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In Adept Press

1/31/2006 Neros Boot: I now own all the dead-tree supplements!
My copies of Sorcerer and Sword and Sex and Sorcery showed up yesterday, whilst I was gaming offline with a friend.  Today, I shall start reading on them!  I've already…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan.

1/30/2006 Peter Nordstrand: [Day of Dupes]Post-Chargen Question
[b][color=Maroon]Important: Jonas, Johan, and Kristoffer, this thread is not for you. Please go away.[/color][/b] Everyone else, please stay. I have some specific question this time. We've finished chargen for our…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards, Lisa Padol, James_Nostack, Roger.

1/25/2006 Paka: Define Humanity, List Descriptors and Go
Ron did this at Gen Con, sat down with us and we all defined Humanity together.  Then we decided on a descriptor list and we rolled right there with our…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, Imperator, urbanpagan.

1/25/2006 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Gearing up for a new session
I'm hoping to have a 4th session of Sorcerer next Tuesday, January 31st. This is assuming all goes well, and we don't get another strike, what with the union members…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lisa Padol, Paka, Valamir, Eric J-D, Iskander, Ron Edwards.

1/24/2006 Frank T: [&Sword] Trading down Humanity
So I want to trade down Humanity. I pick Will or Stamina, whichever I like better for my character, at 8 (giving me Humanity 8), and the other two attributes…
In Adept Press
Participants: Frank T, jburneko, angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards.

1/23/2006 Adam Biltcliffe: Sorcerer is hard (understanding currency)
So the Sorcerer rulebook is, um, pretty densely packed with information and not really that great (at least, for me) of explaining the logic that ties everything together. I think…
In Adept Press
Participants: Adam Biltcliffe, faerieloch, jburneko, Ron Edwards.

1/22/2006 Peter Nordstrand: La Journée des Dupes
I've wanted to run a game using Day of Dupes from Sorcerer's Soul ever since I first read the scenario. I just couldn't quite figure out how to handle it.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards.

1/22/2006 Wolfen: Three's a Crowd
So, our third session of sorcerer has just ended. Let me give a brief synopsis of the last scene... My sorcerer, Vincent Ashmore is a cop with a parasite demon…
In Adept Press
Participants: Wolfen, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2006 pfischer: [Sorcerer] Las Cruces Onesheet
Hi, I set up this game to present Sorcerer to a group I haven't played with before. The ideas were bounced forth and back during an evening, and I put…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Yokiboy.

1/18/2006 Neros Boot: [Sorcerer] The mini-supplements
What can y'all tell me 'bout the Sorcerer mini-supplements?  As preparation for writing my own mini-supplement, I have decided to buy all six currently available e-sourcebooks.  I am particularly interested…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Bret Gillan, Peter Nordstrand, Eero Tuovinen, Hisho, Jasper Polane.

1/18/2006 Neros Boot: Indie Press Revolution
How long does it typically take IPR to send out dead-tree-format books once you've ordered them? --I ordered Sorcerer and Sword and Sex and Sorcery off them, and am curious…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Justin A Hamilton.

1/18/2006 Neros Boot: Sorcerer in Spaaaaaaaaace!
I have an idea for a Sorcerer adaptation, which I've already emailed to Mr. Edwards as a potential mini-supplement.  Essentially, the mini-supplement would be about human pilots in the near…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Justin A Hamilton, Sydney Freedberg, ubergeek2012, Bret Gillan, cpeterso, IMAGinES, Peter Nordstrand.

1/18/2006 IMAGinES: [RPGnet Forum / Wiki] Sorcerer: A Menu
As the RPGnet forums are no longer searchable, Paka set up a forum thread called A Menu with the intent of collecting all the best RPGnet threads relating to…
In Adept Press
Participants: IMAGinES, Ron Edwards.

1/18/2006 Justin A Hamilton: [Sorcerer] Preparing for a pitch, King in Yellow
Hello again, let me apologize in advance if this post has a lot of jargon, please ask. So my roleplaying group has a kind of round-robin GM format.  We all…
In Adept Press
Participants: Justin A Hamilton, Neros Boot, TickTock Man, IMAGinES, Mister Six.

