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In Playtesting

8/20/2007 Caesar_X: [The Naked City] Prototype using index cards for scene generation
I returned from my honeymoon eager to get moving with The Naked City: a Game of Film Noir.  I've been working on this game off and on for almost a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Caesar_X, SpinachBaron, GreatWolf.

8/10/2007 Darcy Burgess: [the Infected] Zombies of the Carribean
[b]Social Set-Up[/b] For my second game of [u]the Infected[/u], I was back with my regular gaming group.  In fact, this game marked my return to "regularly scheduled gaming" from a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Technocrat13, TomTancredi.

8/2/2007 Chris_Chinn: [The Emperor's Heart] A Pair of New Lungs
Hi, This time I sat down and played a pickup game with my friend Tanya.  She has mostly a history of Illusionist play, with stuff like Call of Cthulhu and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, Meguey.

7/28/2007 fractayle: Playtesting of Fractayle: The Collision of Worlds
Hi everyone, I've already posted into the "First Thoughts" section and we are busy with a thread discussing the rules there (can be found at The game (rules and…
In Playtesting
Participants: fractayle.

7/27/2007 Chris_Chinn: [The Emperor's Heart] The Princess
So, this is a quick report of the second game my friend N. and I ran using the Emperor's Heart rules I'm working on.  Both games were like an hour…
In Playtesting
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Sydney Freedberg.

7/26/2007 Chris_Chinn: [The Emperor's Heart] The Library
The Emperor's Heart is the laser-sharked space-wuxia game I've been working on for a few months now.  Take the classic "Outlaws fighting against corrupt eunuch-run Imperial government" add spaceships, robot…
In Playtesting
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Darcy Burgess.

7/26/2007 Del_Esau: Machyna steampunk RPG: A thank you to the Forge and playtesting invite!
Wow, I started work on Machyna in '03. I took Emily Dresner-Thornber's advice and wrote out the concept and synopsis and posted that and background info here on the Forge.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Del_Esau.

7/25/2007 Hans: [Dirty Secrets] Too late playtest in Ontario
Hello: Josh, Liz, Piers, and I decided, as sort of an afterthought, to playtest Dirty Secrets one in our last gaming session as a group (Josh and Liz are off…
In Playtesting
Participants: Hans, GreatWolf, jaw6.

7/24/2007 Vulpinoid: Tales [A Work in Progress]
To anyone who might be interested, I've been writing a set of rules for an RPG over the last 15 years or so. It's seen various incarnations at conventions and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Vulpinoid, Filip Luszczyk, vikingmage.

7/23/2007 gains: [Contract Work] DexCon 10 Play-test
I ran a play-test session of Contract Work on Saturday. The AP is on the Lucre Press blog, here. Comment away. If you know nothing of this game (likely, considering…
In Playtesting
Participants: gains.

7/23/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] Hometown Havoc
    We played a whole game of Psi Run today.  I was GM.  We have all gamed together for a couple of years, except for Rowan, the newest member…
In Playtesting
Participants: chris_moore, michael lingner, Lizard King, Piers Brown.

7/20/2007 Darcy Burgess: [the Infected] Corporate Whores!
[b]Social Set-up[/b] This past Wednesday (July 18, 2007), I had the opportunity to run the ashcan version of [url=]The Infected[/url] for a mixed group - the players included a long-time…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Tim Sellmer, Technocrat13, lee-anne.

7/19/2007 redivider: [Short History of Decay]: pandas, pollution, population
Colin, Jim, Joshua & I tried A Short History of Decay, my mini-game about the decline and fall of practically anything. I wrote this game for a very informal challenge…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

7/18/2007 travisfarber: [Grey Ranks] Playtest over Skype
Recently we did a playtest for Grey Ranks over Skype.  Originally, we were going to play another game, but we ended up playing Grey Ranks instead.  I'll try to give…
In Playtesting
Participants: travisfarber, jasonm.

7/15/2007 Ron Edwards: [Grey Ranks] Third and final session
Hello! What a great game. You can read about our first two sessions in Another playtest for first two sessions. We'd completed seven out of the ten missions.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, jasonm.

7/11/2007 Joshua BishopRoby: [Sons of Liberty] Opening Handclasp, Sign, and Countersign?
So I've been pondering the Campaign Mode for Sons of Liberty and how much I want to constrain and flavor the three different stages of the campaign.  The levels (sessions)…
In Playtesting
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Noon, Zathreyel, Thenomain.

7/5/2007 Neil the Wimp: [Dirty Secrets] MK RPG Third Playtest
Dirty Secrets is Seth Ben-Ezra's game of detective fiction, in the mould of Philip Marlowe and Lew Archer.  Read Seth's notes and some other playtests, including the first and second…
In Playtesting
Participants: Neil the Wimp, GreatWolf, Artanis, Valamir, Caesar_X.

7/3/2007 Tobias: We tried baseball and it didn't work
I searched, but didn't find a reference to this yet. If it's already here, my apologies. Greets, Tobias
In Playtesting
Participants: Tobias, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Noon, Filip Luszczyk.

7/1/2007 Zathreyel: (Criminal Element) On the Bullet Train
Alright, so I've had the chance to run some hardcore Criminal Element sessions recently.  It's good to get back under the hood of that thing.  Criminal Element, for those not…
In Playtesting
Participants: Zathreyel, Everspinner.

7/1/2007 Eldrad: The Olde Realm
[b] Session before last[/b] Damien Ehrlich the Sage of the Purple Cloth and Kora the Barbarian were looking for a simple place to eat.. The city of Westfort was in…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eldrad, Calithena, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

8/21/2007 Eldrad: NOVEL RPG: The Olde Realm
Well my setting the Olde Realm (See past post but ignore all rule sections)  was the setting for the first playtest of the NOVEL RPG (See first thoughts)system. I will…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eldrad.

