Hello everyone,
I have to admit I have read a lot of different posts and been familiar with Ron's theories for quite some time, but I have never posted to… In Actual Play Participants: oculusverit, jdfristrom, Eliarhiman6, Aetius, Marshall Burns, Jarrodimus, Seamus, dugfromthearth, InkMeister.
7/4/2010 KevinH: [PTA] MCU: Gotham Hello all,
I got permission to post this from the producer, so I thought I'd like to share our experiences of PTA. As you'll see, the premise of the show… In Actual Play Participants: KevinH, stingray20166, Artanis, Noon, Ron Edwards.
7/4/2010 jdfristrom: [Faery's Tale+Universalis] Playing with 5 year olds and GM burnout My daughter has been gaming with me even before she turned 4 - Warhammer Quest (hey, it's easy, you move up to 4 spaces and attack), a little collaborative storytelling,… In Actual Play Participants: jdfristrom, davidvs.
7/3/2010 Aetius: [Best Friends] A doubt about pushing Hi to everyone!
We're playing right now with Best Friend and we encountered a little problem with the conflicts. Is this the right section?
When a character is in… In Actual Play Participants: Aetius, Ron Edwards, vellu82, Gregor Hutton.
7/3/2010 Big J Money: [7th Sea] Problem Solving versus(?) other Roleplaying things The main theme of this thread is player (not character) problem solving at the table in relation to other common elements of role-playing.
Even better would be: and what games… In Actual Play Participants: Big J Money, Noon, Mike Sugarbaker, dugfromthearth, Paul Czege.
7/3/2010 Ron Edwards: [Venus 2141] The future has goo all over it Venus 2141 was published last year and was represented by its co-author and artist, Nathan Leeson, at the Forge Booth. I've been trying to get around to playing it ever… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, Claudia Cangini, Eliarhiman6, Rafu.
7/1/2010 Khimus: My play stile Ok, following Ron´s advice on "Welcome to the First Thoughts Forum", I decided to create a thread about my experiencies and style in rpging.
First of all, I got introduced… In Actual Play Participants: Khimus, dugfromthearth, Caldis, Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6.
7/1/2010 KevinH: Emotional responses in RPGs Hello all,
in this thread Horror in Sorcerer: Does it happen, is it different?, I raised the question, "Do any rulesets reliably elicit emotional responses, of any form, from the… In Actual Play Participants: KevinH, Artanis, Aaron Baker, Noon, Jaakko Koivula, davidvs, intorporeal, Anders Gabrielsson, masqueradeball.
6/28/2010 Aaron Baker: My play style Per: I am starting a new thread to discuss my play style and experiences. I think I should start a new thread, because this thread will be about my… In Actual Play Participants: Aaron Baker, Miskatonic, contracycle, Noon, dugfromthearth.
6/27/2010 Aaron Baker: Am I in the right place? OK, I think I am following the rules...
I read in the "First Thoughts" area that before I post my idea for a game there that I should post here… In Actual Play Participants: Aaron Baker, Miskatonic, Trevis Martin, davidvs, Ron Edwards.
6/23/2010 jedijim: 'Civil Law' v 'Common Law' referee methods in role playing This is my first post here. I'm probably posting this in the wrong place, in the wrong way, and at the wrong time. I apologize in advance for any and… In Actual Play Participants: jedijim, Bloomfield, Simon C, Noon, jdfristrom.
6/20/2010 Nocker: [Misery Bubblegum] two games in a row We have a game of Misery Bubblegum (a game by Tony Lower-Basch, from Muse of Fire Studio) last saturday. The first thing that amazed me and above all the other… In Actual Play Participants: Nocker.
6/13/2010 ronfig: game advice for strange group Objective: to find a quality rpg that could work within the following constraints:
player age range 13-18
45 minute sessions maximum
possible campaign play
players are anime fans, larpers, Magic… In Actual Play Participants: ronfig, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, greyorm, Noon, Finarvyn.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Actual Play 8/1/2010 Noon: The rule "'fiction' determines what rules can be deployed" - definition of murk? Not really much to say - I was commenting in another thread that if 'fiction' decides what rules can be used/deployed, then it doesn't matter how awesomely you design. If… In Actual Play Participants: Noon, dugfromthearth, greyorm, Ron Edwards, Demiurges, VAgentZero, Roger, epweissengruber, contracycle, oculusverit, Anders Gabrielsson, EBKPrim, masqueradeball, Alfryd.
8/4/2010 KevinH: [MLwM] Hungarian Hi-jinks Hi guys,
Baron Istvan Attila Von Badass is a young Hungarian nobleman, interested in ancient hunnish shamanism. He wants to impress the professors at his old university and is using… In Actual Play Participants: KevinH, Artanis.
8/10/2010 Ron Edwards: [In a Wicked Age ...] Out-of-sequence episode play Hello,
I've posted a previous thread about our ongoing game in Particular strengths accumulating through the stories. In this one, I'm staying consistent with the… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, Bret Gillan, Valamir.
8/13/2010 Sebastian: [HfL] Heir to the Spy Throne "What about family of royal spies?" That was the question that got me buzzing at the tabletop.
I wanted to put this up a few weeks ago, to be all… In Actual Play Participants: Sebastian.