1/13/2006 Maitete: [Sorcerer] Real World Premise?
Hey all, I have a long-term group of friends with whom I have been gaming weekly for around 6 years.  I've had several dysfunctional moments with one particular member of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Maitete, Lamorak33, bcook1971, Ron Edwards, May.

1/11/2006 Moah: [Sorcerer] Travel and Transport
Hi, I've recently reread Sorcerer, to prepare a session for tonight, and my players almost all picked Travel as a demon power. I had read that Travel was exclusively a…
In Adept Press
Participants: Moah, jburneko, Ron Edwards, Frank T, Gaerik.

1/5/2006 May: Getting started - help needed
Hello! I'm in the process of starting up my very first sorcerer group ever, and I plan for us to play the "nasty house scenario" from the book as way…
In Adept Press
Participants: May, angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, The_Tim.

1/2/2006 Plotin: Necromantic Tokens
Hello all and most of all Ron, who is my foremost addressant for these questions! I am about to meet with my group for for a first discussion to mutually…
In Adept Press
Participants: Plotin, Arturo G., Ron Edwards.

12/30/2005 Old_Scratch: [Charnel Gods] Armageddon Clock Epoch
Just thought I'd let you folks know that I put up a pdf of the Epoch used during this Actual Play: It's just the source material, but I thought…
In Adept Press
Participants: Old_Scratch, Matt, hardcoremoose.

12/28/2005 Trevis Martin: Parasite Powers
Hey Ron, I want to know if I have this right.  The book notes that a Parasite always confers all its powers except Boost (which it can confer optionally) to…
In Adept Press
Participants: Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Adept Press

2/1/2006 James_Nostack: Social Contract: Editing Player's Demon?
A few days ago I ran a Sorcerer & Sword game.  The player's starting demon is a no-fooling pagan god-- Ogoun, the King of Swords.  In Ogoun's case, my player…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

2/2/2006 Madheretic: [Sorc] Player plays demon, GM controls Demon's "Intent"
As time passes by, it gets to be more likely I'll be actually playing my <a href=>Identity Crisis One-Sheet.</a href> while idly thinking about it for awhile, I considered this…
In Adept Press
Participants: Madheretic, sirogit, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, James_Nostack, John Harper.

2/6/2006 Lisa Padol: Bang Musings
I think I have stumbled on a truth about bangs, or about a type of not-bang. Last session, I confirmed that Dave's character, Andreas, once again spent his evening having…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lisa Padol, Eero Tuovinen, Peter Nordstrand, Paka.

2/8/2006 TickTock Man: Just Simple Questions on Dice
Greetings! Do you use a standard die type in your games?  What type of die do you use and why?  Is there a Sorcerer "standard" size? Thanks! Angelo
In Adept Press
Participants: TickTock Man, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack, Julian, Trevis Martin, Walt Freitag, Peter Nordstrand, Marco, demiurgeastaroth, mneme, Ben Lehman, The_Tim, Gaerik, Gregor Hutton.

2/9/2006 kalyptein: [Charnel Gods] The Fall of Sarantium
I posted a little about the initial work on this game some while back, but it was stillborn at the time.  Recently it got dusted off and last night we…
In Adept Press
Participants: kalyptein, Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose.

2/10/2006 jburneko: [Sorcerer] Why Group Conflict Is So Confusing...
Ron had this to say in an Actual Play thread about the common confusion over Sorcerer's group resolution process: What concerns me about the dice is that complex group…
In Adept Press
Participants: jburneko, bcook1971, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack, charlesperez, angelfromanotherpin, Gabe McKean.

2/10/2006 Lisa Padol: Contain Question
So, Dave's character, Andreas, put a Possessor demon in a Contain. He instructed another Possessor demon, this one bound to him, to force a sedative down the throat of the…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lisa Padol, James_Nostack, Ron Edwards, Mister Six.

2/11/2006 nyhteg: Back of the Character Sheet
At last I've found someone to try out a real, live Sorcerer session with. Hurrah. Going through character/setting/demon generation last night and we came to the lovely crosshairs on the…
In Adept Press
Participants: nyhteg, Ron Edwards.

