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In Dog Eared Designs

4/26/2005 craytonc: A Question and an Idea
I've only run one episode of PTA so far, which I put up in actual play ( However, we're about to start the main season, and I've found that in…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: craytonc, Matt Wilson, Alan.

4/25/2005 Andy Kitkowski: PTA to run Manga, Part Deux
Why do I even bother sometimes? :-) Basically, my take on how PTA is The Greatest Manga Roleplaying Game, EVAR. I guess the best way to prove this would…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, b_bankhead, Danny_K, Matt Wilson.

4/21/2005 Frank T: Protagonist Sheet Question
So there is a protagonist sheet on the website. How long has it been there? I didn't notice it before. Sweet! But there's one thing I don't get: What are…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Frank T, Jonas Karlsson, Valamir, Matt Wilson.

4/21/2005 Jonas Karlsson: Mixed questions
I’m going to try PTA on Saturday, with the prep session, but I have three questions. In another thread the question of protagonist vs. protagonist conflicts was left unanswered. Since…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, JMendes, Matt Wilson, Danny_K.

4/9/2005 JMendes: Guest Stars
Hey, :) Ok, we had another session of Heritage, last night, with the added plus that an extra friend popped in to look at the game. We decided it would…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: JMendes, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes.

4/6/2005 Matt Wilson: Primetime Adventures sales data
I really appreciated Paul putting up his sales figures, so I decided I'd do the same. As of the end of march, PTA has been available for sale for 6…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson, xenopulse, Ben Lehman, JMendes, MarcoBrucale, Paul Czege, Valamir, Emily Care, inthisstyle, Andy Kitkowski.

4/1/2005 Norbert Matausch: An honest review of PTA
Hi all, name's Norbert, I'm 34 and into roleplaying since I'm 14 years old. I've been a GM all my roleplaying live. We started diceless roleplaying with Amber, and this…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Norbert Matausch, Selene Tan, Matt Wilson, Danny_K, Emily Care.

3/29/2005 Matt Wilson: The Primetime Adventures PDF Wish List
Someday, far from now, the book will be revised, and it will have neat new things in it that everyone wishes were in it. But first it will be a…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson, Chris Goodwin, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Danny_K, JMendes, Emily Care, KingstonC, Yokiboy, Andy Kitkowski, Jasper Polane, Jonas Karlsson, xenopulse, Shiffer, Matthew Glover, IMAGinES.

3/28/2005 Chris Goodwin: Dungeon Majesty final up
The final episode of Dungeon Majesty has been posted at the wiki ( Rob and the gang, thank you for playing and posting, and most of all, for letting the…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Chris Goodwin.

3/28/2005 JMendes: PvP in PtA
Hey, :) I'm splitting this off, because I think it's become out of topic for the original thread. don't be afraid of this... specially not in…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: JMendes, TonyLB.

3/23/2005 Matt Wilson: stepping out for a few days
Hey all. I'm heading back to Seattle until Sunday (which apparently is Easter, I didn't even know) and probably won't have much net access while I'm there. If you gots…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson.

3/19/2005 Jason Newquist: Things that are Hard to Film
I play in a regular CoC game, and the Keeper is pretty damn good. Delivers solid product, and he comes up with some wonderful stuff. But a lot of it,…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Jason Newquist, Chris Goodwin, Matt Wilson, John Harper.

3/13/2005 JMendes: Several procedural questions
Ahey, :) Righty. We tried our hand at PtA last Friday, and I have several questions. Many of these are also in my Actual Play post, but I thought it…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: JMendes, Matt Wilson, Alan, ricmadeira, azrianni, Danny_K, John Harper.

2/28/2005 Jason Newquist: PTA Conflicts Doggy Style?
So, in the last month I bought and read both Dogs and PTA, and I must say, I'm quite taken with these games. I like 'em both quite a bit.…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Jason Newquist, Danny_K, TonyLB, Chris Goodwin, Damocles, Matt Wilson, Vaxalon.

2/23/2005 Danny_K: Recruiting for a PTA game on
Matt, I hope you don't mind me posting this on your board -- feel free to delete it if you think it's inappropriate. I've never had as much trouble getting…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Danny_K.

2/17/2005 azrianni: late to the party
This is a good thread. I was just thinking about the specific scene where the Don is casting blame instead of instigating the gang war. I agree that the player…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: azrianni.

2/14/2005 azrianni: 3 + 2 or 2 + 3
Starting work on a second PTA series, and working on a character, I realized that I'm apparently really biased in favor of Edges over Connections. The characters I make or…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: azrianni, Matt Wilson, immlass.

2/13/2005 Joe Dizzy: A few questions
So, as I mentioned in my AP post, the second game I ran yesterday was an utter mess. Mostly due to two people who had very strong and very different…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Joe Dizzy, pfischer, Matt Wilson, Frank T, Ron Edwards.

2/4/2005 Rob MacDougall: Comedy is easy, PTA is hard.
Hi folks. I just posted a medium length post at the gaming blog The 20' by 20' Room about my experiences with Primetime Adventures. The short version: I really love…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Rob MacDougall.

1/26/2005 Damocles: PTA Number of players?
I was wondering, how many players could you could reasonably handle with PTA? Anybody have any experience with or ideas for handling larger groups, say of six or seven people?
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Damocles, Bob Goat.

