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In Dog Eared Designs

2/22/2007 rycanada: Is another edition of PTA coming?
I was just wondering if PTA is essentially "done" or if there was going to be another edition.  There's a few things that I find kind of tricky in reading…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: rycanada, Matt Wilson.

2/18/2007 The Mule: Observations and Questions on our first PTA attempt
First, off, Hello World! PTA was highly spoken of by a friend of mine, so I've decided to take the leap from Dungeons and Dragons into nontraditional games! I bought…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: The Mule, Matt Wilson.

2/13/2007 hix: Gathering tips for PTA pitch sessions
It struck me that’d it’d be useful to assemble a list of tips for running PTA pitch sessions – good questions to ask, tools for sorting out problems. I haven’t…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: hix, Glendower, memolith.

1/28/2007 Tropico: Player-conflict resolution possible?
Hi, I just bought Primetime Adventures based on many good things I've heard and how fun it is. I'm planning it on playing it with my DVD group; we're a…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Tropico, Glendower, Matt Wilson, John Harper, Filip Luszczyk.

1/22/2007 Mike Sugarbaker: A little self-mandated public humiliation
So, here I've been spending the last two years pimping PTA every chance I get, telling people it's my favorite game, the game that got me back into roleplaying, and…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Mike Sugarbaker, John Harper.

1/9/2007 jburneko: Fan Mail Between Seasons
Just another quickie question: Do players keep their unspent fan mail between seasons? Jesse
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jburneko, Matt Wilson.

12/20/2006 1000buffalo: Silverscreen Adventures ;)
So, I've had this idea rattling around in my head for a few months, and thought I'd put it out there. I have a vision of a little companion book…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: 1000buffalo, Matt Wilson, chrisn.

11/25/2006 green5865: hello
hello im thinking of buying PtA and was wondering how hard would it be to run a game based around the highlander series or dr who. thank's
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: green5865.

11/11/2006 nitramwi: Do you need to narrate?
Hi all!  Just started a wonderful game of PTA, and I have a serious question. In conflict resolution, do you have to have one person act as a narrator? Instead,…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: nitramwi, Jonathan Hastings, John Harper.

11/9/2006 chrisn: Primetime Reminders
I love the fact that conflict resolution is handled in PtA with playing cards (rather than dice). So, when I thought to make some reminders for the players on what…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: chrisn, John Harper, Dave Versace, cydmab, Glendower, 1000buffalo, REkz, Gugliandalf, Brennen Reece, relaxingnap.

11/7/2006 chrisn: Splitting the players
My first PtA game begins this Saturday (we're revamping Land of the Lost as a stark modern sci-fi/drama series to trial run the game) and I have a question even…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: chrisn, Matt Wilson, Bankuei.

11/6/2006 DaveyJJ: Matt's one paragrapgh take on NBC's Heroes?
I wonder what Matt would write if he had to compose a single paragraph about NBC's new show Heroes, in the same vein as he wrote about Lost and Six…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: DaveyJJ, Matt Wilson, Valamir, Wolfen, John Harper, scififan9009, chrisn.

11/6/2006 DaveyJJ: Got my PDF ... veteran RPGer returns to RPGing after 20 years
Yeah, it took a great game to get me back into RPGing after this amount of time, but PtA was the catalyst. Got a group of younger RPGers at work…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: DaveyJJ, Matt Wilson.

11/3/2006 jburneko: The PtA Economy Between Episodes
Hello Again, Just a few quick questions to confirm my understanding of what happens to each resource pool between Episodes. 1) Any unspent budget goes away between episodes.  Correct? (Note:…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jburneko, Matt Wilson.

10/8/2006 azrianni: "Previously on..."
I just recently thought that the one bit of the common TV formula that doesn't get used is "previously on...". I was wondering if anybody had tried doing anything with…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: azrianni, dyjoots, Matthew Glover.

10/3/2006 Stickman: Email bounced?
Hi Matt, I tried to contact you earlier about upgrading from the pdf to full paper version of the game, but the email got bounced. Is there a better way…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Stickman, Matt Wilson.

9/29/2006 Mychal: 2d6 Feet in a random direction
Here is a link to a podcast that has a review of PTA. Two of the hosts are owners of my flgs, End Game. Enjoy because of them, I'll…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Mychal, 1000buffalo, Matt Wilson.

9/29/2006 jburneko: Conflict Between Protagonists Questions
Hello, My group is going to start up a full PtA season soon and I just want to clear up some minor confusions about how conflicts between protagonists are handled. …
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jburneko, Matt Wilson.

9/21/2006 TJ_Crow: [PTA] Playing Pretender
I've been going over PTA lately with the intent of pitching it to my group shortly and thinking about the shows we have all enjoyed so that I can offer…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: TJ_Crow, alexandro.

9/17/2006 Paka: The Season
After playing quite a few PTA one-shots and having a grand ole time at it, we've finally sat down to play a PTA season and I get to play, rather…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Paka, Matt Wilson, Storn, Bret Gillan.

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Subsequent Topics
In Dog Eared Designs

3/1/2007 Johan Granberg: Cutting the first episode and starting with a spotlight?
I have previously played one full five episode season-game and one that was cut short because of what I think was the result of a rushed pitch session. The first…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Johan Granberg, BlackSheep.

