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In Indie Game Design

7/10/2005 David Bapst: Shadows
Well, this is a bigger project than what I've posted. It... started off as one of those challenges I take now and then to retool another system better... well, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: David Bapst.

7/10/2005 David Bapst: Tourism
So, I've been messing around with some larger project lately, and this was sitting in a random folder. It's one of those "Have a sudden idea in Petrology lecture, rush…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: David Bapst, Resonantg.

7/9/2005 Palaskar: My RPG is too wierd for most people to grasp
Ok, I have a homebrew RPG I like (Signature.) But it's too wierd for most people to grasp -- for example, there is only one kind of statistic (Traits). No…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Palaskar, TonyLB, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Alan.

7/9/2005 indie guy: No Hit Points?
Hi this is my first post here, and I am overjoyed that a place like this exists! I'm almost done with my 100th neurotic attempt at writing (yeah, it may…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: indie guy, Vaxalon, Clinton R. Nixon, Trevis Martin, Resonantg, Jake Richmond, Gaerik, xenopulse, Paganini, sayter, Michael S. Miller, quozl, Mike Holmes, Hereward The Wake, Frank T, Justin Marx.

7/8/2005 Shim: Codewars? Don't be so cryptic...
I do not know if my project (Herein refered to as Codewars) counts as a traditional RPG, but it is a game. Codewars uses the wonderful medium of the internet…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Shim, architect, Adam Dray.

7/7/2005 architect: Living between the [Walls.] --Long Post--
[i]"All and all you're just another brick in the [b]wall.[/b]"[/i] [i]-Pink Floyd[/i] Between the cracks of reality that this world affords you, exist the vanishing places. Within your home, your…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: architect, Andrew Morris, sayter, unheilig studios, Tobias.

7/6/2005 architect: Blending Strategy and Roleplay in Combat
I'm attempting to create a game in a world where combat moves quickly. Several rules and regulations, such as in DnD, I believe, slow down roleplay and lengthen combat that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: architect, TonyLB, Valamir, Trevis Martin, bcook1971, Nogusielkt, tj333.

7/6/2005 BrendanC: A Mechanic in need of a Game
On a recent road trip, I came up with a mechanic (or at least the start of one) to make running a game on a long car trip viable. Since…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: BrendanC.

7/6/2005 sayter: [Realm] Professions/Jobs/Classes
Brain is farting here...Now, in an open ended system like Realm has, where players select the skills they desire and whatnot and don't rely on random dice rolls akin to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Troy_Costisick, 1of3, xenopulse, Valamir, Nogusielkt, Resonantg.

7/6/2005 jasonm: [Skein] Playing a Family Across Generations
The design goal is to model things like the Laxdæla saga or the Godfather films, asian dynasties or fantasy monarchies, epic tales that span generations and encompass many heroes and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jasonm, contracycle, sayter, TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Master Marx.

7/5/2005 Bluve Oak: [Unamed] Play your own fantasy heartbreaker
Dagnabit! I’m sure I read a post about players creating their own setting the other day but I can’t for the life of me find it! If anyone could point…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bluve Oak, Vaxalon, Valamir, Master Marx.

7/4/2005 fug01664: Buy Tramadol
Buy Tramadol
In Indie Game Design
Participants: fug01664, BigElvis, John Kirk, Dr. Velocity.

7/4/2005 Frank T: [BARBAREN!] Reward and Advancement
This is a thread about my project BARBAREN!, a none-too-serious game about mighty Barbarians fucking and butchering their way through life. See my signature for the link to the original…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Frank T, KingstonC, TonyLB, 1of3, Eero Tuovinen, Resonantg, Sydney Freedberg.

7/4/2005 Heraldic Game Design: [Outsider Chronicles] Thematic Conflict
Save the Ship or Follow the Prime Directive? Follow the School Rules or Break Them to Save the School? While working on the Outsider Chronicles, I had it suggested to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Heraldic Game Design.

7/3/2005 BigElvis: new game: working title [Power]
Setting out to create a bit of a dark rpg, I decided to try to create a game in which characters are powerful but at a price. I wanted this…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: BigElvis.

7/3/2005 bcook1971: [Story Steps] WWII Campaign - II of III
[url=]Session I[/url]. (Though actual play, I thought this post would be better suited to this forum since play concerns an author-created system in development.) I had a good deal of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bcook1971.

7/2/2005 greyorm: Superheroes in Spaaaaace!
So, I was outside with the kids the other day, watching them jump on the neighbor's trampoline and wondering how best to drag them inside without them screaming their heads…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: greyorm, sayter, ironick, Lonoto, Eero Tuovinen, Marhault, Resonantg, Darcy Burgess, Stickman, Danny_K, WhiteRat, Allan, Bob McNamee, ADGBoss.

6/30/2005 OddballE: GUILDS new game ( very long)
My game GUILDS is in playtesting phase. Right now it is just with people I know but soon it is going to go to a lager group of testers. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: OddballE, Troy_Costisick, daMoose_Neo.

6/30/2005 Avalloc: Stonelinked:An Overview of my Fantasy Game (long)
Hi everyone, About the Game: Stonelinked is about a character spending his lifetime conquering a foe much greater than himself. The character when created has been wronged by a Nemesis…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Avalloc, Troy_Costisick, Adam Dray.

