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In Playtesting

5/23/2008 travisfarber: [Misspent Youth] Tearing Down Adam Duvall
So, recently we had the opportunity to playtest Misspent Youth.  Daniel Levine was kind enough to run it and he also made a recording of the session.  I won't go…
In Playtesting
Participants: travisfarber, dikaiosunh, RobNJ.

5/14/2008 wunderllama: [Business Solutions] Playtest at Nerdly
At Camp Nerdly, I was lucky to participate in a playtest of Jason Morningstar’s Business Solutions – a game in which you play hapless photocopier repairpersons. Character creation is a…
In Playtesting
Participants: wunderllama, jasonm, Nathan Herrold, jhosmer1, Solamasa, travisfarber, Valamir.

5/14/2008 c: [Silence Keeps Me A Victim] First successful playtest.
Last Friday I had the first playtest where I felt like I was starting to get where I want to go with Silence. Again the game has broad changes from…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, ChadDubya, Artanis, Paul Czege.

5/12/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A betrayal & shooting at angry mobs twice
Hello there! This is Wilmer reporting from session three of my Rustbelt campaign. We played draft 2 of the Rustbelt rules plus a new set of psyche dynamics PM'd by…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, Marshall Burns, jag, Wolfen, JoyWriter, xdiox.

5/7/2008 Eero Tuovinen: [Solar System] Dragonriders & Demagogues
So I'm working on a new, "refreshed" edition of the Solar System, as I mentioned in the other thread. I'm saying "refreshed" because updating would imply some kind of need…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, newsalor, segedy, Valamir.

4/30/2008 alejandro: [unWritten] Rats
This is my first *real* actual play. Tell me if I did it right, as well as how it's presented. Last night Greg and I played unWritten in a setting…
In Playtesting
Participants: alejandro, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A maiden in distress - on fire
Hello there! This is Wilmer writing about my second session with the game The Rustbelt written by Marshall Burns. Last time I had a fast but mediocre start learning and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, jag, Marshall Burns, Wolfen.

4/27/2008 btrc: Purgatory Bay - open for critique
I'm usually known for my crunchy, simulationist work, which makes me feel like the odd man out here at the Forge (even if I do try to create social settings…
In Playtesting
Participants: btrc, jag.

4/25/2008 Parthenia: [...Fisherman's Wife] First playtest
So here's how this game works with 2 people. This is before I altered and de-clunked the mechanics. I just posted a later playtest with four people. Here you can…
In Playtesting
Participants: Parthenia.

4/25/2008 Parthenia: [Tales of the Fisherman's Wife] My Wife the demon wrangler
I am working on a short game which uses cards called Tales of the Fisherman's Wife. I've described it elsewhere (and you can read about it here. I'll post another…
In Playtesting
Participants: Parthenia, lumpley, Simon C, Arturo G., Marshall Burns, zinadin.

4/25/2008 mratomek: [SF7] The Mindwarp of Dr. Mindbender (notes from playtest)
[b]Mindwarp Madness[/b] Hercules' girlfriend, Penny, has been kidnapped by the villainous Dr. Mindbender. Mindbender is keeping her hidden until he has time to deliver her to the criminal Senate, in…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

4/22/2008 Krippler: [Rustbelt] A rabid elephant - on fire
Last weekend I GM'd some Rustbelt for a bunch of friends. It's a game under construction written by Marshall Burns (you can find the old document I used here). After…
In Playtesting
Participants: Krippler, Marshall Burns, Wolfen, jag.

4/22/2008 Rusty: [Space Rat] Cruisin' Along
I ran another game of Space Rat at the end of last week, attempting to explore some of the things that didn’t get a great work-out in the last game,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Rusty.

4/19/2008 SabreCat: [Blazing Rose] Forge Midwest: Pacing and "Pieces"
This comes almost a full week after the play experience, thanks to a very busy work-week after the con, so many details have vanished from my memory.  But I wanted…
In Playtesting
Participants: SabreCat, Zach, Ron Edwards.

4/18/2008 Marshall Burns: [Witch Trails] Strange Fruit
[i]Witch Trails:  the Invisible History of the American West[/i] is a game about the Hex Rangers, a secret militia formed to drive out angry spirits and other supernatural threats from…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, jag.

4/17/2008 mratomek: [SF7] new combat, damage, wounds system
After a lot of thought, spit, and polish, I think I have finally tweaked the combat system to be fluid, easy to use, and  a lot of fun. The hits…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

4/15/2008 Rusty: [Space Rat] Game frozen by the Bride of the Ice (cream)
After a few months of "real life" I finally managed to get the guys together for another playtest of Space Rat: the Jack Cosmos Adventure Game!  I had made a…
In Playtesting
Participants: Rusty, Ron Edwards.

4/14/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [Compass Gods] No Snappy Thread Title Today
I playtested Compass Gods with Jacek and Kamil. We've been playing via Skype, marking coins and stuff this way. The game lasted for over three hours, though rules discussions ate…
In Playtesting
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Simon C.

4/14/2008 Landon Winkler: [Conflict] First Playtest
Ran my first playtest session of Conflict last night, which was pretty interesting, so I figured I’d share my experiences. Hope someone finds something here interesting. For my summary of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Landon Winkler.

4/14/2008 Meguey: Mist-robed Gate, on Mars!
Last night I got to play the most fun game of the year, thus far. Shreyas ran his game in development Mist-Robed Gate for 10(!) of us Western Massive/Story Games…
In Playtesting
Participants: Meguey, Elizabeth, FrankBrunner, Shreyas Sampat.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

5/28/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] - Death in the PM
Hi, A couple of weekends ago, I got to run two one-shots of Black Cadillacs at the CanGames IGE. The timing couldn't have been better, as I'm in the middle…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards, Aise.

