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In Playtesting

3/30/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] A painful reunion
Yay!  More playtesting!  And today, since I’m getting into the groove, I’ll actually do it up as a full-blown AP report.  Aren’t you happy? Quotable “I just want to see…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Artanis.

3/29/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Grey Ranks] Conpulsion playtest
So Saturday afternoon at Conpulsion as part of the Indie Games Track we got to play Grey Ranks. We had 4 players so I faciliated, and 2 hours, so we…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, jasonm.

3/29/2007 pells: [Avalanche using TSOY] - Battles, battles and more battles ...
Well, continuing our adventures (and playtesting) of Avalanche. So, here it goes ... The context We had not been playing for a while now : almost ten months (since my…
In Playtesting
Participants: pells, Eero Tuovinen.

3/29/2007 Kami-no-Mark: [Bloodlines] - more playtesting & alpha draft now available
Previous threads are here: First Thoughts: Playtest: This is a quick update on how the playtesting of my generational RPG is going.  I’ve also (finally!) got together…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kami-no-Mark, thrall.

3/26/2007 Eero Tuovinen: [Zombies at the Door!] Introduction to my fine zombie boardgame.
As some of you might know, my current big project, as far as my own game design goes, is Eleanor's Dream, a story-telling game for parents and children. Eleanor has…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Bryan Hansel, contracycle, newsalor, Sam!.

3/26/2007 Graham Walmsley: [The Gay Recruitment Squad Wants YOU!] Conpulsion playtest
Another playtest at Conpulsion. There were three players: the staff by the sign-up sheets were offering free fingers of Fudge to anyone signing up. It seemed thematically appropriate. I've, um,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Rich Stokes, jasonm, Simon C, Bryan Hansel.

3/24/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] Resolving a Crime, or "Look! Look! I have a Grid, too!"
We playtested Dirty Secrets again on Monday.  (Our regularly scheduled playtest on Thursday night was cancelled, due to sick children.)  In this session, we finally got around to resolving a…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Valamir.

3/24/2007 Parthenia: [Steal Away Jordan] First Session, Second Playtest
And the second time I've ever GM'ed a game. The jury's still out on that, but everyone seemed to have fun. The first playtest (with unrevised rules and a slightly…
In Playtesting
Participants: Parthenia, nikola, jasonm, Emily Care, GreatWolf, Meguey.

3/21/2007 Eero Tuovinen: [Bliss Stage] Drunking, the Finnish national sport
My experiments with Bliss Stage by Ben Lehman continue. Last Saturday we did chargen with me + four eager pilots, of which two were with me in our one-shot test…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

3/16/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] A Sad Old Man
Last night we playtested Dirty Secrets some more.  Came across some more rules bumps, as expected, and lots of areas that need more clarity.  I still think that I'm on…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf.

3/16/2007 jasonm: [Grey Ranks] Full Playtest, Session Three
Last night my group wrapped up the Grey Ranks playtest with session three.  I'm am happy to report that they tore into it like starving hyenas and I saw some…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Valamir, segedy, Bryan Hansel, andrew_kenrick, GreatWolf.

3/16/2007 TwilightCorps: Twilight Corps: Playtesting Reports
I've run a lot of playtesting on my game, but I still feel it's not the best I can make. Here's a quick rundown of the playtesting I've done. Zion…
In Playtesting
Participants: TwilightCorps.

3/14/2007 hardcoremoose: Kagematsu: Torrid Samurai Romance!
Hey everyone, It’s been awhile, but after months of little or no activity and two missed GenCons, here I am with my hand out. On and off for the past…
In Playtesting
Participants: hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, Simon C, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, jrs.

3/12/2007 andrew_kenrick: [1st Quest] Wolves of the World Tree
Last night I ran a playtest session of 1st Quest, Judd's new game. We played through the World Tree Pack tutorial from the book - essentially you play members of…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Paka.

3/10/2007 jim pinto: Relics of Power
Our playtest of Relics of Power did not go well. Because of the open-ended nature of the game, the PCs took the DAGGER OF POWER and used it to their…
In Playtesting
Participants: jim pinto, Eero Tuovinen, OliverTheMerc, Noon.

3/10/2007 Eero Tuovinen: [Bliss Stage] Jury-rigged ANIMa in the outback
So, I've been slowly going through games published last year. One of the crop was Shock: Social Science Fiction, which has found great response from a selective clientele, my teenage…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman.

3/9/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] Initial Playtest Process
In this thread, I said: In another post, I'll write up what I've done so far, and I'll scrawl notes as I go through my ongoing playtest as I…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, jasonm, sn0wshrew.

3/9/2007 jasonm: [Grey Ranks] Full Playtest, Session Two
We had our second session last night and it went great.  It covered chapters four, five, and six, 2-7 August 1944, the high water mark of the Uprising.  Everyone returned…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, segedy.

3/9/2007 Dumirik: [Kin] Mothers and daughters
Last weekend I got to run a session of Kin, my game in development. Kin is this game where you play estranged family members called together for a big family…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dumirik, joepub, J B Bell, Ice Cream Emperor, Meguey, Joshua BishopRoby.

