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In Playtesting

12/19/2007 Doplegager: [Psi-Run] Bodhisattvas of Mars
After far too long of waiting, my group had a chance to playtest Psi Run.  There are a number of Ashcan Front games I've been wanting to give a try,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Doplegager, Miskatonic, chris_moore.

12/18/2007 davidberg: need to reduce handling time of my combat system
Too many calculations, die rolls, and chart-lookups!  Help! Desired Inputs: Player's preference of where to move to (if applicable) + character's ability to maneuver as dictated by surroundings. Player's preference…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Narf the Mouse, Noon, jag, J Tolson, dindenver, contracycle, Paul T, Marshall Burns.

12/14/2007 lumpley: With combined race and class, choose from 7 unique character types!
I've been playing D&D with some kids, ages 7-12. It's fun, but, well, there are a couple of ways D&D works that I wish it worked differently. So I set…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, Meguey, GreatWolf, jasonm, Nev the Deranged, Paul T, Elizabeth, Filip Luszczyk, Artanis, Tobias, John Harper.

12/9/2007 masqueradeball: Explorer (My first playtest)
I just got done play testing a game I'm working on that's tentatively called Explorer. Since this is the first time I've mentioned the game on The Forge I'd like…
In Playtesting
Participants: masqueradeball, davidberg.

12/9/2007 jasonm: [Business Solutions] "Delbert LeMond, you're fired"
So I playtested Business Solutions today.  The game has been developing in fits and starts for a while now, but it's picking up speed.  I wanted to run through the…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, LeSingeSavant.

12/4/2007 opsneakie: [Afraid] Party is split up, not understanding the game, frustration galore.
Ok, so I've been running Afraid for a few weeks now, and the problems I thought would work themselves out in a few sessions aren't working themselves out. The party…
In Playtesting
Participants: opsneakie, sirogit, Artanis, Ron Edwards, lumpley, David Artman, Filip Luszczyk, Piers Brown, Capulet, Noon, Ben Lehman, Jonathan Walton, devonapple.

12/3/2007 hix: Soth - The first playtest
On Saturday, we playtested Soth - a game where you play insane cultists in a small town, trying to summon your God and avoid discovery by investigators (it's the flip…
In Playtesting
Participants: hix, Simon C, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick.

11/30/2007 Elizabeth: [It's Complicated] Relationship-map Twister
So I've been writing/re-writing/tweaking this game for a couple weeks; it's called "It's Complicated." (Those rules aren't precisely current; I'll be updating them this weekend.) JasonP, Scurve, stryck, and Adrienne…
In Playtesting
Participants: Elizabeth, Ron Edwards, David Artman.

11/30/2007 Capulet: Lesson Learned: Know your base mechanic's desired result.
Hello all. I wanted to share some of the “fun” I had in refining my basic mechanics for my game system. Or maybe refining is too gentle a word –…
In Playtesting
Participants: Capulet, Wolfen.

11/27/2007 davidberg: [Lendrhald] Rat Island - player priorities
The attempt to spawn a series of threads that will add up to something useful for my game design continues!  The first two threads wandered a lot:  helping GMs…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Ron Edwards, masqueradeball, xenopulse, Chris_Chinn, Groorg.

11/27/2007 Peter Nordstrand: [While We Were Fighting] A Bad Day for the Gherardini Family
I've had a first playtest of While We Were Fighting. (See this thread for first thoughts on character generation.) Over all the playtest went very well. I had a lot…
In Playtesting
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, hix, Måns.

11/26/2007 Simon C: Savage Donjon Squad
"Savage Donjon Squad" is a mashup of Clinton Nixon's "Donjon", with Jason Morningstar's "Dungeon Squad".  I used a few ideas from "Savage Worlds" as well, mostly so I could add…
In Playtesting
Participants: Simon C, jag.

11/15/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: Mud Planet: Ronnies almost-winner now ready for playtest as Sorcerer mini-supp.
Hi there! After some ado, I have chosen to try out my old Ronnies game Mud Planet as a Sorcerer mini-supplement. It’s been almost exactly two years since I entered…
In Playtesting
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski.

