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In Actual Play

6/28/2003 Michael Hopcroft: HeartQuest in Indie-Netgaming
Paganini is running HeartQuest on the indie-Netgaming chat forum and has run at least one session in the Sendai Academy shoujo campaign. I'm sure he could use more players, and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Paganini, Bob McNamee, C. Edwards, James V. West.

6/27/2003 rafial: Burning Wheel: von Goten Redeux
I reran the BW demo adventure (von Goten's Predicament) for a different audience last night. Again, I had two players (James and Matt), this time they selected the Dwarf and…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, Matt Wilson, abzu, drozdal.

6/26/2003 efindel: Ninja Burger!
This is a slightly edited repost of a post I made on the Indie-Netgaming Yahoo list. For those not familiar with it, Ninja Burger is a comedy RPG from the…
In Actual Play
Participants: efindel, Mad-Eye Moody, C. Edwards, Bob McNamee, GreatWolf, hyphz.

6/26/2003 Nev the Deranged: the Continuum
If this post is in the wrong place, feel free to move it to wherever is appropriate, with my apologies! Thanks! I've ressurrected the Continuum at the following addy:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Christopher Kubasik, Lxndr, efindel.

6/24/2003 rafial: Burning Wheel: von Goten's Predicament
I took my first chance to spin The Wheel tonight, running the demo adventure available from the website (and kindly included in printed form with my copy of the game).…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, Jack Spencer Jr, abzu, amnesiack.

6/24/2003 Drastic: InSpectres: the Case of the Missing Investors
Some actual play for InSpectres: Prep time consisted of a couple minutes printing out the pdf at the office the night before--after that, I didn't even think about it until…
In Actual Play
Participants: Drastic, Jared A. Sorensen, Dr. Velocity, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

6/21/2003 xiombarg: Lusting After Jesus, Part II: To Hell (Pretender Playtest)
A while back, I ran a second session of Pretender, with some rules modes I suggested in the previous thread, which you might want to check out to refresh your…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg.

6/18/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Thoughts on kibitzing.
kibitz n 1. To look on and offer unwanted, usually meddlesome advice to others. 2. To chat; converse. kibitz v 1. make unwanted and intrusive comments I noticed something in…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, cruciel, Julie, Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, Emmett, inthisstyle, jdagna, Comte, Ben Morgan, xiombarg, Jack Aidley, Paul Czege, mikeryan, Ian Charvill, Dave Panchyk, Ron Edwards.

6/16/2003 jburneko: 7th Sea: Children of the Withered Rose
Hello All, I've been kind of quiet in Actual Play for a while. Both of my regular groups are still rolling along but I wanted to let both games simmer…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Paul Czege.

6/16/2003 Shreyas Sampat: Exalted: Searching For My Face
In a game of Exalted I started up recently, I decided to try and flex some of those Forge theory muscles, and recieved absolutely brilliant results. I was totally floored…
In Actual Play
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller.

6/2/2003 Malechi: Profiling June 2003
Three Most Recent: 1) D&D3e 2) CoC 3) The End d20 Best: 1) CoC 2) The End d20 3) Spycraft Most Wanted: 1) The Riddle of Steel 2) Nobilis (own…
In Actual Play
Participants: Malechi, Dr. Velocity, arxhon, Jake Norwood, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, wyrm.

6/15/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Elfs: Wee-ooo! What's that stench? (long)
Set-up: Ran Elfs today. Bit of background first. The players were: the wife, a guy, Brian, from the game I had just left. He the fellow who's recently moved back…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, greyorm, C. Edwards, brianm, Jeph.

6/12/2003 ScottM: Universalis for the first time
We played Universalis for the first time. This post covers "what happened"-- in the next I'll link to a couple of "good to read before your first time" kind of…
In Actual Play
Participants: ScottM, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Bob McNamee, John Harper.

6/12/2003 taalyn: No Myth and the Lost
So, I finally found my way to investigate No Myth. This is how I always GM (my players even have a habit of saying "Quit giving the GM ideas!"). I'm…
In Actual Play
Participants: taalyn, Bankuei.