6/29/2005 JSDiamond: In-game character death resolution
I'm thinking of something like this for resolving character death in the "fantasy heartbreaker" I'm making. I think I might even add it to my existing opus. Here's the rules.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JSDiamond, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Doug Ruff, Resonantg, Valamir, Nogusielkt, Justin Marx, daMoose_Neo, Jack Aidley, Master Marx, Stickman.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

7/10/2005 preludetotheend: I know what I want I just can't seem to get it.
First I will explain my mechanic and then my problem that I am having. For task resolution you must roll 5 d6+a number equal to the relative Turning Points value.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: preludetotheend, GregStolze.

7/11/2005 Wednesday: Technology + Magic, Lots of Abilities/Skills
I want to do some work on a setting idea I cooked up, and I also want to integrate another idea I've had for some time now. The system I'll…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wednesday, Warren, Gaerik.

7/12/2005 GregStolze: What I'm doing... in Spaaace!
The game I'm currently experimenting with publishing, Spaaace!, has a setting inspired directly by Futurama, and Douglas Adams. But more interestingly, perhaps, the mechanics were marginally inspired by Dr.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GregStolze, Gaerik, Matt, WhiteRat, Andrew Morris, xenopulse, indie guy.

7/12/2005 Martin: My Game [Viva Wallach!]
Hello everyone! I'm currently working on a spaghetti western Indie RPG called "Viva Wallach!" Basically it's aimed at fans of the genre and just about anyone who's ever watched a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Martin.

7/12/2005 ephemere: new system needs plagiarism check
hello, all. I'm yet another aspiring writer, whose game is nearing completion -- or, at least nearing the stage where I can show it to people. but before that happens,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ephemere, Eero Tuovinen, Remko, Doug Ruff, Heraldic Game Design.

7/12/2005 gruk: First game, Project Unnamed
So, in March-or-so, I decided that Project Unnamed was about as finished as it'd be. It's a game set in the late 21st century, featuring a world fractioned into (many)…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gruk, TonyLB, rrr.

7/13/2005 Demonspahn: [Aware] mechanics feedback- longish
Hi everyone, A couple of years ago I started working on a game called Aware. It was basically a post apocalyptic setting where animals had gained human level intelligence. It's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Demonspahn, xenopulse.

7/14/2005 Frank T: [BARBAREN!] Updated test version (long)
Hi, this is an update on my write-up for my current project, BARBAREN!. You can find a more detailed version in German language here, but it is an older version…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Frank T, 1of3, Sydney Freedberg, Lonoto, Valamir, Sean, Ron Edwards.

7/14/2005 Palaskar: Should I replace my basic resolution mechanic with this one?
I have a 'nifty' mechanic for detailed resolution and I wondered if it was good enough to replace the core resolution mechanic with. I ask because I was prodded into…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Palaskar, OddballE.

7/14/2005 Nick: A Couple Questionable Mechanics in [Disparate World]- long
Greetings Forge, I've not been around long, and this is my first post about something I made... so thanks for reading it, and please try to keep critiques or comments…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nick, architect.

7/15/2005 Dangerboy: Divinity and Damnation [Setting idea]
Posted this on and one poster didn't like the religious terms (orginally called Nephilim). In an effort to just focus on the story, I changed the terms to some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dangerboy, architect, Amomentarylapseofsanity, sayter, 1of3.

7/15/2005 FLEB: Mechanics: How Derivative is Too Derivative, and am I?
Well, first off, I hope I'm with in the bounds of this thread here. This is for a game mechanic I'm developing, although I'm still in the infant first-draft stages…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FLEB, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Adam Dray.

7/15/2005 sayter: [Realm] Mechanic details and queries [LONG!!!]
The last week or so has been spent fililng details out on the world in which my game is set, but also I have devoted a portion of this time…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Adam Dray, Dangerboy, Nogusielkt.

7/17/2005 incomitatum: Project ID: Core Mechanics.
Hello all, I have been lurking around the Forge and have learned quite a bit. I lurk around on some other forums and have learned much less from them (the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: incomitatum, OddballE, Troy_Costisick, Walt Freitag.

7/18/2005 Technocrat13: [FH8] Playtest PDF online
You can find it here. While I'll enjoy and appreciate any kind of feedback there are a couple specific things I'd like to hear back from anyone who reads it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Technocrat13, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, xenopulse, greyorm, BigElvis.

7/18/2005 Biggles: [H3] Initial ideas [Long!]
Hi all, This is my first attempt at creating my own RPG. I'm really jazzed about the setting and some in-game concepts (like how skills and equipment are gotten), but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Biggles, Selene Tan, xenopulse.

7/18/2005 Frank T: [BARBAREN!] Ballancing the combat system
Warning: This is getting to the nasty maths, numbers and details. Check out my write-up of the game concept, especially the combat mechanics at 4.2. You'll need to cross-check because…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Frank T, Valamir.

7/19/2005 Jake Richmond: CrossRoads Free Tryout Rules
Hi. I'm Jake Richmond, the Art Director from Arcadiam Games. We've got a Free Tryout Kit available at our website ( in the Resources section. It's a set of quick…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jake Richmond, Clinton R. Nixon, contracycle, Travis Brown, Trevis Martin.

7/19/2005 incomitatum: Project ID: Breif Synopsis.
I realise that this may be breif, vauge, and watered down, but a few of you have asked, "What is your game about"? Well I have considered (even though I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: incomitatum.

7/19/2005 Jack Aidley: The Chanter Resolution System
As part of a thread over on I posted up a link to the resolution system from Chanter (Link here, and the dice mechanics here) and received the following…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Aidley, Matt, Technocrat13, Stickman, Justin Marx.

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