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In GNS Model Discussion

10/8/2005 cj.23: My confusion lessens: GNS and Heroquest and my reviews
Hi chaps! A few nights ago I was working on a review of the Issaries game for  In that review I got sidetracked in to a discussion of whether…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: cj.23, Lamorak33, WhiteRat, contracycle, Mike Holmes, John Kim, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

9/30/2005 Tobaselly: Criteria for Narrativism, Confusion
Yes, I have read the glossary and many of the articles in the articles section in addition to looking through the past several months worth of topics in the GNS…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Tobaselly, Valamir, jburneko, Halzebier, Bankuei, Joshua BishopRoby, Bastoche, Marco, Mike Holmes, brightstar, timfire, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

9/27/2005 Bastoche: Narrativist question
I'm still trying to sort all that GNS buisness. Taking the N in particular. I think I understand what a premise is. It's an issue, a rhetorical question central to…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Bastoche, Valamir, Bankuei, jburneko, Mike Holmes, demiurgeastaroth, ewilen, Neil the Wimp, Ron Edwards, Frank T.

9/20/2005 J. Tuomas Harviainen: Parameters of the Social Contract
[quote author=Ron Edwards link=topic=16780.msg179427#msg179427 date=1127223890] Discussions of what Social Contract does and does not mean should be taken to new threads in the GNS forum. I'll be happy to explain…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: J. Tuomas Harviainen, Ron Edwards, aplappi, Halzebier.

8/19/2005 Balbinus: TROS & GNS (split)
Hi there, Apologies if it is inappropriate to post to a thread on page 4, I checked the rules and couldn't see anything and unfortunately since it's been a while…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Balbinus, Ron Edwards, Alan, M. J. Young, ewilen, Marco, Roger, Noon.

8/16/2005 ephemere: A prefabricated story: is it Nar or Sim?
So, I have this story. It's a serialized psychological drama, in the genre of modern occult conspiracy, in the tradition of Twin Peaks, and somewhat in the gaming style of…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: ephemere, Gaerik, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, Alan, bcook1971, Halzebier, Miskatonic, M. J. Young.

8/16/2005 Sean: A Stupid Hypothetical
Hi Ron - So OK, we've got this 'reward cycle' thing. I get that. I also get e.g. your analysis of MLwM in terms of two separate reward-structures (love-accumulation and…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Sean, Ron Edwards, Kesher, Noon.

8/15/2005 Joshua BishopRoby: Certain Misconceptions of Mine (Ron?)
It appears I have some misconceptions about GNS, as evidenced by something I said in;topicseen.  Anyone care to illuminate me?  Thanks much!
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

8/5/2005 Adam Dray: Stakes in GNS
Just throwing out an idea here. You may commence the beating (on the idea). Over in Stakes in Narrativism, Ron said that in Gamism, what's "at stake" is the player's…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Adam Dray, M. J. Young, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes.

8/4/2005 Andrew Morris: Stakes in Narrativism
I just have a quick question here. While reading through the Provisional Glossary, I noticed that the definition for "Stakes" basically stated that they applied to Gamist play. However, I've…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Andrew Morris, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Gaerik, TonyLB.

8/1/2005 Miskatonic: What ever happened to Points of Contact?
Okay, so I think this is an "Ask Ron" thread. Ron, Regarding Infamous Five #4, what's the current state of things Vanilla and Pervy? A quick seach reveals not much…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Miskatonic, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, drnuncheon, Simon Marks, cruciel, Adam Dray, M. J. Young, Noon, Silmenume, daHob, Alan.

7/30/2005 Paganini: Group vs. Individual CA
Over in Teaching Creative Agenda Ron wrote: Now then, individual vs. group. If this group concept of CA means, like, making a big list of the differences and…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Paganini, Marco, cruciel, Ron Edwards, Vaxalon.