6/5/2008 Earl of Sherry: [Super Action Now!] DIY Porno Studio vs Morality Police + Couch on Couch love!
Playtest report: Super Action Now! Rev 2/18/08 Buck, Clint, Stf - First Timers, all. Okay, Marshall.  So, I read SAN!, that night I printed it off and started convincing…
In Playtesting
Participants: Earl of Sherry, Marshall Burns.

6/10/2008 Ron Edwards: [Barbaren] My manly guy
Hello, This is essentially a question thread for Frank, but I also hope it turns into minor system showcase for the game as well, depending on the answers. Here is…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski, oliof, Eero Tuovinen, ( o Y o ).

6/30/2008 jasonm: [Business Solutions] Tactile Play
So I playtested yesterday and found out that something interesting I'm doing for a different game is very promising for Business Solutions as well.  For moths I've been at an…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Ron Edwards, fjj.

6/30/2008 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] a mighty rule-change is a-brewin'
So, I was at work the other day when an idea hit me, and I think it's the big fix for the Rustbelt's main problem.  (To recap, that problem is…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, Krippler, jag, Paul Czege.

7/13/2008 Vulpinoid: [The 8th Sea] GenCon Oz and "The Atlantean Gambit"
Back from a half successful product launch. Successful because there were a lot of people who wanted the product...unsuccessful because I didn't have any available to sell. The good news…
In Playtesting
Participants: Vulpinoid.

7/13/2008 jasonm: [Medial Hospital] Apex Regional Medical Center
I had the good fortune to playtest Medical Hospital at Collective Con yesterday.  Collective Con was like a house-con in a game store, very small and collegial, and I had…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Emily Care.

7/13/2008 Miskatonic: [Sign In Stranger] Oh, we just LOVE humans here! - Forge Midwest
Emily Care Boss ran a game of Sign In Stranger at Forge Midwest. Players were Emily, Eppy, me, Matt*, Tim, and Willow. Hilarity ensued. First came the world generation. The…
In Playtesting
Participants: Miskatonic, Willow, Emily Care, davidberg.

7/15/2008 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] "Tell me who killed my cat." & solo play experiment
So, I was supposed to play the Rustbelt with Stephen and my cousin James this weekend, but Stephen couldn't make it, so me & James just played by ourselves. I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Marshall Burns, Krippler.

7/23/2008 Parthenia: [Tales of the Fisherman's Wife] Ghosts break up a marriage
I wanted to test this game with 3 players. It worked! Emily was the Wife, Vincent was the Fisherman, I played ghosts and demons to both of them. The is…
In Playtesting
Participants: Parthenia, greyorm, Arturo G..

8/4/2008 jasonm: [Medical Hospital] Playtesting with n00bs
I ran a session of Medical Hospital last night with three people who are not gamers.  It went pretty well.  Positives: 1.  Character creation is both fun and easy.  They…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm.

8/16/2008 JackTheOwner: [Amina Prime] Some issue and bugs
Sorry for grammar and short description, but English is not my native language. We were playing using poker chips, with only two persons (Me as the GM and Filip as…
In Playtesting
Participants: JackTheOwner, xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk.

8/16/2008 Eldrad: One Roll type system
I used to have a game called punks and the system worked like this. You had seven attributes that you rolled 7d10. This total was the hit points. Average HP…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eldrad, Vulpinoid.

8/18/2008 jasonm: [Medical Hospital] Indianapolis General
I had the good fortune to run two playtests of Medical Hospital at Gen Con with some great people.  Both were fun but highlighted a number of issues with the…
In Playtesting
Participants: jasonm, Graham Walmsley.

8/19/2008 TonyLB: GenCon: Misery Bubblegum 1/7
#1 of 7 games played at GenCon: I started out the weekend with a nice, small game with two other players.  I'm pretty dang sure that I know their names,…
In Playtesting
Participants: TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, Paka, Landon Darkwood.

8/20/2008 Paka: Dark Pages Imprint: Zeppelin City Set-up
A few friends of mine are moving back into town and I was excited to read that DarkPages prefers a GM and one or two players.  I have been enjoying…
In Playtesting
Participants: Paka, Jared A. Sorensen, Spooky Fanboy.

8/21/2008 Ron Edwards: [Kagematsu] GenCon, Thursday night
Hello, We gathered at the Embassy Suites in the time-honored tradition to playtest the game, including Danielle Lewon (the designer), Anna Kreider, Darcy Burgess, and me. Curiously, a 50-50 male-female…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Darcy Burgess, wunderllama, Nev the Deranged, SNora.

8/27/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] - Three Games at GenCon
Hi, Black Cadillacs saw play three times at GenCon.  Two of the games were scheduled through the IGE (quick shout-out to Mike Holmes: thanks for making this happen!)  Sandwiched between…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, jasonm.

8/28/2008 Aise: [Black Cadillacs] - Blood and Mettle
Hey I was reading my copy of the Steel Toed Edition of Black Cadillacs and came across a little snag. Since I am starting a full campaign of Black Cadillacs,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Aise, Darcy Burgess.

8/28/2008 Ron Edwards: [Rustbelt] Opium, haunted memories, hatred in the dark, and killing your friend
Hello, Jari Tuovinen stayed with me for a few days after GenCon, and we tried out a number of games at a superficial level, carrying out the setup rules in…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, Krippler, Valamir, ( o Y o ), davidberg.

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