8/13/2010 pfischer: [S/Lay w/Me] The priestesses of the Igai death cult. Yesterday Peter and decided to play S/Lay, more or less based on reading Elizabeth’s post on Story Games about her Gencon play with Ron. We’ve both had the book since… In Actual Play Participants: pfischer, Ron Edwards, greyorm.
8/15/2010 epweissengruber: [Freemarket] X-Altar and the Arts of Memory and of Promotion On Thursday the 12 I and 3 friends started up a short run of Freemarket. I am scheduled to run it at an upcoming convention and wanted to get familiar… In Actual Play Participants: epweissengruber, Paul T, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, lachek.
8/16/2010 slashandz: New to the Forge ~ My thoughts on RPGs [i]"I strongly recommend that you begin posting in the Actual Play forum, rather than here. When you talk about what published games you've played, and how it went for you,… In Actual Play Participants: slashandz, VAgentZero, Ron Edwards, InkMeister, Adam Dray.
8/17/2010 Ron Edwards: [The Fantasy Trip: Wizard] One little booklet = 100,000 words In late 1978, I bought a little item at the hobby store next to the gas station a short and dangerous bike ride away from my house. I think I… In Actual Play Participants: Ron Edwards, Alfryd, Motipha, Miskatonic, stingray20166.
8/17/2010 intorporeal: [Lacuna] Questions about pacing Greetings, The Forge.
My name is Brad, I'm new, and I've been gaming for as long as I can remember, starting with video games, moving into WH40k, and then into… In Actual Play Participants: intorporeal, Artanis, Ron Edwards.
8/17/2010 Alfryd: GNS, AI, and psychology.
Well, as far as I can tell, this seems to be the best place for this topic, but to be honest the subject's only tenuously related to specific RPG experiences… In Actual Play Participants: Alfryd, Aaron Blain, Motipha, Ron Edwards, Caldis.
8/17/2010 intorporeal: [Exalted] Spectating replacing interaction? [i]I will preface this by saying that I have only played in 3 Exalted games (all 2e), 2 by the same ST, and none lasted very long.[/i]
Exalted is a… In Actual Play Participants: intorporeal, masqueradeball, oculusverit, greyorm, Ron Edwards.
8/17/2010 intorporeal: [InSpectres] DM-less roleplaying The first time my friends and I played InSpectres (about 8 years ago), we played as described in the book, with 3 players and 1 GM. After a hilarious and… In Actual Play Participants: intorporeal, Artanis, Ron Edwards.
8/18/2010 frapast1981: Reduced enjoinment playing RPG Hi to all
my name is Rocco and I'm an Italian player, from Bologna. I'm writing here because recently (in the last year and half) my enjoinment playing RPG reduced… In Actual Play Participants: frapast1981, Alfryd, Rafu, Artanis, Stregheria Games, InkMeister, Ron Edwards, Ar Kayon, oculusverit.
8/19/2010 Motipha: [Dust Devils] Fun with emergent stories So here's a thing I tried to do during our current Dust Devils game. I'm kind of fascinated with the way that emergent story elements can come together in an… In Actual Play Participants: Motipha, Artanis, Ron Edwards, toddjank.
8/20/2010 UnseenSniper: Hello my fellow gamers. I am a struggling website developer who is in the process of creating a brand new RPG. I am usually not a beggar, or anything of that sort. In… In Actual Play Participants: UnseenSniper, Ron Edwards.
8/21/2010 InkMeister: A Year of Crappy Roleplaying
Hello Forge, this is my first post here. I've been a lurker for about a year, and have been fascinated with the ideas and theories and experiences discussed here.
My… In Actual Play Participants: InkMeister, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, dugfromthearth, Caldis, aleric, Chris_Chinn, Noon, Anders Gabrielsson.
8/26/2010 InkMeister: Roll-Playing Versus Roleplaying I was playing Runequest with my group. We, the PC's, are guarding a caravan. The caravan gets attacked by a vampire cult. After we defend the caravan, the caravan leader… In Actual Play Participants: InkMeister, masqueradeball, Moganhio, Adam Dray, Rafu, Caldis, Ron Edwards, Noon, VAgentZero, oculusverit, Frank Tarcikowski, contracycle, John Stephens.
8/28/2010 Eliarhiman6: Ron Edwards Vs Tobias Wrigstad at InterNosCon 2010! Hi!
I already posted these links in other forums, but I waited before posting them at the Forge because I didn't know where to post them, in what sub-forum. I… In Actual Play Participants: Eliarhiman6, Rafu, Ron Edwards, Noon, ShallowThoughts, greyorm.
8/31/2010 Gregor Hutton: [Annalise] Pompeii and the Cult of Blood Last Monday Joe Prince, Russ Williams and I played a one-off session of Annalise. We decided to go with a Guided Play and we'd picked the Pompeii one that comes… In Actual Play Participants: Gregor Hutton, Adam Dray, Nathan P., Ron Edwards, ekb.
9/1/2010 Stregheria Games: You Asked for it and now You've Got it! ;) Some people have suggested I post in the actual play section here to talk about my game but I've taken the idea a stage further. I decided to try and… In Actual Play Participants: Stregheria Games, Eero Tuovinen, Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards.
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