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In Incarnadine Press

9/10/2004 Brand_Robins: WGP question
WGP arrived yesterday, and I was going over it with friends. We decided to make a characters, and in the course of doing so the following question came up. One…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Brand_Robins, Andy Kitkowski, Michael S. Miller.

9/10/2004 pfischer: WGP arrived safely - have questions
WGP travelled all the way to Scotland in a few days. Amazing. I enjoyed reading it. Twice. The first time i speed-read it, and did not understand one single bit…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: pfischer, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller.

9/8/2004 dunlaing: With Great Power Arrived Yesterday and Boy Is My Wrist Tired
With Great Power... showed up yesterday. Fortunately it was small enough to fit in my mailbox. Thank you for the extra-speedy order fulfillment. I did have a few comments/questions that…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: dunlaing, Michael S. Miller, Alan.

9/8/2004 Andy Kitkowski: WGP Last Minute Question Thread!!!ONE!
Hey Mike, crew. Got the playtest version on Sat, have been going over it lightly over the past few days. I was hoping to run a playtest of it this…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Michael S. Miller, Kat Miller, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Smithy.

9/6/2004 Michael S. Miller: Welcome to Incarnadine Press! Please wash your hands.
Welcome to the Incarnadine Press forum. I welcome any and all comments, questions, and criticisms about my games. Since I have a few out there, please help keep things tidy…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

8/31/2004 Michael S. Miller: With Great Power... Fully-Playable Preview Edition Available
The With Great Power... Fully-Playable Preview Edition is now available by mail order. Go to to order. The 28-page Preview Edition contains everything you need to play. It costs…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes.

8/26/2004 Murwiz: [WGP] Resource pointers
I thought I might start this topic to share places where GMs of "With Great Power..." might find resources to help write adventures. The obvious one would be comics. Any…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Murwiz.

8/26/2004 Murwiz: [WGP] Idea for "minor" or "maturing" asp
I played in one of the GenCon demos of "With Great Power..." and enjoyed it. I had an idea for a minor addition to the game, and Michael asked me…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Murwiz, Michael S. Miller.

8/24/2004 Brand_Robins: Excelsior Preview?
So, as I missed Gen Con, did the Excelsior preview come out there? Will it be avaliable to those of us miserable wretches that didn't make it to the Con?
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, galex, Smithy, dunlaing, Christopher Weeks.

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Subsequent Topics
In Incarnadine Press

9/16/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Various Funkiness after Playtest Session
Hey Mike, sorry to keep you waiting on playtest notes. I usually like to take the time to formulate my thoughts into coherent patterns so that I can order and…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Michael S. Miller, dunlaing, Christopher Weeks, Alan, Valamir.

10/4/2004 Michael S. Miller: WGP Review on
The first review of the Preview Edition went up on today. Read it here Carl makes some good points that I will have to address. Plus, I think I…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Andy Kitkowski, dunlaing.

10/6/2004 pfischer: WGP for other comic genres
I am slowly peparing myself for a playtest of the WGP preview edition, and I really, really like the mechanics, especially for conflict resolution. I am still a bit shaky…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: pfischer, Michael S. Miller.

10/6/2004 dunlaing: Pacing
[quote="Michael S. Miller"]IIRC, Spider's battle against the Smiler could be seen as one long, slow Story Arc--or perhaps several. Perhaps you could place a limit like "only one card may…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: dunlaing, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller.

10/18/2004 Kat Miller: An extra wild for the Hero deck.
I've been a hero playtester from the begining, and at Ubercon I had an opportunity to run WGP for the first time. It was quite an exilerating experience. One of…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Kat Miller.

11/27/2004 Veritas Games: Clarifications
First, the rules on decks need to be described EARLY in the rules. You've got rules referring to decks before describing them. Also the deck usage rules are fuzzy --…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Veritas Games, Michael S. Miller.

12/27/2004 Michael S. Miller: Incarnadine Press News
The With Great Power... Interim Edition is now available for download. Get it here: With Great Power... Interim Edition. I'd like to thank everyone whose honest feedback has helped make…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

12/27/2004 Michael S. Miller: Designer's Notes for the Interim Edition
As you can see, I've shot one of the Preview Edition's sneakiest Sacred Cows: IMPORTANCE. The concept no longer exists in the game. It was a left-over from the very…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, hardcoremoose, pfischer, Andy Kitkowski.

1/18/2005 Michael S. Miller: New Logo's Up
Hi, all. Take a gander at the grandeur that is the new With Great Power... logo. Designed by none other than the ever-mysterious Jared Sorensen.
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Andy Kitkowski, Yokiboy, Jared A. Sorensen, hix, Christopher Weeks, Shreyas Sampat, dunlaing, Bob Goat.

2/16/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Questions from the Interim Edition...
I'll make my post quick like a dagger: First offf, LOVE the examples. I think they help a lot. 1) I think that showing the villians doing things to activate…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Michael S. Miller, Kat Miller.

3/30/2005 Michael S. Miller: Newest With Great Power... Logo is up
AFter far too long in development, With Great Power... finally has a title with great pizzazz. Check it out. Any comments are welcome. Many thanks to Luke Crane, Keith Senkowski,…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Snyder, gorckat.

4/11/2005 Kat Miller: side kicks!
Mike has been developing a way to work out partnerships and sidekicks which we tested out at Mepa con from the BUFFY "With Great Power..." game, he streamlined the story…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Kat Miller.

5/9/2005 Michael S. Miller: With Great Power... Q&A in Daedelus
A Q&A about With Great Power... is available in the latest issue of Daedelus. Many thanks to Matt Snyder for making this possible and providing great questions. As always, you…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

6/16/2005 bigcape: GM running WGP this weekend for the first time.
I just bought WGP preview and I have now read it and the interim edition through a few times. I am going to run WGP for a few of my…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: bigcape, Michael S. Miller, pfischer, Christopher Weeks, Valamir.

7/18/2005 Thor Olavsrud: WGP Taking Shape...
I had a chance to play With Great Power... yesterday at DexCon, and I must say the game is REALLY coming together. I'm extremely pleased with how everything is taking…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege.

7/19/2005 Kat Miller: You Call that Strife??? I'll Give you Strife!!!
This may be headed into the Alternate rules for WGP but it’s such a powerful idea I wanted to bounce it off the list while there is still room for…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Kat Miller, Thor Olavsrud.

8/11/2005 Tony Irwin: Fantastic Four (with movie spoilers)
I just saw Fantastic Four and I'm all super-heroed up. There's a gorgeous scene where Ben Grimm's fiance dumps him wordlessly, taking off her ring, placing it on the ground,…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Tony Irwin, Michael S. Miller.

8/12/2005 Tony Irwin: Comic strip rules
The comic strip rule samples I've seen for WGP are very, very exciting. I'm looking forward to buying the finished game, I'm betting the book will have real "Hey, flick…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Tony Irwin, Michael S. Miller.

8/16/2005 Michael S. Miller: With Great Power... Full Edition is done!
I've updated the site. (Yes, I know the date is wrong. oops) There's a thumbnail of the cover as well as the following update: Yesterday I picked up the full…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Thor Olavsrud, pfischer, Christopher Weeks, dyjoots, Spooky Fanboy.

8/22/2005 Doc Blue: With Great Power
I picked up With Great Power at Gen Con - you should thank your editor (sorry I forgot your name) who spent some time with me talking about the premise…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Doc Blue, Gaerik, rickr, Thor Olavsrud.

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