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In Dog Eared Designs

4/27/2005 Doc Blue: Just Finished My First Read Through.... Several Questions
I recieved my copy of PTA in the mail yesterday (great service, btw!) and have been reading through it in my spare time since. As others have said, this may…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Doc Blue, Joe Dizzy, Danny_K, Alan, John Harper.

4/28/2005 Joe Dizzy: dry swimming thread (thread o' examples)
Hi everyone. I noticed that a lot of people asked for more in-game examples in the PDF wishlist thread. This is a great idea, I think and I'd like to…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Joe Dizzy, Chris Goodwin, Danny_K, Matt Wilson.

4/29/2005 Norbert Matausch: Question regarding Scene Framing
Hi all, before we're giving PTA a new (and, hopefully, this time successful) try, I'd like to ask you a question: Is a player allowed to request a scene that…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Norbert Matausch, Joe Dizzy, Matt Wilson, pete_darby, Mike Holmes, Emily Care.

5/3/2005 Matt Wilson: Updated Protagonist Sheet
There was some puzzlement recently about reading the info on the protagonist sheet, so I've revised it a bit. You can download it by doing the right-click on this link…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson, Yokiboy.

5/5/2005 DrDNA: A very basic question....
I have a very basic question regarding the "play-out" of each scene. Do players truly make things up as they go along? For example, Bob, a player, requests and acts…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: DrDNA, Matt Wilson, Alan, Jasper Polane, TonyLB, Mike Holmes.

5/7/2005 Trevis Martin: PTA - The Cards Option
Okay, my group played a little session of this gem of a game and I really like it. The question I have is that I've seen it mentioned around these…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Trevis Martin, Alan, Eero Tuovinen, Frank T, Matt Wilson, Kenway, John Harper, Rob Donoghue, rafial.

5/16/2005 Chris Goodwin: Cool fight scenes
I'm very curious to see how people have played out fights using PTA. Mainly I'm interested in the narration leading up to a conflict roll, the aftermath, and how the…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Chris Goodwin, Mike Holmes, Frank T.

5/27/2005 jasonm: Variable Cast Size?
So I just got PTA (Thanks, Matt) and after my initial reading, my first thought was, "Oh, man, you need a stable group to make this work." I don't have…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jasonm, Matt Wilson, apparition13.

6/5/2005 BlackSheep: PTA for wuxia? PTA for supers? PTA for everything?
I was thinking that PTA might work well for wuxia. Even though it's a genre more traditionally connected with movies than with television, I think it'd work. There's a lot…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: BlackSheep, KingstonC, Matt Wilson, Danny_K, Doc Blue.

6/9/2005 Danny_K: How big a Cast can you have?
A quick question here. I'm re-booting the PTA game on, this time using superheroes and making it much lighter and more anime-like. Thing is, there are a whole bunch…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Danny_K, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Trevis Martin, BlackSheep, Frank T.

6/9/2005 CCW: producer and one protagonist?
Has anyone tried playing PTA with only two people? Are there any special techniques for making this work? I ask because I may have the opportunity to play with only…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: CCW, Mike Holmes, Victor Gijsbers, Danny_K, Kenway.

6/14/2005 Kenway: PTA episode flow
I'm am a particpant in the 2 pbp games of PTA that DannyK has been discussing. In the first game (a supernatural crime family) we sort of kind of got…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Kenway, Alan, Danny_K.

6/14/2005 Alan: Show Issue and Screen Presence
Here's an idea for the second edition: Give the Show itself an "Issue" and Screen Presence rating. The show's SP deterined the Producer's base dice in a conflict. Show SP…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Alan, Lord_Steelhand.

6/15/2005 Lord_Steelhand: PTA - Guest Players Idea
I have read several posts where there was some question on how to include guests in on a PTA game without setting them up with permanent characters. The preferred solution…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Lord_Steelhand.

6/27/2005 Joe Dizzy: Help me design a Star Trek show
I'll be running a Star Trek one-shot at the next gaming convention using PtA with pre-gen characters. The game will be just like TNG in tone and structure, but on…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Joe Dizzy, Alan, Matt Wilson, ashmoo, azrianni, dyjoots, Chris Goodwin.

6/28/2005 Warren: Sold Out!
Just as I my resolve weakened enough (and my resources grew enough) for me to order another Indie-RPG, I go to the site to discover that PtA is sold out!…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Warren, BlackSheep, Matt Wilson, rafial, Bob Goat, ScottM, Chris Goodwin.

6/28/2005 Smithy: RPGNet PTA Discussion
For those interested, here's a link to a discussion of PTA on RPGNet. PTA's got quite a number of defenders chiming in already (myself among them), but more discussion never…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Smithy, Matt Wilson, rafial.

6/29/2005 ashmoo: Audience Pool & Budget Questions
In playing my first season of PTA (see 'The Z' in the Actual Play forum), and having an absolute blast. I have a couple of questions about the dice economy:…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: ashmoo, Chris Goodwin.

6/29/2005 dyjoots: How to prepare an episode
I've run and played in a couple of PTA games, but I've always had trouble figuring out exactly how to prepare for an episode as the Producer. There is so…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: dyjoots, Alan.

7/5/2005 James Holloway: Probably kind of a dumb question
But when resolving a conflict, what happens when participants have an equal number of successes? I can't seem to find the reference, and it's very likely (we're only in our…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: James Holloway, StalkingBlue.

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