11/12/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] Things not to do in Kon Tum when y'ain't dead
Hi, A few weeks back, I had an opportunity to run a one-off playtest of Black Cadillacs at a friend's birthday party-slash-mini con.  I've posted some early (effusive) reactions to…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

11/6/2007 Paul T: Conflict in the Middle - A Crossed-Wire Act
This past August, I had the chance to spend some time in Scotland. During my time there, I saw many beautiful places, and took the chance of contacting some gamers…
In Playtesting
Participants: Paul T, Gregor Hutton, pfischer, Noon, FredGarber, Valamir.

11/6/2007 GreatWolf: [Robots and Rapiers] The Power of Power
We’ve played a few more sessions of Robots and Rapiers since the last writeup.  I think that we’re finally starting to catch a groove with the system.  Now that we’re…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

11/4/2007 Malcolm: [Umlaut] Playtest In Wellington
This report has also be cross-posted to a thread at The Collective Endeavour. It was a Friday night in Wellington when we sat down with a quantity of beers and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm.

10/27/2007 MikeSands: [The Infected] The worst school trip ever.
Last night I ran another game, this time at a one-night horror con. I used the same setup as in the "anger management" game, but this time the players decided…
In Playtesting
Participants: MikeSands, Malcolm, hix, Technocrat13.

10/24/2007 Wormwood: [Genetic System (d20 - variant)] Task as Conflict
A few years ago I put together a d20 variant due to a specific design request for a Firefly series RPG. This has since evolved into a generic OGL system,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Wormwood, Meadslosh.

10/15/2007 Troels: [In a Wicked Age] Of Ice, Slime and Unnatural Love
I just ran a session of IaWA at Viking-con, a danish gaming convention. And it was cool and weird and funny. First, thanks to Vincent Baker for letting me have…
In Playtesting
Participants: Troels, lumpley, Artanis, John Harper, Valvorik, Anders.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

12/22/2007 Peter Nordstrand: [While We Were Fighting]A Board Roleplaying Game
Is While We Were Fighting (see here and here) a boardgame or a roleplaying game? Apparently this is something that makes a lot of people nervous. As if there was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Peter Nordstrand.

12/23/2007 sirogit: [It's Complicated] What I didn't mention was that I poisoned everyone
Ran a game of Its Complicated, with just me and my brother Chris. By the author's suggestion, we both ran two characters. The setup: D&D Dungeon Crawl Situation: We're in…
In Playtesting
Participants: sirogit, Elizabeth, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, Artanis, David Artman, Madheretic.

12/26/2007 Noon: [No name yet] Fight with a monster game.
Ron recently said My usual recommendation, though, is to start by posting in Actual Play. People make this ten times harder than it is. If someone were to post, "We…
In Playtesting
Participants: Noon, davidberg.

12/28/2007 lumpley: [IaWA] A genetic nanopotion, mind tricks and Han Solo as a lesbian
Me, Emily, Julia and Rob Bohl played space opera In a Wicked Age last night. It was fun. It was set on this aquatic alien planet with increasingly bad relations…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, Anders, RobNJ, Emily Care, foucalt.

1/4/2008 Marshall Burns: [Super Action Now!] Monkey causes chaos, guy gets fired, cat doesn't care
[i]Super Action Now!  a Crazy-Ass Roleplaying Game[/i] had its first playtest last night.  The players were myself (also Referee, although I never had to bring any power to bear), my…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, davidberg, jag.

1/6/2008 iain: Playtesting site goes live
A little while ago, over on story games, I started a discussion about ashcans and what people felt they had got from them. One of the things that came out…
In Playtesting
Participants: iain.

1/6/2008 jporrett: [The Emperor's Heart] Mystical Calligraphy and Sacrifice
Here's another "Emperor's Heart" playtest report.  It's from late October and I'm just now getting around to writing it up.  This time around it was my friends Randy and James,…
In Playtesting
Participants: jporrett, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards.

