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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

6/19/2006 iain: [What a Shambles!] Are some mechanics funnier than others?
Following on from the thread here: that was about my initial thoughts on the game and how to balance comedy and horror, i had begun to think about system.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, TonyLB, Noon, Czar Fnord, davidberg, dindenver.

6/18/2006 somniturne: [Crucible] Steam-punk LARP
Hey all, I've been running WOD larps for a number of years, and have recently gotten the hankering to try my hand at creating a new setting.  The inspiration comes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: somniturne, Czar Fnord.

6/18/2006 Dauntless: Lifepath design system?
I like Lifepath systems.  I happen to like systems which have a consistent logic to them and which help guide character development.  I think a properly designed lifepath system gives…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dauntless, Kobayashi, c, dindenver, GregStolze, sean2099, Threlicus.

6/18/2006 sirogit: [Other Family] What more should I add before open playtesting?
This is the latest version of Other Family: If you've looked at the last version, I'm exploring the weariness token idea, and I'm removed the Hard dice for now,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.

6/17/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Basic Improv. Vocabulary
Given that my RPG in progress has changed names and that I'm now following Forge tradition to split topics into separate threads, I'm reproducing some initial reflections below (my last…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton, reprobate, Graham Walmsley, jasonm.

6/17/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] The Power 19
I've recently (today) changed the title of my RPG in progress.  "Epiphany" is now "Sudden Light," until someone else points out that that particular name has already been taken.  :-). …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton, oreso, Roger, anders_larsen.

6/16/2006 John Kirk: [Cranium Rats] RPG Design Pattern Analysis
A few weeks ago, Guy Shalev asked me to perform an analysis of his role-playing game Cranium Rats.  This posting is a result of that effort. In performing a detailed…
In First Thoughts
Participants: John Kirk, Filip Luszczyk, Thunder_God, dindenver.

6/16/2006 iain: [What a shambles!] Balancing comedy and horror
So i was sitting watching "Shaun of the Dead" the other day when an idea for a romantic comedy game set in a zombie apocalypse popped into my head, the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, oreso, jasonm, davidberg.

6/16/2006 jmac: resolution rules provoke player-character struggle
I'm working on resolution rules for my first rpg design. I haven't even decided how to call it yet. To a considerable extent, it is inspired by the "Black Company"…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jmac, LemmingLord.

6/16/2006 boolean: [Kry-Gothic] Questions about the RPG community + feedback on rule system
Hi all A while back I found a ruleset for a table top wargame I started writing about 7 years ago on an old harddrive. After being poked and prodded…
In First Thoughts
Participants: boolean, greyorm, northerain, Rothe.

6/15/2006 Zach Walton: [Epiphany] Twenty Pages in Twenty Days
Greetings All, Let me say it is quite a thrill to be posting to the Forge for the first time.  I've been lurking for years, but was always content to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton, matthijs.

6/15/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Codification of Session-Length?
The following is quoted from the Meta-Chanics post for Cranium Rats on my Blog: Tokens are finite, generation of Tokens is not that easy, at least not for players.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, Filip Luszczyk, dindenver.

6/15/2006 sean2099: [Divinity] Available on wiki
Hi all, Pardon me if this is the wrong sub-forum for this.  I have a pdf of my game available at I have tested it out with people but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099.

6/15/2006 cbussler: [To Rise Again] - Form of Play
My original post asking for setting advice evolved into discussion about form of play, so I thought I would separate the two. To play catch-up, David Berg said: I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cbussler, sean2099, davidberg.

6/14/2006 davidberg: [Lendrhald] Rewards system for dark, realistic fantasy
In a previous thread, I was asked some interesting questions and given some interesting suggestions that I jumped to address, only realizing later that I'd drifted far from my intended…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, baron samedi, Valamir, Sydney Freedberg, Threlicus, contracycle.

6/14/2006 Badelaire: [LBI] Legends of Blood and Iron - Constructive Comments Requested.
Hello all. I'm a (very) new member to The Forge, although I have looked over various threads and topics from time to time over the last few years.  I will…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Badelaire, davidberg.

6/14/2006 HOT: [Masks(?)] Just an early premise for a game.
I got an idea for a game after reading a couple of posts about character ownership. This is just an idea that came into my mind and may be on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: HOT.

6/13/2006 gaelyn: d12 vs d20 and my dilemma
I'm currently trying to finish the core rules to my LORE: Realms of the Omniverse (tentative title still) game.  This is the core book that all Realm books will reference…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gaelyn, Ron Edwards, jeremycoatney, Roger, dindenver, billvolk, Miskatonic.

6/12/2006 davidberg: [Lendrhald] Hostile fantasy setting
I'm looking for input (mostly brainstorming) on a certain aspect of my current project, that being a setting that successfully conveys a sense of menace to the players. THE GAME…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, dsmvites, Ron Edwards, Castlin, anders_larsen, billvolk, Sydney Freedberg, Paka, cbussler, Adam Dray, Threlicus, greyorm, stefoid, Warren, NN, Telarus, KSC, Certified, sean2099, contracycle, Michael Brazier.

6/11/2006 sean2099: [Divinity] A couple of design questions
Hi all, As I review my set of rules, a couple of questions came to me.  1.  My system for solving disputes among opponents and deciding the effectiveness of non-opposed…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sean2099, Miedvied, jeremycoatney.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

6/20/2006 Immunis: [d8 system] Using a playing card pool instead of dice
I am in the process of writing my own ‘Universal Heartbreaker’, it’s a system that is trying to provide enough flexibility for any ‘age of gun’ background, i.e. from 1800…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Immunis, pells, Aaron, Altharis.

