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In CRN Games

10/5/2003 anonymouse: a lonely Donjon bookshelf: what should sit next to it?
Okay, so Clinton extended the offer in the main Donjon book and at least a couple of other places that anyone wanting to write a supplement for Donjon would be…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, Trevis Martin.

9/24/2003 kalyptein: Donjon test drive, w/ questions
Every year there comes a time an our anual gathering of friends when we start playing DnD. Most people have succumbed to sleep and the ravages of way too much…
In CRN Games
Participants: kalyptein, Clinton R. Nixon.

9/11/2003 anonymouse: Some Donjon thoughts on monsters.
1: Fully-statted monsters - such as presented in the sample adventure, or the Monster Pak - are useless unless you enforce the following: A: Players must be allowed to peruse…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, Clinton R. Nixon, Catalyst.

8/30/2003 Clinton R. Nixon: The Wiki and Me
Yesterday (Friday, Aug 28), I managed to wipe out over half the website. I backup every website I run except my own, apparently. I've been contemplating a new website…
In CRN Games
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, ethan_greer, John Harper, Hugin, rafial, Bob McNamee, ScottM.

8/23/2003 Dev: Quick Donjon question
Is there any kind of set guideline for how to give out experience in play? I didn't see any recommended one in the PDF.
In CRN Games
Participants: Dev, Clinton R. Nixon.

8/22/2003 rafial: Attribute pools at 0. Any effect?
So I'm fighting this intelligent lobster riding in a mechanical spider chair, see, and I'd like to knock out the chair (or at least render it incapable of moving) so…
In CRN Games
Participants: rafial, Clinton R. Nixon, Catalyst.

8/21/2003 Chris Gardiner: Final Fantasy Donjon
So after our first Donjon game at the weekend, several of us decided that it would be the perfect system to run a Final Fantasy-esque RPG with, for the following…
In CRN Games
Participants: Chris Gardiner, anonymouse, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, MachMoth.

8/8/2003 Jason Puckett: Things Fall Apart: a Paladin setting in progress
Hi, all -- long-time-lurker-first-time-poster here. I've been tinkering in my head with a Paladin setting for a couple of days and I thought I'd submit them for comments and brainstorming.…
In CRN Games
Participants: Jason Puckett, Mike Holmes, ScottM, John Harper, Jhilahd, Bob McNamee.

8/8/2003 Matt Wilson: Donjon Goal Awards guidelines
Did I miss something on that in the game text? I'm wondering what a good goal award number is. In the sample adventure it looks like goals are worth far…
In CRN Games
Participants: Matt Wilson, Clinton R. Nixon, rafial.

7/16/2003 Matt Wilson: Donjon GAMMA
In a couple weeks I have the opportunity to run a 3-5 session game, and I'm thinking Donjon in a Gamma World-ish setting. Seems like a piece of cake on…
In CRN Games
Participants: Matt Wilson, Alan, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Bailywolf, rafial.

7/10/2003 Nicolas Crost: Serious Donjon Reloaded
Hi all. We started playing Donjon a short while ago and after the prototypical dungeon crawl with rather low seriousness, we started with new characters and had a serious adventure!…
In CRN Games
Participants: Nicolas Crost, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson, Lxndr, Sadric.

7/7/2003 Morfedel: I hate paypal
Ok: I've moved, therefore my address, phone number, and email changed. In addition, I forgot my paypal account. I figured, no problem. I will just create a new account. Nope.…
In CRN Games
Participants: Morfedel, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir.

7/4/2003 mike: Donjon... using Fudge dice!
Okay, I have a weird idea. I really love Donjon, but the dice pool mechanic turns me away. I want something simpler. So, I'm thinking of using Fudge dice instead…
In CRN Games
Participants: mike, Sonja, xjermx, cpeterso, furashgf.

6/24/2003 Russell: Donjon Harry Potter
Just wanted to point out that a few of us are discussing this over at RPGnet: Thoughts?
In CRN Games
Participants: Russell, Mad-Eye Moody, jdagna, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Bailywolf.

6/10/2003 simkin: random city/scenario tables for Donjon?
In some very old post about Donjon someone suggested that there be tables to roll on to generate random scenarios or cities. Has anyone done something like this?
In CRN Games
Participants: simkin.

6/6/2003 Jason: One Donjon Question
I just got the game, and I had one question. On the weapons table, it lists fists, small weapons, etc. But then it says that sharp weapons are +1. I'm…
In CRN Games
Participants: Jason, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/4/2003 galex: Quick Paladin question
Please forgive me if this has been addressed before. I tried to do a search, but did not find the answer I was looking for. I'm curious about Paladin (I…
In CRN Games
Participants: galex, Michael S. Miller.

5/30/2003 Ravious: [Donjon] Trouble with First Session
Ok we had 4 players. Strong Guy with: Lift Anything, Bend Metal, Flex Muscles (intimidation), Sit On, and Punch Good Pirate with: Rape and Pillage, Swashbuckle with a Sword, Sail…
In CRN Games
Participants: Ravious, Clinton R. Nixon.

5/27/2003 MistHunter: PALADIN Setting...Anyone interested?
In the near future scientists uncovered 'True Alchemy', a form of power that is used in conjunction with atoms and such, to create Life, and everything else that can't be…
In CRN Games
Participants: MistHunter, Mike Holmes.

5/27/2003 catenwolde: Donjon ... Still Lovin' It
My brother came up for a four-day visit over the holiday weekend, and we finally got a chance to get back to Donjon after a hiatus since January (and before…
In CRN Games
Participants: catenwolde, Clinton R. Nixon.

