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In lumpley games

8/19/2005 Judaicdiablo: Firefly in the Vineyard [Long]
This is a new topic that is based off the one started <a href="">here</a>.  ***** After I watched the Firefly boxed set, I began working on a Firefly RPG almost…
In lumpley games
Participants: Judaicdiablo, ScottM, tonyd, ADamnFox, Sydney Freedberg, John Harper, lumpley.

8/16/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Player vs GM Assertion Rights
I recently read a DitV thread that said something along the lines of: the characters went round the town and tested everyone for possession. No one was possessed.…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, lumpley, Bankuei, Wolfen.

8/14/2005 GB Steve: [DitV] Fort Lemon, again.
I ran Fort Lemon for the third time yesterday. This run was a Consternation in Cambridge for first time players. I didn't use the fort time because we only had…
In lumpley games
Participants: GB Steve, Jonas Karlsson, jasonm.

8/12/2005 Pol Jackson: [DiTV] Problematic Town Creation - Hobbestown
This is my first post at the Forge. Hi! I recently purchased Dogs, and intend to run it for my game group Real Soon Now. I came up with a…
In lumpley games
Participants: Pol Jackson, Technocrat13, jasonm.

8/11/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Are Belongings Really A Temptation To Escalate?
in No limitations on Dog's stuff? Vincent says: Belongings tend to contribute their dice high up in the escalation process. A die in a gun is pressure to…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, lumpley, TonyLB, rrr.

8/11/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Conflict Resolution, especially whether Traits and Things can be invoked en-mass
The way I read the resolution mechanics in the rules it says: (1) The initial dice are only for Stats and Relationships, not for Traits or Things (p34-35) (2) On…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley, James Holloway.

8/11/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Revisiting Towns
(Disclaimer: I am reading through Dogs, but have yet to play). Assuming I have it right that the GM is forbidden to input any external judgement on whether the Dogs…
In lumpley games
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, TonyLB, Mark Woodhouse, Adam Dray, lumpley, Eric Minton, Eero Tuovinen.

8/10/2005 Noon: Joining a PBP, rules blind
Heya, My curiosity about dogs got to be too much. Initially I was going to just watch a game that was about to happen at But it floundered as…
In lumpley games
Participants: Noon, rrr, beingfrank, lumpley, ADamnFox, nikola, Grover.

8/9/2005 Mark Woodhouse: Kitbashing and the Faith
Hey Vincent, if you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate a wee bit on this the real purpose of the Faith is to give the PCs no back door 'coz it's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mark Woodhouse, lumpley, Solamasa.

8/9/2005 anonymouse: Dogs in the Black: brainstormin' required
In a nutshell: stick the Faith out on the Firefly border worlds; the Alliance is the a rather meddlesome "East" back in the Core. It's DitV with a change of…
In lumpley games
Participants: anonymouse, Andrew Morris, Christopher Weeks, GB Steve, Negilent, lumpley, John Harper, avram, majcher.

8/4/2005 mtiru: [DiTV] San Miguel Branch
hey, gang, this is the second town I've created.  The first had some problems which I realized were both lingering illusionist tendencies, and including a "mystery" which prevented the players…
In lumpley games
Participants: mtiru, Wolfen.

8/4/2005 Jonas Karlsson: [DitV] The Basil Branch
Hello all, Yesterday I bought DitV after waiting all too long. My girlfriend and I really should be studying for exams, but instead I've convinced her that playing a session…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, lumpley.

8/3/2005 Rustin: [DitV] Ethics Crunching
Hello. Noobler here. I have yet to play DitV.  I've skimmed the rules but haven't given them a real studious treatment.  I hope to spring it on my gaming group…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, lumpley, Wolfen, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, GB Steve, demiurgeastaroth, rrr, TonyLB, Bankuei, Nick Brooke.

