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In lumpley games

8/2/2005 inoir: [DitV] Tannin Ridge - Transcript + asking for comments This link is to a transcript of the beginning of a game of Dogs.    I would love for some comments about it... what we did wrong, what we…
In lumpley games
Participants: inoir, Solamasa.

7/31/2005 elgorade: d4 as trouble?
Why is a d4 considered to give you trouble?  Mechanically it seems less likely to help you, but certainly better than no dice.  And since you don't have to use…
In lumpley games
Participants: elgorade, Eero Tuovinen, Warren, nikola.

7/30/2005 PaulChapman: [DitV] Couple Questions, If I May
Question 1: Why use attributes? I’m not saying I disagree with the idea – most of my favorite games use them – but for such a rules light system, it…
In lumpley games
Participants: PaulChapman, TonyLB, demiurgeastaroth, Eero Tuovinen, ScottM, lumpley, Wolfen.

7/29/2005 ctrail: [DitV] Institutions
I'm not sure how to interpret the rules about whether or not a relationship with an institution applies to a conflict. I don't have the book with me, but I…
In lumpley games
Participants: ctrail, lumpley, TonyLB, John Harper.

7/28/2005 elgorade: Other settings?
I doubt I'll try these, but I'm curious about what others think.  What is the root of interest in Dogs?  It came to me at one point that Heralds from…
In lumpley games
Participants: elgorade, GB Steve, Frank T, Vaxalon, cdr, Paka, Mark Woodhouse, daHob, Trevis Martin, Nick Brooke.

7/26/2005 ctrail: [DitV] Coats
So in my game this weekend, one of the Dogs kept raising with "I tug on my coat, and say..." to bring the belonging into a conflict. One of the…
In lumpley games
Participants: ctrail, lumpley, nikola, TonyLB.

7/26/2005 lumpley: DitV2: New Text
...Well, new to the book. It won't be new to you. This appears at the end of the Conflict & Resolution chapter. GMing Conflicts I think of this as “second…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, John Harper.

7/26/2005 Warren: [DitV] Snakeweed Crossing Branch
This is a big old town that I've just ran with my group of players. It took three sessions of play with an average of three Dogs per session. It's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Warren.

7/26/2005 Lee Short: [DitV] Negotiation in Dogs: Sweetening the Pot
I'm running a Dogs-based game (nonstandard setting) that has lots of high-stakes negotiation in it.  I'm using a negotiation mechanic I call Sweetening The Pot.  Here's how it works: When…
In lumpley games
Participants: Lee Short, ctrail.

7/25/2005 Miskatonic: [DitV] Busted links
My copy of Dogs arrived today! In my enthusiastic fannishness, I have noticed some of the links on the Ditv site are dead: Links to how to load and fire…
In lumpley games
Participants: Miskatonic, lumpley, George.

7/25/2005 ctrail: [DitV] Mobs
Had a weird moment in a game last night. The players were going to confront the Steward of the town and his cronies, and decided to bring some loyal townspeople…
In lumpley games
Participants: ctrail, Wolfen, lumpley, GB Steve, cdr, erithromycin.

7/25/2005 ctrail: [DitV] Authority
(This topic has been addressed several times on this forum, but I still don't feel like I understand it fully. I apologize if this feels like we're beating a dead…
In lumpley games
Participants: ctrail, Paka, TonyLB, GB Steve, Wolfen, lumpley, demiurgeastaroth.

7/25/2005 ctrail: [DitV] Arenas
I've run DitV twice now, and had difficulty determining which Stats should be brought into play for a couple of conflicts. Specifically, I've had several conflicts between two characters, or…
In lumpley games
Participants: ctrail, Wolfen, lumpley, Warren, demiurgeastaroth.

7/24/2005 GB Steve: Les Dogs de la Vigne
So it was SteveCon Paris this weekend, organised by Ben with accomodation provided by Régis. I popped over from London for two nights which was long enough to play Enemy…
In lumpley games
Participants: GB Steve, bcook1971, jasonm, Andrew Norris.

7/20/2005 Warren: Fallout, Followups and Rule Changes
As announced in this thread, Vincent has modified the followup conflict rules somewhat. Before, the players could get a whole bunch of extra dice if they used the Fallout in…
In lumpley games
Participants: Warren.

7/20/2005 lumpley: DitV2: New Rules!
The second edition upcoming has a new rule and a rule change in it. They're both about followup conflicts. The rule change I'm the GM. My NPCs take a stack…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Technocrat13, bluegargantua, Warren, Uzzah, demiurgeastaroth, Matt Wilson, immlass, mataglap, mtiru.

7/19/2005 Paka: Escalation
I was talking to Tony about the rules for escalation and we came to a descrepancy that I'd like to discuss.  I heard it was the subject of a thread…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paka, TonyLB, Technocrat13, coffeestain, immlass, Wolfen, lumpley, Sean.

7/18/2005 TonyLB: Divergent Worship, Opposing Doctrines
We were chattering about Dogs at DEXCON, and talking about how interesting whacked out takes on the Faith can be... how compelling, how entrancing. And I said (and stand by)…
In lumpley games
Participants: TonyLB, Technocrat13, lumpley, Wolfen, Solamasa.

7/18/2005 Technocrat13: Hard Questions and Demons
I was reading Tony's Kettle Lake game and really got to thinking about how More Hard Choices tends to lead to More Entertaining Sessions.  I was also thinking of…
In lumpley games
Participants: Technocrat13, Wolfen, Warren, lumpley.