7/28/2005 xenopulse: GNS Dialectic Progression
Ron, In reading the recent threads on the social level of CA, a thought occured to me that suddenly made things much more clear for me (but beware, I tend…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.

7/28/2005 Miskatonic: Barrier to newcomers
[quote author=Ron Edwards link=topic=16144.msg172103#msg172103 date=1122521152] But that sports analogy works really well. When we talk about [i]seeing[/i] a CA, actually, and when we talk about [i]satisfying[/i] it, then we gotta…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, xenopulse, droog.

7/28/2005 PlotDevice: CA not simultaneous... what of sequential variance?
I would like to pose a question, if I may. Creative Agendas of different kinds cannot be satisfied simultaneously. What of manifesting them in the one gaming group sequentially, using…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: PlotDevice, Alan, Ron Edwards, Vaxalon.

7/28/2005 slavlin: Narrativist Espionage possible?
Do you think it is possible to creat a Narrativist game which is centered around the idea of a group of agents? I feel like it should be possible, but…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: slavlin, Ron Edwards.

7/27/2005 Simon Marks: CA's at Exploration and Social levels.
Ron, I'll ask a direct and explicit question about this then. Creative Agenda covers the "How we get what we want out of this game", how we take the Ephemera,…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Simon Marks, Ron Edwards.

7/27/2005 Paganini: Teaching Creative Agenda
Moving on from this thread: I will admit up front that I am a bit peeved. I will be blunt. For the past four years I've watched this idea…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Paganini, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, Alan, lumpley, ffilz, Bankuei.

7/26/2005 imlordpuppy: GNS Gamer Personality Test?
This classification system is very interesting and seems to do a good job describing those gamers I've encountered along the way. However, as a new reader of The Forge, I…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: imlordpuppy, John Kim, greyorm, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, beingfrank.

7/26/2005 Vaxalon: What Is Creative Agenda?
From Narrativist games and "winning"? : ... Fred, I recommend considering that looking into one's own head and trying to identify Creative Agenda through "how…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, Ron Edwards, Paganini, Bankuei, Alan, Miskatonic.

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Subsequent Topics
In GNS Model Discussion

10/12/2005 jburneko: Creative Agenda In One Lesson
Hello There, This post could almost go in Actual Play but since it isn't about a role-playing game I'm putting it here.  I want to show  what happened while playing…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: jburneko, Vaxalon.

10/14/2005 droog: 'Game', 'simulation' and DitV
On a certain forum, Vincent wrote: If you mean a 100% narrativist game to have no game and no simulation, Dogs in the Vineyard surely is not one. Any…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: droog, Ron Edwards, lumpley.

10/17/2005 Mark Johnson: Alternative Narrativism
[quote author=lumpley link=topic=17244.msg182563#msg182563 date=1129312115] Dogs is great for narrativist play, if you define narrativist play as we do here. Not so great, necessarily, if you define it any other way.[/quote]…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Mark Johnson, Alan, lumpley, cruciel, Sean, Mike Holmes.

10/17/2005 Mike Holmes: Simulationism Aside
Simulationism is problematic. I don't think that I'm saying anything shocking there. There is little agreement on what it actually is, which I posit is due to the fact that…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Mike Holmes, timfire, Troy_Costisick, Adam Dray, Wolfen, WhiteRat, komradebob, Ron Edwards, Merten, jmac, Sydney Freedberg, HenryT, Andrew Norris, contracycle, Wormwood, Marco, Mark Woodhouse, M. J. Young.

10/19/2005 Sean: Question for Vincent
Hi Vincent, I don't know if it's OK to ask you questions here about anyway, but I don't know how to work your site, and it's a GNS related point…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Sean, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

10/21/2005 jmac: ignoring the subjective
from "Simulationism Aside" ( ) Ignoring the subjective seems to be important part of sim play, and distinctions between games can drawn from scope of subjective to be ignored…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: jmac, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, clehrich, Nathan P., Supplanter.