8/3/2005 Frank T: How to get people immediately interested in Dogs
Hi, here's a problem I've been facing. I really dig Dogs. I mean, really. Reading the book had me going, "Cool, cool, cool!" every second page. But I find it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Frank T, rrr, TonyLB, Wolfen, xenopulse, Uzzah, Andrew Morris, hix, Sydney Freedberg.

8/2/2005 Grover: Joining a conflict already in progress.
As I understand it, it's impossible.  In other threads, I've seen the suggestion that the appropriate thing to do when another character wants to join is to give immediately, and…
In lumpley games
Participants: Grover, ScottM, lumpley.

8/2/2005 inoir: [DitV] Tannin Ridge - Transcript + asking for comments This link is to a transcript of the beginning of a game of Dogs.    I would love for some comments about it... what we did wrong, what we…
In lumpley games
Participants: inoir, Solamasa.

7/31/2005 elgorade: d4 as trouble?
Why is a d4 considered to give you trouble?  Mechanically it seems less likely to help you, but certainly better than no dice.  And since you don't have to use…
In lumpley games
Participants: elgorade, Eero Tuovinen, Warren, nikola.

7/30/2005 PaulChapman: [DitV] Couple Questions, If I May
Question 1: Why use attributes? I’m not saying I disagree with the idea – most of my favorite games use them – but for such a rules light system, it…
In lumpley games
Participants: PaulChapman, TonyLB, demiurgeastaroth, Eero Tuovinen, ScottM, lumpley, Wolfen.

7/29/2005 ctrail: [DitV] Institutions
I'm not sure how to interpret the rules about whether or not a relationship with an institution applies to a conflict. I don't have the book with me, but I…
In lumpley games
Participants: ctrail, lumpley, TonyLB, John Harper.

7/28/2005 elgorade: Other settings?
I doubt I'll try these, but I'm curious about what others think.  What is the root of interest in Dogs?  It came to me at one point that Heralds from…
In lumpley games
Participants: elgorade, GB Steve, Frank T, Vaxalon, cdr, Paka, Mark Woodhouse, daHob, Trevis Martin, Nick Brooke.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

8/21/2005 two_fishes: What I am enjoying in DitV
There's some things I've realized, in thinking about my character sheet. A lot of the fallout I've had to take, I've turned into d4 attributes. In one instance from the…
In lumpley games
Participants: two_fishes, ScottM, epweissengruber, lumpley, nikola, Frank T.

8/22/2005 Pyromancer: Conflicts you can't escalate
Hello there! Last time we played, one player wanted to start a conflict similar to: "Do I convince him to not draw his gun". I had a problem with this,…
In lumpley games
Participants: Pyromancer, Selene Tan, lumpley.

8/23/2005 Victor Gijsbers: Congratulations are in order
Vincent, congratulations with carrying away the coveted Indie Game of the Year 2004 Award! And the one for Most Innovative RPG too, of course.
In lumpley games
Participants: Victor Gijsbers, lumpley, lazarus.

8/26/2005 lumpley: Can the Dogs Define Sin Away?
[quote author=Pôl Jackson link=topic=16439.msg175504#msg175504 date=1124950780] There's an idea in the game that I find problematic: that the Dogs can redefine sin so that it isn't sin anymore. But that's a…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, TonyLB, Pol Jackson.

8/26/2005 John Kim: Group Helping Strategies
OK, so as I'm preparing to GM my second Dogs game, I'm pondering group strategies.  In my first run, the players would tend to approach group conflicts by all rolling,…
In lumpley games
Participants: John Kim, mtiru, cdr.

8/28/2005 MCroft: [DitV] I don't want to say 'yes' and I don't want to put dice on the table...
I had a pretty serious train wreck in my last session.  The dogs had just successfully gone in, guns blazing, and won a conflict with two posessed women for the…
In lumpley games
Participants: MCroft, Blankshield, lumpley, TonyLB, Christopher Weeks, James Holloway.

8/28/2005 MCroft: [DitV] How to decide what happens when you take a blow?
I'm not sure how to handle taking the blow in a number of situations.  In the back-and-forth of an undecided conflict, does the declared action (which the opponent cannot ignore)…
In lumpley games
Participants: MCroft, lumpley.