6/21/2006 WRPIgeek: [Console] Console Legends quickstart
Hi everyone. I've finished up the quickstart version of Console Legends (previously entitled Console III). If you want to take a look, <a href="">here it is.</a> Comments are welcome, especially…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WRPIgeek, Noon.

6/21/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Another View.
The following points have been written by Itamar Parann, he was originally given Beta Version 1.1 on April, in a local convention. He sent me his thoughts but it would…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, dindenver, Filip Luszczyk.

6/22/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Competitive Narrative Complications
Today, in my improv. class we worked with a few exercises concerning narrative.  For our first exercise, one writer identified three themes or actions relevant to the story they were…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton.

6/22/2006 hatch22: Not so idle chat
Greetings everyone.  I'm new at the Forge and would like to pose a question I'm struggling with.  I've been working on a game design for many months now on and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hatch22, Adam Dray, Ron Edwards, Gasten.

6/22/2006 Dreadmaster: [SIX: Confederacy Working Hidden] Needing a bit of help...
[move]...I'm having a problem with getting on with my story, looks like I need help...[/move] I've got a start on my game ([url=])[/url], but that's all I've got... The player…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dreadmaster, jeremycoatney.

6/22/2006 thwaak: Recommended Indie RPGs?
Heya Gang, I've found myself moving away from the mainstream, traditional RPGs, and becoming more and more interested in indie RPGs, both in the novel ideas, mechanics, and settings, as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Technocrat13, Warren, Paka, Pelgrane, Dantai, Thunder_God, Ron Edwards.

6/22/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Good Thing/Bad Thing
Improv. class today covered in several exercises concerning narrative structure.  Perhaps the most fruitful exercise for our troupe was called "Good Thing, Bad Thing" (we discovered later that the professor…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton.

6/22/2006 J Tolson: [Twilight of the Gods] Too Complex of a Conflict Resolution System?
Like the title implies, for the last several months I have been wondering if my CR system is overly complex. That is, I would like CR to take up about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: J Tolson, charles ferguson, Threlicus, Valamir.

6/23/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] On Flags Alone?
So, I'm going to continue talking about what I call Blinders, and when it is discussed in terms of games or game-play is often called Constraints. This topic is about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thunder_God, contracycle, Filip Luszczyk.

6/24/2006 Noon: Rocks fall, everybody (who bid their HP) dies
It's been awhile since I posted my last design idea.  Some of the insistant responces that turned up with that threw me for a curve the insistance that a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, TonyLB, Filip Luszczyk, Bill Masek, Adam Dray, Telarus, KSC, Falkayn, Blankshield, jbrandl, contracycle, Caldis, wheloc, Ron Edwards.

6/24/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Protagonist Generation
Can improvisational exercises contribute to RPG character generation?  I've seen games, such as Primetime Adventures, encourage group kibitzing for generating individual characters and I've found that process to be particular…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton.

6/27/2006 Nick: Inspiration v. Plagiarism, and other Quandries
Hello All, I've kicked around ideas for a few game designs in my head for the past few years, though none of them have come  to fruition- not that any…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nick, Eero Tuovinen, jasonm.

6/28/2006 iain: [What a Shambles!] Points mean Prizes
Hello again folks, 'What a Shambles!' comes on apace and is almost ready for playtesting, anyone interested?. However I am stuck on one element of the game. I want the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, Adam Dray, Zach.

6/28/2006 ODDin: Certain Ideas for a Simulationist's Heaven
For some time now I've been brooding over an RPG system (called Ur, which is an acronym for Ultimate RPG - rather pretentious, I know, but Ur is just too…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ODDin, Roger, Threlicus, Rothe, Adam Dray, greyorm.

6/28/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] "Yes, but..."
Today, more reflections from my improv. class and some game mechanics for Sudden Light inspired by them.  As a side note, I'm quite amazed at the extent to which running…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zach Walton, iain.

6/28/2006 thwaak: Narrativist CharGen with Gamist Mechanics Behind it?
Hello All, It was inevitable that visiting here looking for indie games would inspire me to try creating my own. I started brainstorming ideas and came up with one I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, northerain, Certified, ODDin, zmobie, Blankshield, Artanis, Paul Czege, Jixxala, wheloc, Incendiary.

6/29/2006 Caesar_X: [Noir] Accumulated Guilt and The Downfall
"Shared guilt is often the only common bond amongst noir characters" (from this essay on the elements of noir): I read the above quote again today and remembered a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Caesar_X, Zathreyel, oreso.

6/29/2006 Naarsael: Gears and portals (need more ideas)
I've been working for sometime now on a gearpunk High Fantasy setting for Risus the anything rpg and i seem to be stuck ... I need a new view point…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Naarsael, ghashsnaga.

6/29/2006 Incendiary: D6 system, fair / fun for players? Also, background.
Firstly: hi everyone. I am a lapsed RPGer (MERP, WFRP, Paranoia) who has been guided here when I presented some RPGing friends of mine with some random material I was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Incendiary, jasonm, joepub, cydmab, daMoose_Neo, Alex Johnson, billvolk, apeiron.

more subsequent topics >>