10/22/2005 Frank T: [Question] Mode / CA and related
Since I'm trying to explain this to people on GroFaFo, I better make sure I have understood it myself. This is not about discussion, this is just about "have I…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards, Sean, ewilen, M. J. Young, Marco, cruciel, Vaxalon.

11/2/2005 Vaxalon: Reward Cycle
[quote author=Ron Edwards link=topic=17346.msg184616#msg184616 date=1130766625] Hi Fred, The relevant time-unit for an "instance of play" is a reward cycle. In Dogs in the Vineyard, for example, conflicts arise, fallout is…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Vaxalon, Ron Edwards, Mark Woodhouse, John Kim, cruciel, ffilz, Sean.

11/2/2005 John Kim: Channeling and GNS
In his recent thread on Simulationism Aside, Mike Holmes talked about "channeling".  This was a topic often discussed in rgfa as well as in other forums such as Interactive Fantasy. …
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: John Kim, Marco, Noon, Ron Edwards, ewilen.

11/3/2005 M. J. Young: Reward Cycle II: Cycle Sans System
There were some excellent points made in the recent thread Reward Cycle; as I read it, though, I was brought back in my thinking to the problem that I've had…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: M. J. Young, Vaxalon, timfire, talysman, Frank T, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

11/9/2005 MatrixGamer: Horror and players that balk
A while back I ran a Cthulhu like horror game in which the players were on a river boat which ran aground on a small island. There were two players.…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: MatrixGamer, Joshua BishopRoby, Eric J-D, komradebob, timfire, M. J. Young.

11/15/2005 talysman: The Secret of Sim
On another forum, someone asked point-blank "what is Simulationism?" because he didn't quite understand it from the essays. This is understandable; although many of us have an idea of what…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: talysman, nikola, lumpley, MatrixGamer, Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, cruciel, komradebob, timfire, John Kim, Mark Woodhouse, ctrail, Silmenume, Joel, Caldis, contracycle, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, ewilen, Ron Edwards.

11/18/2005 cruciel: The State of GNS: A Rant
I decided to post this in a new topic instead of in its parent thread The Secret of Sim.  This is a rant, directed at no one in particular, even…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: cruciel, Matt Snyder, ewilen, Ron Edwards, clehrich, Mike Holmes.

11/22/2005 Lamorak33: Sim: Sources
Hi Where can I get the current thinking on Sim. Any good links (no flame wars to muddle through though please!) I thought I had a good handle on it,…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Lamorak33, Caldis, Ron Edwards, Ron.

11/30/2005 Mike Holmes: Constructive Denial?
In the following post, Ron came up with the phrase Constructive Denial: Actually I think that some of his last posts were some of the best statements that I've…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Supplanter, GreatWolf, talysman, Marco, komradebob, Artanis, Mark Woodhouse, clehrich, jmac, contracycle, M. J. Young.

11/30/2005 talysman: Reward Cycle III: hybrids
this thread isn't actually a spin-off of Reward Cycle I and II, but it may address some of the minor definition disagreements occurring in those threads. this thread is really…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: talysman, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, M. J. Young, Sean.

12/1/2005 Ron Edwards: [A GNS STORY] The liberals
[b]First in a series. I don't know how many yet.[/b] So I'm in the foxhole, up to my mid-shins in muddy water. It's been a rough day, not so much…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes, John Harper, RobNJ, matthijs, Arturo G., GreatWolf.

12/1/2005 John Kim: [A GNS STORY] The Stroll
Little Johnny looks around a grassy field.  He sees a bit of commotion over to his side.  Some other kids there have a nice-looking playground and forts which they built. …
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: John Kim, lumpley, Mark Woodhouse, Ron Edwards.

12/2/2005 Ron Edwards: Graduation
Hello, This forum is no longer available for posting. It has served its purpose: to develop a sensible framework for discussing play, and the children of play, design and publishing.…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards.

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