3/20/2007 Claudia Cangini: Suggestion for PTA con demo?
Hello, I'm here looking for suggestions or links to previous thread treating this subject. I'd like to run a PTA demo at a local Con. I love the game and…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Claudia Cangini, Matt Wilson, LeSingeSavant.

4/4/2007 Caesar_X: [PTA] TV Tropes Wiki
<Cross-posting from Story-Games> I was going through my subscriptions feed and saw that someone posted a site called TV Tropes. I've only taken a quick look, but this could…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Caesar_X, Matt Wilson.

4/10/2007 Snarls-at-Fleas: Max number of players in PtA
I was wondering about for some time. I'm going to run PtA in nearest future and as far as I can see all the shows are usually about 3-4 protagonists.…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Snarls-at-Fleas, Matt Wilson, hix.

5/8/2007 Snarls-at-Fleas: Hey, Matt, I paid for the book!!! :)
Have u received it. Sorry for using forums for this, but u don't answer my e-mail. :(
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Snarls-at-Fleas, Matt Wilson, thedavidrayko.

5/15/2007 stefoid: conflict, its the one bit that I cant 'get'
Hi, Ive visited this forum before asking about this aspect of PTA.  I love nearly everything about the game, except this bit.  I just dont get it. Specifically, I dont…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: stefoid, Eero Tuovinen, Joe Dizzy, Glendower, Matt Wilson, Warren, Alan, SabreCat, Shymer.

5/17/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Using 3/2 traits spread in 2nd edition?
So, I've been thinking about running PTA and I'm pondering going back to the 3/2 traits spread. Playing the game, I've felt that I had this feeling that I don't…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Matt Wilson.

5/19/2007 jessecoombs: A few questions on the 2nd edition...
If these questions have been answered in older posts, I apologize and I'll try to seek them out. I just had a few basic questions about mechanics of PTA. -Is…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: jessecoombs, Filip Luszczyk, stefoid.

5/21/2007 Joe Dizzy: [Galactic] Doubt?
Hi Matt, I'm gearing up for our Galactic game tonight, but I can't quite figure out how Doubt works. From the example on page 54 it seems that the GM…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Joe Dizzy, Matt Wilson.

6/2/2007 chrisn: Primetime Adventures (Primetime Adventures)
While searching for Primetime Adventures on Google, I ran across Primetime Adventures ( which sounds like a geekily-recursive setting for a game. Given the site description... Prince Rupert fishing…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: chrisn.

6/4/2007 chrisn: Tying fan mail to index cards
In my last game I tried something new. I labeled some index cards with phrases like "shocking twist", "telling detail", "unexplained phenomenon", (and, particular to this Land of the Lost…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: chrisn, Matt Wilson, Filip Luszczyk, BlackSheep.

6/18/2007 drnuncheon: [PTA] All Together Now (Protagonists acting as a group)
So my players and I have decided to try out PTA.  The elevator pitch for the series we came up with is "John Woo directs the X-Files" - it's a…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: drnuncheon, Thenomain, Alan, Harry the Dirty Do, Standback.

7/1/2007 Matt Wilson: offline
I'm about to make the final leg of our move, which will leave me without a regular internet connection until Friday, July 5. Everyone please play as much Primetime Adventures…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson, thedavidrayko.

7/25/2007 Matt Wilson: As a Matter of Fact I Will Be at Gen Con!
As of today Dog-eared Designs is officially signed to participate at the Ashcan Front. I'm not sure why Paul asked for a vial of blood, but whatever, he didn't say…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, Snarls-at-Fleas, paulie.

8/22/2007 GrumpyTroll: Would anyone be interested in playing via IM/IRC?
I'd really like to get a live, weekly game going via IM (AOL, MSN, take your pick) or IRC. I've been playing in PBP games, but PBP doesn't really capture…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: GrumpyTroll, Filip Luszczyk.

8/29/2007 Hans: Galactic PDF
I was pleased as punch to pick up a copy of Galactic at the Ashcan Front at GenCon, and I'm going to be running it for some friends in September.…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Hans, Matt Wilson.

8/29/2007 Ignotus: [PTA ] how to prep for sessions
I bought PTA at gencon a couple of years ago, and ran it last year.  Things didn't go too well.  I put it away on my bookshelf, but now, having…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Ignotus, Alan, REkz.

9/3/2007 scottdunphy: PTA Convention Games
I was introduced to "Primetime Adventures" at Compleat Games in Colorado Springs. They host an Indie RPG Night on the first Sunday of every month. I'd heard of the game…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: scottdunphy, hix, LeSingeSavant.

9/3/2007 Hans: Galactic Ashcan: corrections? questions? you be the judge
Hi: As requested, I am providing feedback on the Ashcan Front copy of Galactic I purchased at GenCon.  We'll be playing starting Sept 11, but here are some initial things…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Hans, Matt Wilson, Michael McAleese, Dave Versace, Valamir.

9/13/2007 lighthouse: OK, I payed for PTA using paypal... now what? :)
Did I miss something?
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: lighthouse, Alan.

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