2/11/2006 Ron Edwards: Brain damage
About the brain damage. This is coming in a series of posts. Comment freely as I go, but bear in mind that it is a series. Everyone who's interested, please…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Brand_Robins, Piers Brown, mneme, joshua neff, Jonathan Walton, Levi Kornelsen, Keith Senkowski, ffilz, demiurgeastaroth, Seth L. Blumberg, bcook1971, Halzebier, JonasB, ricmadeira, Gregor Hutton, Artanis, Caldis, Clinton R. Nixon, jburneko, Wormwood, Lisa Padol, Troy_Costisick, John Kim, Marco, Matt Snyder, Web_Weaver, LandonSuffered, Walt Freitag, Supplanter, Calithena, Bankuei, Valamir, Ian Charvill, Roger, talysman, lumpley, Rustin, jeffd, xenopulse, Peter Nordstrand, jagardner, Eric J-D, Alan, Julian, John Wick, Sydney Freedberg, iago, MatrixGamer, Arturo G., droog, greyorm, ethan_greer, contracycle, Doug Ruff.

2/14/2006 Brand_Robins: Recommended: Secret Things
Having just finished watching the French movie <a href="">Secret Things</a> I highly recommend it to Sorcerer players. While the "magic" is all symbolic and the mythic elements are not always…
In Adept Press
Participants: Brand_Robins, Ron Edwards.

2/14/2006 Lisa Padol: Demon-Human Crossbreeds
I'm likely to just wing this, should it come up, but I'm curious to know what others might do and if there's an actual rule I'm missing. In our Sorcerer…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, Julian, preludetotheend.

2/17/2006 Marco: Telekinesis
So I've got this character with a brain tumor named Amanda Averice (that's the tumor's name, not my character's name) and it talks to me and gives me TK. The…
In Adept Press
Participants: Marco, Ron Edwards.

2/17/2006 Peter Nordstrand: Combatr combat combat
Hi there, I'm going to put up a couple of combat examples here to discuss or study. I'm having a devil of a time figuring rollover…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Julian, Ron Edwards, Paka, Valamir, ubergeek2012, ijonchrist, Hisho, angelfromanotherpin.

2/19/2006 beingfrank: [Trollbabe] Acting towards goals after losing a conflict
Today I went through the rules and did character creations for two players I'm running Trollbabe for.  The first session will be in a fortnight, but we all wanted to…
In Adept Press
Participants: beingfrank, Eero Tuovinen, Calithena, Ron Edwards, Alan, James_Nostack.

2/19/2006 ijonchrist: Spawn Question
OK, maybe this has been gone over before, but I didn't see it in the first dozen pages so I thought I'd make a new topic.  Two players in my…
In Adept Press
Participants: ijonchrist, Ron Edwards.

2/19/2006 Plotin: Cover and Possessors
Hello! I have got a question pertaining to Possessors and the “Cover” ability. Its description on page 53 of the rulebook says: Possessor demons automatically have this ability. Are we…
In Adept Press
Participants: Plotin, Arturo G., Ron Edwards.

2/19/2006 Plotin: Hint question
Hello! The description of “Hint” on page 53 of the rulebook says: The demon rolls Power vs. the Will of the target, and if that is successful, the target rolls…
In Adept Press
Participants: Plotin, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.

2/20/2006 Ron Edwards: Followup to the Awful Thread of Awfulness
I'm back. My conclusion: no retractions, no apologies. I do have some comments. If you think my whole point is simply wrong Then you might be right. I never claimed…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards.

2/27/2006 Doyce: "How Would I..." question
'lo all. Long time, no play.  Looking to fix that up in the near future, and one of the ways I'm doing that is with a Red Harvest-inspired Clicking Sands…
In Adept Press
Participants: Doyce, Paka, Julian, jburneko, Hisho, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

2/27/2006 ijonchrist: Humanity Gain questions...
Hey all, I've recently started a Sorcerer game with a couple of friends who are new to the system.  My questions today, brought to my mind by one of my…
In Adept Press
Participants: ijonchrist, angelfromanotherpin, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards.

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