6/11/2003 rafial: A Tale of Three Trollbabes [session 5 & coda]
The last installment of our planned 5 session Trollbabe campaign has come and gone. It was a relatively short session, a little over 2 hours, as the players chose to…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial.

6/10/2003 Jake Norwood: Gen Con Games after hours
In this thread on the Adept Press forum I listed and experiment. Go see it there. It lead me, however, to the inevitable question-- What games am I playing and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, joshua neff.

6/10/2003 mike: Am I a Simulationist or not?
This is my first post to the boards, although I've been reading essays and poking around for a while now. I've got a lot of ideas swimming around in my…
In Actual Play
Participants: mike, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Jared A. Sorensen, Valamir.

6/8/2003 Matt Gwinn: Wide Angle Gaming
In this post HERE I brought up the question of elitism in gaming. The example I used degenerated the thread into a discussion on keeping secrets from other players. I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Alan, Lxndr, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Jack Spencer Jr, ADGBoss, Paul Czege, Gordon C. Landis, contracycle, lumpley.

6/8/2003 signoftheserpent: review request: wushu
i am interested in finding reviews on Wushu or similar articles. this is posted here because i dont know where else it should be. thank you.
In Actual Play
Participants: signoftheserpent, Brand_Robins, John Harper.

6/8/2003 Delta1: Getting ready- Writing the bangs!
I am on the verge of starting a Sorcerer game. I have a good idea of what scene framing is and am excited about trying out narrativist play. I have…
In Actual Play
Participants: Delta1, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Rob MacDougall.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

6/30/2003 kwill: Not A Harry Potter Book Review (bit long)
Following is a report on me running a demo game (JK Rowling & the Pyramid of Puzzles) at a bookstore for non-gamers (kids), something that has been discussed at the…
In Actual Play
Participants: kwill, Clay, John Kim, Marco.

6/30/2003 Jeffrey Straszheim: Hot Trollbabe Action!
We played this over the weekend. Things went pretty well. We continued for about two hours before stopping. Here are some details. Cast Me: The GM. Bridget (my wife): Player…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeffrey Straszheim, Bob McNamee.

7/2/2003 Mike Holmes: My Life with Master: Origins
Well, Origins was a great time, as usual. Late one evening I found myself in a hotel room with a bunch of folks, and we were trying to decide on…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mike Holmes, Jason L Blair, Matt Snyder, Valamir, Alan, Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, TSL, Jared A. Sorensen, xiombarg, Nick Pagnucco, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, Paul's Girl, Bob McNamee, Comte.

7/4/2003 brianm: Social contract stuff Diaries of a Dysfunctional group
Summary Part 1 Email from the GM informing all players that when we show up next we will be playing new game of his choice Part 2 Email from a…
In Actual Play
Participants: brianm, Dr. Velocity, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Marco, Christopher Kubasik, Bankuei, Alan, Mike Holmes.

7/4/2003 BPetroff93: Introducing Narritive gaming to the ol' group
Hey Guys (93, to those who know), Long time reader, 1st time post. After reading Sorcerer (thank you Ron), I started to realize that I wasn't dissatisfied with my hobby,…
In Actual Play
Participants: BPetroff93, Roy, Wolfen, Dave Panchyk, Bob McNamee, Comte, jdagna, Ben Morgan, WDFlores.

7/7/2003 SFEley: Impromptu InSpectres
Hey all, Short-time reader, first-time poster. I thought this would amuse the crowd here as an account of a first-time InSpectres game that generally succeeded despite some concerted efforts to…
In Actual Play
Participants: SFEley, hix, Dr. Velocity, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair.

7/8/2003 xiombarg: social contract stuff -- another thread
Since people seem to be talking about this sort of thing, check this out: Be sure to read the commentary as well. My current plan is to sit the…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, ADGBoss.