8/29/2005 Judaicdiablo: [DitV] "Minmaxing Dogs is playing Dogs well."
In this post(, Vincent said that "Minmaxing Dogs is playing Dogs well."  As an avid MinMaxer (I don't see it as min-maxing, I see it as using my tools efficiently)…
In lumpley games
Participants: Judaicdiablo, Eero Tuovinen, John Harper, lumpley.

8/31/2005 lumpley: Dogs Review Podcast by Paul Tevis
[url=]Have Games, Will Travel #6[/url]. Coolness! -Vincent
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley.

9/2/2005 DamienNeil: [DitV] Character accomplishment, (re)use of items, inconstant traits
So, I bought and read through the rules.  I'm still getting over how cool Dogs is, and desperately hoping for a chance to actually play it sometime soon.  But I've…
In lumpley games
Participants: DamienNeil, demiurgeastaroth, lumpley.

9/2/2005 Rustin: [CoC + DitV] Will This Work? ? ?
If this is in the wrong forum please move. The very thing DitV solves is the exact problem I've always had with Call of Cthulhu-- both as a GM and…
In lumpley games
Participants: Rustin, lumpley, Paka, John Harper, DamienNeil, Blankshield, Sydney Freedberg.

9/5/2005 DamienNeil: [DitV] Lone Tree Branch
So I just got back from running my first session of Dogs.  DAMN, but that was fun. Pride: Lone Tree Branch has been doing pretty well.  Crops are good, sickness…
In lumpley games
Participants: DamienNeil, lumpley.

9/7/2005 John Harper: Medical attention, GM throws the conflict
So, tonight we finished up the second session of our Dogs game. Something came up that isn't mentioned in the rules. I'm running the game. After a very nasty conflict…
In lumpley games
Participants: John Harper, StalkingBlue, GB Steve, ADamnFox, Technocrat13, lumpley, Ron Edwards, Paka, DamienNeil, Bankuei, Judaicdiablo.

9/7/2005 mrlost: How do ceremonies work?
What are the purpose of ceremonies? Please clarify how they function in game? Are they supposed to counter Demonic Influence, and how do they modify fallout?
In lumpley games
Participants: mrlost, nikola, GB Steve, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley, TonyLB.

9/9/2005 Spooky Fanboy: Just to be sure:
The PDF contains all the new rules you mentioned in the Forums, right?
In lumpley games
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, lumpley.

9/10/2005 Spooky Fanboy: Regulators in the Neo-Utopia (alternate setting)
[b]Now[/b] I have the PDF, soon to be the official PDF with the upgraded rules. I will play this game as is, post-haste, I promise, so as to get a…
In lumpley games
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, lumpley.

9/13/2005 lumpley: Swords for Guns?
[quote author=Falc link=topic=16743.msg178443#msg178443 date=1126622081] I must say, it's indeed a bit unclear that the actual final step of escalation is weapons of any kind, and not just guns. That's not…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Falc, DamienNeil, Sean, nikola, Sydney Freedberg, cdr, epweissengruber, Trevis Martin.

9/13/2005 two_fishes: [DitV] Longview Branch
I made and ran my first Dogs game the other day. It went well, but I could have made it better. I thought I'd post the town. Victor wrote in…
In lumpley games
Participants: two_fishes.

9/13/2005 Ignotus: The Branch at Scutter's Folly
I'm busy gearing up to run DitV for the first time.  I met Vince at Gencon briefly (I played in a DitV demo with some friends), and he suggested I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ignotus, DamienNeil, Trevis Martin, Andrew Morris, lumpley.

9/14/2005 TickTock Man: Developing Ceremonies in Alternate Settings
Greetings! I am pretty new to DitV though I have played a little bit in the Dogs setting, and in a Lovecraftian setting I am working on.  I have a…
In lumpley games
Participants: TickTock Man, lumpley, Blankshield, cdr, nikola, DamienNeil, Ignotus.

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