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In Random Order Creations

2/7/2004 jhawkins: The Puddle without player narration
I've been using the Puddle without having much story-narration by players. So if the player rolls the dice and succeeds, their character manages to do whatever they were trying to…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: jhawkins, James V. West, Cassidy.

1/31/2004 John Harper: UniPool -- Its Universalis! It's The Pool! It's both!
[b]UniPool[/b] Universalis meets The Pool Each player gets a stack of 10 coins at the start of each session. Any coins left over from a previous session are lost. These…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: John Harper, HMT, Alan, James V. West, Bob McNamee.

1/13/2004 Paganini: TROS musings and questions and stuff...
So, I finally got it. Bad stuff first... I was kinda disappointed with the editing. Bad grammar, misspellings, too wordy, and stuff. Better than a lot of indie publications, true,…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Paganini, Brian Leybourne.

1/12/2004 John Harper: [Pool variant] The Poodle
We just started a new game series (set in Joss Whedon's Firefly universe) and we're using a Pool variant that I developed. It's working pretty well, so I thought I…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: John Harper, Matt Wilson, Cassidy, James V. West, Mike Holmes.

1/2/2004 James V. West: Random Order Comics and Games #5
The new issue of Random Order Comics and Games is now available. This issue features several comics, including a new Zarp story that takes you into his past for just…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, Lxndr, John Harper, Paganini.

12/23/2003 Buddha Nature: Snowball query (with a touch of Puddle)
This is mostly for anyone who has GM'd snowball... When you GM Snowball, using 1's and 6's as the only throws that get the players monologues, how often do you…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Buddha Nature, Lxndr, James V. West, Cassidy.

11/29/2003 Kenway: Engaging Narrative? "NEMESIS" Pool addon rules
For Cassidy: if it doesn't sound too self-promotional, here's some addons I've worked on you can try for your campaign. They are designed to help serialized adventures with recurring NPCs…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Kenway, Cassidy.

11/28/2003 Kenway: 60 Second Pool (variation)
How about this Pool variation: 60 second Pool (variation). *For character creation, instead of 50 words, you get 60 seconds to describe your character orally to the others. The other…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Kenway, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, James V. West.

11/27/2003 Cassidy: Engaging Narrative
It's been a while since I last posted on this forum. My introduction to the Pool has proved to be an epithany in my role-playing life this year; long may…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Cassidy, HMT, qxjit, Ron Edwards, James V. West, xiombarg, Matt Wilson.

11/6/2003 Lxndr: Publishing Snowball
Up to this point, I've offered Snowball free from the Twisted Confessions website. I have no plans to stop doing that. However, I am also tempted to submit it to…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Lxndr, James V. West, abzu.

10/7/2003 Minx: Pool without GM, just using characters?
First of all: Hy! Me and to fellow players (actually family: Brother and girlfriend) are looking forward to playing Pool, as it sounds very ... interesting. (It´s sooo coool, I…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Minx, James V. West, Bob McNamee, Lxndr.

10/6/2003 James V. West: I ain't dead, but I'm badly bruised...
Hey all I've been virutally dead on the forum for some time now. I just wanted to chime in and say I'm still here, still alive, and still in some…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, Bob McNamee, C. Edwards.

9/13/2003 Ronin: The pool sucks and so does it's creator
The pool is not an olympic sized water hole to frolic about and have fun in, it at best is a cess Pool waiting for the unitiated to venture into…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Ronin, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, James V. West.

8/21/2003 lonefox: My Pool Play
Hi, I really wanted to try the pool online, so I decided to have a go at it, GMing on OpenRPG. Well, actually my matrix campign was cancelled, and some…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: lonefox.

8/12/2003 Overdrive: I have anxious players
Yay, seems my two Pool GMming sessions (and some InSpectres, Dust Devils,..) have waked up the dormant players from their eternal roleplaying sleep. They wanna play! Me too. The first…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Overdrive, Lxndr.

7/27/2003 James V. West: Random Order Comics and Games #4
The new issue of Random Order Comics and Games is now available. This issue features not one, but two complete RPGs: Mike Hall's Mean Streets '79. Buddy cop action movie…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, Paganini.

7/26/2003 nuanarpoq: Hi, looking for some advice on scenario writing for the pool
hi guys i've been encouraged by the +/ve feedback on the pool and have got the guys i regularly game with interested in running a session. i've read through some…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: nuanarpoq, Russell Hoyle, Paganini, Bob McNamee, James V. West, Ron Edwards, Cassidy, Mike Holmes.

7/22/2003 melchyor: Something Wrong with
I've been getting nothing but 403 authorization error pages when I try to connect to for the last day or so. I am trying to get information on The…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: melchyor, Clinton R. Nixon, James V. West, Overdrive, Trevis Martin, Blake Hutchins.