3/9/2007 redivider: [heads of state] art and death in jakarta
Joshua, Judson, Stacy and I conducted the third playtest of Palace Gates earlier this week. That same night we played Subversive Words for the second time, with Jim taking Stacy’s…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider, jim pinto.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

4/8/2007 garrowolf: STLPunk Game
I am working on a space cyberpunk game. I want some realistic damage codes for my ships so I am looking for the damage values for a naval combat simulator…
In Playtesting
Participants: garrowolf.

4/8/2007 Artanis: [In a Wicked Age] A look at the "We owe" list after three chapters
We played a follow-up session to our two chapters with Zangdar's yellow gem. My brother didn't play again, but my friend Julien joined in with Romain and Jérôme, while I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Artanis.

4/9/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] Reggie’s Bad Day
See, guys!  I used the right name! The last couple of Fridays, I was able to playtest Dirty Secrets with my regular gaming group.  Last session was particularly memorable, and…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Valamir.

4/9/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [Illumination] Once again, from scratch
[url=]The last playtest of Illumination,[/url] although it resulted in a major system collapse, gave me quite a lot of food for thought. However, it's only now that all the loose…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Spooky Fanboy.

4/10/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] We wrap our first game
Last night we wrapped up our first game of Dirty Secrets.  It’s been a bumpy ride at times, especially since the rules have shuffled around during this particular playtest, but…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf.

4/13/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Re: [Absolute Destiny Apocalypse] Berlin 1939, prep session
I'm after the first full-session playtest of Absolute Destiny Apocalypse, my Game Chef entry. Information about the game and link to the document itself can be found here. It was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

4/16/2007 Jake Richmond: [Project C.H.A.I.R.] What is Vandal?
Nick ran another playtest for his game Project CHAIR this weekend. This is the second time Nick, Travis, April and I have played the game together.Gabe joined us this time…
In Playtesting
Participants: Jake Richmond, Filip Luszczyk, clam of god.

4/17/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] heart breaking and head scratching
psi run here:                           So, it…
In Playtesting
Participants: chris_moore, Simon C, lumpley.

4/21/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [Absolute Destiny Apocalypse] Berlin 1939, Moths and Candles
We continued our Skype playtest of Absolute Destiny Apocalypse. The report from the prep session and the list of Dramatis Personae can be found here. The session lasted about three…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, JackTheOwner.

4/23/2007 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] [Forge Midwest] Cursing within.
So I got to run a playtest of Silence Keeps Me A Victim at Forge Con, this weekend. Here's a list of previous posts if you want to see how…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, Valamir.

4/23/2007 GreatWolf: [Dirty Secrets] [Forge Midwest] Pediatricians and photographs
I got to playtest Dirty Secrets at Forge Midwest on Saturday.  My partners in crime were Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, John Stavropoulos, and Tod Olson.  (If I got your name…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Paul Czege, Valamir, Matt Wilson, Tod Olson.

4/27/2007 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim]A reworking in progress.
I've started over from square zero, on my game, "Silence Keeps Me A Victim." I'm really excited as my playtest failures and some feedback have got me feeling much more…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, Meguey, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, anders_larsen, nitramwi.

4/29/2007 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] First successful playtest, or I need math help.
Last night was a great experience. I playtested my game with some friends, and it kinda worked and got some positive results. It was my first actual play experience validating…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, Miskatonic, nitramwi, Willow, Valamir, TJ, Ben Lehman, anders_larsen.

5/1/2007 Ben Lehman: [Thou Art But A Warrior] I wish my game was this fun
So Joshua, Emily, Alexis and I played Thou Art But A Warrior the other night. For those of you who didn't keep up with Frank T's setting design contest, Thou…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ben Lehman, Emily Care, Frank Tarcikowski, Solamasa, wunderllama, Arturo G..

5/1/2007 Emily Care: [Sign in Stranger] JiffyCon playtest
We played Sign in Stranger at JiffyCon Boston.  Kat, Alexis, Jonathan Walton and I embarked our characters on a one way trip to living on a space station above a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Emily Care, jasonm.

5/3/2007 redivider: {Coup d'etat} Tony Blair: watch your back!
Tony Blair- watch your back! Coup’d’etat playtest set in contemporary Britain Two weeks ago Judson, Joshua & I played Coup d’Etat, one of the nine games in my Heads of…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

5/3/2007 lumpley: [psi run] cold and rainy in San Francisco
Meg, Emily, Julia and I played Psi Run last night. I GMed. Meg's character, Charlotte: What's in the box that's handcuffed to my wrist? Who is Donovan? Where are my…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, Meguey, chris_moore, Caesar_X, Parthenia, michael lingner.

5/4/2007 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] Enabling I will not abandon you?
I've been thinking about how to enable, "I will not abandon you" in SKMAV. What are some of the key characteristics of games that enable this type of play?
In Playtesting
Participants: c, lumpley, nitramwi, Gregor Hutton.

5/4/2007 Paul Czege: [Chronicles of Babel] slaves in the hanging gardens
Well, the Sunday before Easter our occasional Sunday group was between games, and so I seized the day and ran a playtest of Paul Elliott's Chronicles of Babel. As a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Paul Czege, Valamir, Mithras, Noclue.

5/10/2007 Wormwood: [Coming of Age] Squires of Sword and Sorcery
Last night I held another playetest of <a href="">Coming of Age</a>. This time it was for somewhat veteran players, Zach had played the first playtest of the current incarnation, where…
In Playtesting
Participants: Wormwood.

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