1/7/2008 lumpley: [Mispent Youth] Five predictions about Rebekah, Molly and Larry
Rebekah, 14, played by Julia: "new kid." Molly, 16, played by Meg: "hardened cynic." Larry, 16, played by Vincent: "den mother." Mispent Youth, GMed by Rob. Before the predictions, some…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, Meguey, RobNJ, Paka, jenskot.

1/9/2008 GreatWolf: [A Flower for Mara] Jump-starting the game
"She died that night.  She was the light of my days, the glory of my existence, cut down like a flower in the prime of her life.  And now I…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, Artanis, jasonm, Noon.

1/10/2008 jasonm: [Business Solutions] Three Ladies
I got a chance to playtest Business Solutions last night with my regular Wednesday night group.  We were down by two due to childbirth and sickness respectively, so three guys…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, GreatWolf.

1/11/2008 Marshall Burns: [Super Action Now!] Bubba Bad's bad day, + hobo clones & son of sasquatch
Playtest #2 of Super Action Now! last night.  Did I say the first one was a blast?  Well, I was wrong.  THIS was a blast.  I mean, DAMN we had…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, davidberg, Noon, jag.

1/13/2008 algi: Please play 'Mighty Ones'
[url=http://""]This is my first "complete" RPG[/url], but it is not yet fully developed. The last playtest left the notion in me that the game is already very enjoyable and highly…
In Playtesting
Participants: algi, greyorm, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, Kevin Smit.

1/14/2008 Noon: [No name yet] Dance of death
This is kind of an extension of this playtest, except I've added two player rules which add a very distinct dynamic. My son set up the area again, getting some…
In Playtesting
Participants: Noon, Marshall Burns, davidberg, Ron Edwards, Vulpinoid.

1/18/2008 GreatWolf: [A Flower for Mara] Playing with the n00bs…and loving it!
I have this theory that people are naturally creative, that those who aren’t “creative” are actually afraid of looking dumb and therefore edit themselves.  This isn’t an original theory, of…
In Playtesting
Participants: GreatWolf, hix, Artanis, Emily Care, Bret Gillan.

1/30/2008 btrc: [EABA] WarpWorld playtesting note
Not so much an opportunity, but a report on the campaign structure. The WarpWorld post-ruin fantasy background has a lot of potential, but the problem was that the most interesting…
In Playtesting
Participants: btrc, Valamir.

1/30/2008 Marshall Burns: [SAN!] elusive CA; plus, deep sea fishin'
So, I had a chat with David Berg regarding our discussion in the Bubba Bad thread, and it turns out I had totally missed his point.  And his point, it…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, davidberg.

2/6/2008 Ben Lehman: [The Drifter's Escape] Two dead cops and a pregnant girl
So my brother wrote a bunch of stories, and I wrote a game inspired by them. The game is called "The Drifter's Escape." Since I'm home for a bit, and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, jacoblehman, Eero Tuovinen, Marshall Burns, Ron Edwards, Chris_Chinn.

2/6/2008 David Artman: RFP: "Roguelike Digsiversalis Hack"
Hi, folks; cranking on my first "Story Game" concept (I think--it's pretty gamist, actually). <a href="">Roguelike Dogsiversalis Hack</a> (working, tongue-in-cheek title) My requests: 1) PLEASE playtest; full name (or handle),…
In Playtesting
Participants: David Artman.

2/8/2008 Marshall Burns: [Fantastical Adventure] The Purple Pearl of Pinoche!
We a played a bit of one of my new games, Fantastical Adventure, last night.  It's, um, well, I still haven't figured out how to explain it properly.  The setting…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, jag.

2/9/2008 Hituro: [Solipsist] Superman and John Constantine get on a plane...
(crossposted from Gregor Hutton's post on collective endeavour, I hope that is okay for the rules of this site) Anyway, tonight I was over at John Wilson's and we had…
In Playtesting
Participants: Hituro.

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