7/8/2003 Ron Edwards: [Tunnels & Trolls] Half-elves are poncy nancy-boys
Hello, See previous threads Killed me a player-character (spit) and Second level characters. We've played a couple of sessions since my last posts…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Paul Czege, hanschristianandersen, GreatWolf, ADGBoss, Alan, jdagna, ethan_greer, Wolfen, Mike Holmes, Rod Anderson, Gordon C. Landis, Hunter Logan, jrs, contracycle, efindel, Jeff Klein, Bankuei, rafial, ejh, ZenDog, Danforth, Storn.

7/10/2003 Jake Norwood: Driftwood Mini-con
Some friends came up over a few days and we played a bunch of games. we didn't actually finish any of the stories we started (too bad), but we did…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, jburneko, Bankuei.

7/11/2003 Matt Wilson: Danger Patrol to the Rescue
Last night began a three-game playtest of ShootingIron Design's upcoming game, Danger Patrol. You can see some cool stylin's and art for the game at Danger Patrol is a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, DaR, Ron Edwards, John Harper, ejh, Andrew Martin.

7/12/2003 Sir Mathodius Black: Really Creative Adventure Starters
Hey all, This is just a post for people to post any really creative/interesting/original ways theyve started their adventures in games. Although im not at a complee loss for good,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan, Alan, Mike Holmes.

7/13/2003 pahessel: T&T to Empire of the Petal Throne
Duh-oh! After all these years, I finally "get" T&T! All those complex variants intended to let closely-matched blokes with gobs of dice and doubled armor finish a fight without having…
In Actual Play
Participants: pahessel, Ron Edwards, Simon W.

7/13/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Help me keep Brian from doing something regretable.
The situation with the other group for Brian outlined in the Social contract stuff Diaries of a Dysfunctional group thread has gone downhill, at least for Brian. Jerry laid it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Hunter Logan, C. Edwards, Ron Edwards, brianm, Alan, Valamir, J B Bell.

7/13/2003 greyorm: Narrative 3E: Real Time & Effects on Play
After a lengthy spat of little-to-no posting, I'm finding I have more time again lately to do more than peruse the boards, and with that time, I figured it was…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Mike Holmes.

7/14/2003 Jürgen Mayer: NURD aftershow report
Hey everyone, it seems that I survived the ninth incarnation of my comfy little local con NURD (Nurembergs Ultimate Roleplaying Disaster) - and it was a blast. Approximately 120-150 eager…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jürgen Mayer, Mike Holmes.

7/16/2003 Marco: Can you do that!?
I'm running a Savage World's game for a group with some new-gamers and some experienced ones (and it's been non-functional in terms of getting started--there's a whole interesting story here…
In Actual Play
Participants: Marco, gobi, rafial.

7/16/2003 Matt Wilson: More Uni: "Your pole-dancing ability definitely applies
Another Tuesday night Universalis game, and more good stuff. As John will probably agree, this group tends to do a lot of socializin' that limits the amount of time left…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper, rafial, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Meredith, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2003 Scripty: Importance of Characters
Hi. I'm mostly a lurker here, but I've run up against a wall in my last few campaigns. I could really use some solid advice from you guys (and girls)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Scripty, Ron Edwards, Marco, cruciel, Harsh Tranquility, Jeph, Ben Morgan, Ian Charvill, Gary_Bingham, Kaare Berg, ScottM, John Kim, Mike Holmes, Dr. Velocity, anonymouse, Clay, Lxndr, Paul Czege, SeanFrank, Dave Panchyk, johnzo.

7/17/2003 Ian O'Rourke: Concept to Actual Play
I’ll warn everyone now, this may ramble a bit, and it may come to pass that numerous problems are identified rather than just one, but work with me and see…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Alan, Marco, Paul Czege, jdagna, Valamir.

7/17/2003 Jack Aidley: Dracula was Father Christmas!
So I decided to take a bit of a break from my usual game, and run a brief 'jaunt'. I wanted to experiment with giving the players more in the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jack Aidley, Mike Holmes.

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