7/16/2005 dyjoots: [DitV] Spring's Fork Branch
Here's my first try at a town. I feel like I might have made it a bit complex, so I definitely want some tips or advice before I spring this…
In lumpley games
Participants: dyjoots.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

8/3/2005 Frank T: How to get people immediately interested in Dogs
Hi, here's a problem I've been facing. I really dig Dogs. I mean, really. Reading the book had me going, "Cool, cool, cool!" every second page. But I find it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Frank T, rrr, TonyLB, Wolfen, xenopulse, Uzzah, Andrew Morris, hix, Sydney Freedberg.

8/3/2005 Rustin: [DitV] Ethics Crunching
Hello. Noobler here. I have yet to play DitV.  I've skimmed the rules but haven't given them a real studious treatment.  I hope to spring it on my gaming group…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, lumpley, Wolfen, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, GB Steve, demiurgeastaroth, rrr, TonyLB, Bankuei, Nick Brooke.

8/4/2005 Jonas Karlsson: [DitV] The Basil Branch
Hello all, Yesterday I bought DitV after waiting all too long. My girlfriend and I really should be studying for exams, but instead I've convinced her that playing a session…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, lumpley.

8/4/2005 mtiru: [DiTV] San Miguel Branch
hey, gang, this is the second town I've created.  The first had some problems which I realized were both lingering illusionist tendencies, and including a "mystery" which prevented the players…
In lumpley games
Participants: mtiru, Wolfen.

8/9/2005 anonymouse: Dogs in the Black: brainstormin' required
In a nutshell: stick the Faith out on the Firefly border worlds; the Alliance is the a rather meddlesome "East" back in the Core. It's DitV with a change of…
In lumpley games
Participants: anonymouse, Andrew Morris, Christopher Weeks, GB Steve, Negilent, lumpley, John Harper, avram, majcher.

8/9/2005 Mark Woodhouse: Kitbashing and the Faith
Hey Vincent, if you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate a wee bit on this the real purpose of the Faith is to give the PCs no back door 'coz it's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mark Woodhouse, lumpley, Solamasa.

8/10/2005 Noon: Joining a PBP, rules blind
Heya, My curiosity about dogs got to be too much. Initially I was going to just watch a game that was about to happen at But it floundered as…
In lumpley games
Participants: Noon, rrr, beingfrank, lumpley, ADamnFox, nikola, Grover.

8/11/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Revisiting Towns
(Disclaimer: I am reading through Dogs, but have yet to play). Assuming I have it right that the GM is forbidden to input any external judgement on whether the Dogs…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, TonyLB, Mark Woodhouse, Adam Dray, lumpley, Eric Minton, Eero Tuovinen.

8/11/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Conflict Resolution, especially whether Traits and Things can be invoked en-mass
The way I read the resolution mechanics in the rules it says: (1) The initial dice are only for Stats and Relationships, not for Traits or Things (p34-35) (2) On…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, James Holloway.

8/11/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Are Belongings Really A Temptation To Escalate?
in No limitations on Dog's stuff? Vincent says: Belongings tend to contribute their dice high up in the escalation process. A die in a gun is pressure to…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, lumpley, TonyLB, rrr.

8/12/2005 Pol Jackson: [DiTV] Problematic Town Creation - Hobbestown
This is my first post at the Forge. Hi! I recently purchased Dogs, and intend to run it for my game group Real Soon Now. I came up with a…
In lumpley games
Participants: Pol Jackson, Technocrat13, jasonm.

8/14/2005 GB Steve: [DitV] Fort Lemon, again.
I ran Fort Lemon for the third time yesterday. This run was a Consternation in Cambridge for first time players. I didn't use the fort time because we only had…
In lumpley games
Participants: GB Steve, Jonas Karlsson, jasonm.

8/16/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Player vs GM Assertion Rights
I recently read a DitV thread that said something along the lines of: the characters went round the town and tested everyone for possession. No one was possessed.…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, lumpley, Bankuei, Wolfen.

8/19/2005 Judaicdiablo: Firefly in the Vineyard [Long]
This is a new topic that is based off the one started <a href="">here</a>.  ***** After I watched the Firefly boxed set, I began working on a Firefly RPG almost…
In lumpley games
Participants: Judaicdiablo, ScottM, tonyd, ADamnFox, Sydney Freedberg, John Harper, lumpley.

8/19/2005 jasonm: [DitV] Coachwhip Cut-Off
Feedback encouraged!  Help me tighten this town up.  I took it all the way up to hate and murder, but am considering toning it down - what do you think>…
In lumpley games
Participants: jasonm, ScottM, Pol Jackson.

8/21/2005 two_fishes: What I am enjoying in DitV
There's some things I've realized, in thinking about my character sheet. A lot of the fallout I've had to take, I've turned into d4 attributes. In one instance from the…
In lumpley games
Participants: two_fishes, ScottM, epweissengruber, lumpley, nikola, Frank T.

8/22/2005 Pyromancer: Conflicts you can't escalate
Hello there! Last time we played, one player wanted to start a conflict similar to: "Do I convince him to not draw his gun". I had a problem with this,…
In lumpley games
Participants: Pyromancer, Selene Tan, lumpley.

8/23/2005 Victor Gijsbers: Congratulations are in order
Vincent, congratulations with carrying away the coveted Indie Game of the Year 2004 Award! And the one for Most Innovative RPG too, of course.
In lumpley games
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, lumpley, lazarus.

8/26/2005 lumpley: Can the Dogs Define Sin Away?
[quote author=Pôl Jackson link=topic=16439.msg175504#msg175504 date=1124950780] There's an idea in the game that I find problematic: that the Dogs can redefine sin so that it isn't sin anymore. But that's a…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, Pol Jackson.

8/26/2005 John Kim: Group Helping Strategies
OK, so as I'm preparing to GM my second Dogs game, I'm pondering group strategies.  In my first run, the players would tend to approach group conflicts by all rolling,…
In lumpley games
Participants: John Kim, mtiru, cdr.

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