7/18/2003 Lxndr: A Snowball's Chance in Hell (Pool Variant)
(Also posted to Indie-Netgaming) Thought y'all might get a kick out of this. Snowball (Snowball is a variant rules system based on 'The Pool' and 'The Questing Beast,' as well…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Lxndr, James V. West, Shreyas Sampat, nuanarpoq, Paul Czege.

6/8/2003 James V. West: The quest begins here...
[url=][i]The Questing Beast[/i][/url] is now available! Instead of Print-on-demand, I opted to desktop publish the game. It is a 32-page book, comb bound with a silver metallic motif on a…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, Lxndr, C. Edwards, lumpley.

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Subsequent Topics
In Random Order Creations

2/9/2004 James V. West: The Pool - O Jogo
First France, now Brazil. Alexandre Amaral has translated The Pool into Portuguese! Alexandre said it would eventually be posted at this website: In the meantime, in case you want…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, BURP.

2/19/2004 amel: new variant of The Puddle
Hi, I posted a variant of The Puddle at the Adept Press Forum. Andreas
In Random Order Creations
Participants: amel, Scripty, James V. West.

2/29/2004 James V. West: Mean Streets '79
The buddy-cop action movie RPG by Mike Hall Mean Streets '79 is now available as a free PDF download right here. This is a cool little game (5 whopping pages…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West, james_west, Mike Hall.

3/11/2004 Lollo: Brainwash (for Snowball)
Hi you all, in the weekend, at Ambercon Italy, I'll test "Brainwash", a Snowball scenario. It's inspired by Chuck Palahniuk novels and tells the story of a rockband starting from…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Lollo, Lxndr, zib.

4/16/2004 Dev: Life in Orion's Arm (use of the Pool?)
There is this grassroots-built, expansive hard-science posthumanist sci-fi universe being built up at Orion's Arm, and certainly, some folks are trying to game it. However, lots of the Hard-Science constraints…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Dev.

4/24/2004 Lxndr: Snowball
Twisted Confessions was down for a while, making Snowball more-or-less unavailable online. It's back up now. I apologize for any problems anyone had attempting to access it in the meanwhile.
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Lxndr, nuanarpoq.

5/23/2004 Garth: Questions from a Pool newbie
Hey there. This is my first post here at the Forge. I'd been here once or twice before, reading some of the articles at the urging of a friend. This…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Garth, Paganini, Bob McNamee, aplath.

7/26/2004 MarcoBrucale: [The Pool] Decameron-inspired variation and campaign
I've just begun to use The Pool for my games, but it gives me new ideas every time I use it! And the good news is that they're whole *narrative…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: MarcoBrucale, James V. West.

9/19/2004 Andrew Martin: TQB Variant
I got a little carried away and wrote up a TQB variant, for Noon, so I thought it would be good to post it here as well. It's like a…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Andrew Martin.

10/3/2004 Frank T: When to roll
Hi everybody! After my first attempt at The Pool failed (I described it here in the Actual Play Forum), I volunteered to GM the next try. I understand that our…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Frank T, aplath.

10/12/2004 The All Powerful Yeti: New to the Pool
So my gaming group has decided we've become dissatisfied with only playing what has basically been a Simulationist game, so we've decided to give the Pool a shot with your's…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: The All Powerful Yeti, Ron Edwards.

11/21/2004 James V. West: Message From Space
Hello everyone! As Ron has pointed out, I only check in once in a while. It's very cool to see that people are still drawn to The Pool even though…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: James V. West.

3/2/2005 The All Powerful Yeti: The Pool PbF
So 6 months ago I moved several states away from my normal gaming group. We never got the chance to play the Pool before I left, so we've now decided…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: The All Powerful Yeti.

5/9/2005 Matt Gwinn: TQB - Anthropamorphic troubles
After working on characters for The Questing Beast some of us are having a really hard time associating animals with the characters. It's not that we can't assign Forms, we're…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Valamir, Bankuei.

6/6/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Using The Pool to play HeroQuest.
[i](Warning: this is a cross post from the HeroQuest forum. Its about The Pool and Heroquest and as such is potentially of interest to both sets of readers).[/i] I have…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: KingOfFarPoint.

7/16/2005 Halzebier: [The Pool] Questions about +2 and +3 traits
Hi there! I've never played The Pool, but I'm planning to and reading up on it. In Ron's review of The Pool, he says the following: It turns out…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Halzebier.

8/10/2005 JamesDJIII: Pool Questions - Group Conflict and Resolution
[quote author=Halzebier link=topic=16316.msg173535#msg173535 date=1123581763] Hi there! I GMed The Pool for the first time yesterday night. It was all I had hoped for, though I did make some mistakes. Also,…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: JamesDJIII.

10/12/2005 Norbert Matausch: Pool Character Sheet
First of all: Thank you James! Ahem. Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away... I have GMed/played PTA. I've GMed DitV. I've GMed Amber, Theatrix and Everway (all three of them…
In Random Order Creations
Participants: Norbert Matausch, demiurgeastaroth, matthijs.

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