8/22/2007 Ron Edwards: The Ashcan Front
Hi everyone, The Ashcan Front project debuted at GenCon 2007 to great acclaim. Now, however, the buzz will diminish and it will be time to get to work. Rather than…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, TwoCrows, Eero Tuovinen.

8/27/2007 MartiniPhilosopher: [A Haunted Night] The Abandoned School
Greetings All! Last night was the first playtest of A Haunted Night, a one page Japanese Horror inspired game. I had a total of seven people participate in the playtest,…
In Playtesting
Participants: MartiniPhilosopher, Elizabeth P..

8/27/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [The Emperor's Heart] Uh... who needs names anyway?
We playtested Chris Chinn's The Emperor's Heart yesterday, having some spare time late evening and seeing that it should work for a two player pick up game. We played for…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Chris_Chinn, ja-prozac.

8/29/2007 Meguey: [In A Wicked Age] Chapter 1: The Prophet of No Self Control, plus strawberries
Ever have one of those characters that's so unlike your regular characters that it's totally freeing? That's what I got last night. Vincent's game in the works, In A Wicked…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Eero Tuovinen, Artanis, Emily Care, Anders, Parthenia, tonyd, lumpley, Marhault, GreatWolf, Archer5280, Kairos, The Bane, John Harper.

8/29/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Ordinary Angels] First playtest
So yesterday I had some friends over and we had a quick playtest of Ordinary Angels, my game of angelic cops. Me and Fred talk about it quite extensively on…
In Playtesting
Participants: andrew_kenrick.

8/30/2007 gte910h: [The Infected] Giggly Manicacs on the Space Station Playtest
We played the infected after reading the rules from: I don't know if that was the correct resource, but it was enough to get going... We set the movie…
In Playtesting
Participants: gte910h, Technocrat13.

8/30/2007 Emily Care: [spontaneous system] rocking in at GenCon
We wrote a new game at GenCon--right there at the table at Embassy Suites--that let us seriously rock in. I'm looking at the artifacts of this game: Four green sticky…
In Playtesting
Participants: Emily Care, Jonathan Walton, Blankshield.

9/2/2007 jporrett: [The Emperor's Heart] Love and Death in the Imperial City
I got a chance to sit down and do a bit of playtesting of "The Emperor's Heart" this weekend.  It was at my friend's house and there was much gaming…
In Playtesting
Participants: jporrett, Chris_Chinn, ejh, dvandyke23.

9/4/2007 lumpley: Tomato Judgment in the Garden Kingdom
(This is my last GenCon play writeup for the year. The others are non-nostalgic D&D, Ganakagok AP, and GenCon Poison'd, but you don't get the whole story.) Not…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, GreatWolf, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, John Harper, Meguey, ironick, GB Steve, wunderllama, RobNJ, Elliott.

9/5/2007 GreatWolf: [Land of 1000 Kings] My children visit the Land of 1000 Kings
As my children grow older, I have been trying to think of ways to integrate them into my gaming hobby.  I don’t want to have games be a thing that…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Ben Lehman.

9/7/2007 Eldrad: NOVEL RPG System playtest
After doing a playtest letting another GM use the system it worked very well. The players were quite inexperienced to very experienced. All flowed with the concept though apprehensive at…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eldrad, Ron Edwards, Emily Care, RobNJ, apeiron, rasterix.

9/11/2007 Elliott: [Reaper Beauties] Giving your Heart to a Hungry Ghost - for the Family's Honor
First playtest of my first decent game, and it went great! My friends Jen, Alex and Becca entered play of Reaper Beauties - the game of magical girls reaping Hungry…
In Playtesting
Participants: Elliott.

9/11/2007 Meguey: [Galactic] Character creation for Seb's new game!
Sebastian is 10, almost 11. He's read Galactic about 5 times since he found it on the couch when Vincent returned from GenCon 07. He said casually last week that…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Emily Care, Matt Wilson, lumpley.

9/17/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [Raspberry Heaven] All About Friendsheep
I playtested, or maybe rather crashtested, Ewen Cluney's Raspberry Heaven with Jacek and Kamil yesterday. The game is pretty interesting and we've been curious how it works. I believe it…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac.

9/17/2007 jporrett: [The Emperor's Heart] Questions and Comments
Hey Chris, I plan on doing some more play-testing, probably next week, and I had a few questions and comments on the <a href="">rule changes</a>. 1) Goals/Stakes: I guess I'm…
In Playtesting
Participants: jporrett, Chris_Chinn.

9/21/2007 Elliott: The First Reaper Beauties Playtest Report. Now in English.
As requested on Story-Games on the following thread:, an actual play thread for Reaper Beauties.  I posted a rather incoherent one before... Could a mod please delete my old…
In Playtesting
Participants: Elliott, Mark Woodhouse.

9/21/2007 Ben Lehman: Revenge of the Ninja
So, on Wednesday, I said to Alexis "huh, I've got a really good idea for a mechanic for a ninja game." I wrote it down. Then, on Thursday, I fleshed…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ben Lehman, Emily Care, Eero Tuovinen, contracycle, Dev, Simon C, Noon, Valamir.

9/24/2007 Wormwood: [Homeworld Project] Lost Treasure of Chaladni
I just ran the first session of the next round of <a href="">Homeworld Project</a> playtesting. Due to scheduling, only one of the players was able to make the game, more…
In Playtesting
Participants: Wormwood, Simon C.

9/25/2007 alejandro: [unWritten] UCI RPG club playtest
Today I went to the UCI RPG club and ran my game for three people that have never been exposed to a story game, and in one case, never exposed…
In Playtesting
Participants: alejandro.

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