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In CRN Games

10/10/2003 MonkeyWrench: Helping Players define Abilities
I finally got Donjon downloaded and after 2 hours of printing I had it in my hot little hands. Me and two of my players ran through most of the…
In CRN Games
Participants: MonkeyWrench, Catalyst, jdagna.

10/12/2003 joe_llama: Familiars in Donjon
I was getting nostalgic about the days "back then, when we used to roleplay with no boundaries" (today we don't play at all), so I decided to buy Donjon and…
In CRN Games
Participants: joe_llama, Clinton R. Nixon.

10/25/2003 anonymouse: Knights of the Lich Queen: a variant Paladin setup.
This is my setting/set-up document. I'll start running a thread in Actual Play sometime on Saturday, once I have the first session. Consider it a rough draft. The whole idea…
In CRN Games
Participants: anonymouse, Valamir, Alan.

11/7/2003 dyjoots: Magic in Donjon: Power Level
I've been looking over threads here and the game itself, particularly with concerns about magic. In several threads, it was mentioned that the magic system may be a bit overpowered,…
In CRN Games
Participants: dyjoots, jdagna, rafial, Bob McNamee.

11/17/2003 Bob McNamee: Creature available
I finally got around to posting at least a little of my old stuff back on the web, after Yahoo deleted my old account last year, for no apparent reason.…
In CRN Games
Participants: Bob McNamee.

12/1/2003 ethan_greer: Donjon on Gaming Report
[url=]Gaming Report[/url] has a glowing review of Donjon [url=]here.[/url] Congrats, Clinton!
In CRN Games
Participants: ethan_greer.

12/14/2003 matthijs: How competitive?
Just ran my first Donjon game last night. Not terribly well prepared; it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, my wife was the only player, and we just played 2 scenes to…
In CRN Games
Participants: matthijs, Clinton R. Nixon, Rich Forest.

12/22/2003 dunlaing: HeroQuest -> Donjon
I realize this may be crazy, but I'm considering converting a HeroQuest campaign into a Donjon campaign. I was thinking of doing something like this for the Spirit Magic Practitioners…
In CRN Games
Participants: dunlaing, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Catalyst.

1/8/2004 dunlaing: Shapechanging in Donjon
I have a player that wants the Supporting Ability "Shapechange Self." He wants it to work in such a way that if he rolls it and gets successes, he can…
In CRN Games
Participants: dunlaing, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Catalyst, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

2/24/2004 Crackerjacker: (Paladin) Anti-clone activists sorta idea thingy
not even a full day with paladin and I already have an order and quasi-setting idea. Its not really fleshed out but it's described in this conversation: Coy 247: a…
In CRN Games
Participants: Crackerjacker, Michael S. Miller.

3/21/2004 tetsujin28: Paladin Animus questions
Obviously, avoiding the accumulation of Dark Animus is a major theme of the game. Yet the stuff seems pretty easy to get rid of. Whilst the mechanic on pg. 14…
In CRN Games
Participants: tetsujin28, Clinton R. Nixon, Michael S. Miller.

3/21/2004 jshaffstall: [Donjon] Question
First, let me say that I love what I've read of Donjon. The abstraction of wealth and provisions is inspired, and the level of player involvement looks to be quite…
In CRN Games
Participants: jshaffstall, tetsujin28, Bob McNamee.

3/22/2004 aplath: Problematic spell words in Donjon
Hello all, I've just finished reading my copy of Donjon and so far it is exactly what I expected, which is pretty good. I can't wait to try it and…
In CRN Games
Participants: aplath, Bob McNamee, Paganini, jdagna.

4/3/2004 RPGuru59: Donjon on the net
I have been trying to start a game on the net via but no results yet. I was wondering, is there a site on the net that is playing…
In CRN Games
Participants: RPGuru59, Paganini, Christopher Weeks.

4/3/2004 b_bankhead: I call upon the PALADIN mastery of Anilwerks!
I will be running Paladin every tues in the indie netgaming irc channel (7pm EDT #indierpgs I have never run the game and I have already looked at the…
In CRN Games
Participants: b_bankhead.

4/13/2004 Doyce: [Paladin] Where do you drift (or do you)?
Hi all. I'm involved in Brian Bankhead's nascent Paladin game on IRC (see his recent post in this forum, and I highly recommend stopping in and joining play if you're…
In CRN Games
Participants: Doyce, Trevis Martin, tetsujin28.

4/21/2004 dyjoots: Paladin Revision?
In a thread recently ressurected by Tetsujin in the Actual Play Forum (on accident, I assume), Clinton mentioned working on a revision to the rules. Hoewever, these threads are several…
In CRN Games
Participants: dyjoots, Clinton R. Nixon, tetsujin28, Ian O'Rourke, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, b_bankhead.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Attack 'Facts'
My first Donjon question. I'm comfortable with the way the Law of Successes works outside of combat, but I'm looking for guidance in combat uses. On the forum, Clinton has…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Jason, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Healing potions and other items
How would a healing potion, or other item that produces a spell-like effect, work mechanically? the cost is 1 worth per one-time magic bonus. My ideas: a) potion heals 1…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Jason, jdagna, Christopher Weeks.

4/25/2004 demiurgeastaroth: [Donjon] Killing PCs
How exactly do you kill - or at least disable - PCs? As far as I can tell, when PCs drop to Flesh Wounds, they are still active. When they…
In CRN Games
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, jdagna.

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