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In Game Development

6/8/2011 Ron Edwards: Three games about religion
Last fall, I conformed to a common stereotype about men in their mid-40s and apparently became obsessed with matters of religion. Its roots lie in my work on Shahida but…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Lavinia, epweissengruber, davidberg, Noon, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson, Marshall Burns, contracycle, hansel, MatrixGamer, ejh, ADGBoss, graypawn, Alfryd, sirogit, clukemula, LandonSuffered.

6/8/2011 davidberg: [Within My Clutches] golf club domination, mansion bison, death & taxes
This is a report on the first playtest of Within My Clutches, which I created for the April 2011 Ronnies (thread here). Here's the current draft of the rules. For…
In Game Development
Participants: davidberg, Ron Edwards, Hailen.

6/6/2011 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria Beta Version 1.01 Now Free!
Yep, that's right folks. This game needs to be tested by a decent amount of players before it's printed in dead-tree format, so as of now, the pdf is absolutely…
In Game Development
Participants: Stregheria Games, John Michael Crovis.

6/6/2011 voidgere: Ars Arcanum
I have been an observer of this site for some time now.  Only recently have I had enough material, I feel, to post here and get some reviews.  I have…
In Game Development
Participants: voidgere, John Michael Crovis.

6/6/2011 SamSlayde: Looking for feedback towards a game in an early state
Hello everyone, I'm just looking for some feedback on a little RPG I put together over the weekend. It's called the Less-Dice system, and the rules as of right now…
In Game Development
Participants: SamSlayde, Noon, D.R. Clifford.

6/5/2011 Icel: Playtesting "Legend"
Hello, I've been working on a small scale combat resolution system for the past couple of years, and it was available for the public for more then a year now.…
In Game Development
Participants: Icel.

5/30/2011 Kanosint: Mini-games within an existing system: Is it doable?
Greetings, kind comrades Today I would wish to consider a rare mechanic. Certainly, I never saw it before. Still, I think it could be interesting. As you might have guessed…
In Game Development
Participants: Kanosint, Matthew V, Catelf, Warrior Monk, JSDiamond, Anders Gabrielsson.

5/29/2011 Matthew V: [Beloved] In a dream ... II (split)
I'm quite happily married and have no qualms about this game. As others have mentioned, it seems riskily shallow or even rediculous on the surface, but when I poked a…
In Game Development
Participants: Matthew V, Noon, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman.

5/27/2011 New Fire: Narrative Mechanic Ideas
Greetings, all. I am currently designing a fantasy RPG set in a fictional world based on Aztec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican mythologies (here is a link to the game website:…
In Game Development
Participants: New Fire, stefoid, Warrior Monk, Abkajud.

5/25/2011 Clout: [Clout] Prototype rules
Hi guys. I've read these forums for a while and just registered to post a link to my blog, where the pdf of my prototype ruleset is hosted.  It's just…
In Game Development
Participants: Clout, Noon.

5/24/2011 Catelf: [Streed Rpg] Idea confusion.
I am troubled. I have so many ideas, and i essentially wants to possibly turn all of them into Rpg's. I have tried to summarize my preferred genres(i got some…
In Game Development
Participants: Catelf, DarkHawkPro, Warrior Monk.

5/24/2011 The Traveller: Codex Imaginata
Hello, I'm setting up a new RPG, Codex Imaginata, free to play for all, and I hope I'm in the right forum. This will be a generic system with several…
In Game Development
Participants: The Traveller, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Malckuss.

5/22/2011 daranp: Awakened Earth
Now that I've finally published ParaSpace, I am in the process of getting all the material together with a view to publishing Awakened Earth. Awakened Earth is set in a…
In Game Development
Participants: daranp.

5/22/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] second draft available. How does it grab you?
I think Ive got some stuff going on with this game. Heres the spiel. I would love to get some feedback on this from other designers and Ron particularly,…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid.

5/16/2011 Warrior Monk: Aventuras Epicas, a card game to make stories... to train RPG players.
Ok, alpha version of the game is finished, here are the rules and list of cards: This is a card based game to make stories. It's been designed with…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk.

5/13/2011 Warrior Monk: A card game to make stories... to train players to become GMs
Ok, here's the alpha version of the rules, finally in english this time: The idea started from another game I was thinking of here: Ok, my goal is…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, Galwinganoon, nuverian, Ar Kayon, mozartprado, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2011 Tazio Bettin: Beyond the Mirror, a sci-fi game on memories and humanity -in development
My current game designing effort, Beyond the Mirror, is a roleplaying game set in a dystopian post-war period whose aim is to explore characters' memories in order to find out…
In Game Development
Participants: Tazio Bettin, Paul Czege, Ben Lehman, davide.losito, Rafu.

5/12/2011 stefoid: [INGENERO] Traits, motivations and rewards.
Please see my sig for the link. Primarily, Motivations (like beliefs from Burning Wheel) in my game are used to drive goal setting or complicate things in interesting ways for…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Warrior Monk.

5/9/2011 AlCook1: Creating a solo rpg system
I am have been developing a solitaire rpg system that would be used in conjunction with Mythic GM Emulator.  I know that pretty much any game can be used with…
In Game Development
Participants: AlCook1, Noon, killxo, Ron Edwards, Warrior Monk, Anders Gabrielsson.

5/6/2011 Warrior Monk: How do I turn this into a GMfull minimalist RPG for beginners?
Here's the ruleset Sorry it's in spanish and incomplete, I'm having a lot of design doubts right now, However don't worry, I made a short version of the ruleset…
In Game Development
Participants: Warrior Monk, Chris_Chinn, JSDiamond.

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Subsequent Topics
In Game Development

6/16/2011 MacLeod: [Dungeon Crashers] Early Build, Feedback Appreciated
This project was born due to an interesting Story Games thread starring Eero Tuovinen. It interested me enough to generate some simple ideas for mechanics. After reading the thread the…
In Game Development
Participants: MacLeod, Noon, zircher.

6/17/2011 hix: Left Coast: Does my system encourage relaxed roleplaying?
I’ve just finished a major rewrite of Left Coast – my entry into the October 2005 Ronnies competition. (Ronnies feedback thread, here; initial playtest thread, here) In Left Coast, you…
In Game Development
Participants: hix, jburneko, Noon.

6/17/2011 Paul Czege: I seem to have designed a waiting game...
Hey all, One of my two primary RPG design projects is a game for exactly four players. It has four pre-generated characters who are locked in a mutually unresolvable situation.…
In Game Development
Participants: Paul Czege, Eero Tuovinen, Warrior Monk, Frank Tarcikowski, Chris_Chinn, davide.losito, Noon.

6/18/2011 Locke: [Age Past] Up on Kickstarter LIVE!
Hello All, My game Age Past has been in development for some time. I have just recently launched a Kickstarter to help me get my book finished. Please take the…
In Game Development
Participants: Locke, Mike Sugarbaker, Ben Lehman, lumpley, John Michael Crovis, valador, Thriff.

6/18/2011 fire_rods: Living in the Alleys
This is a game that I came up with. I haven't finished the game itself, but would love some feedback; and know if it sounds like an interesting enough game.…
In Game Development
Participants: fire_rods, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.

6/18/2011 Malckuss: [Custom Star Wars RPG]
This is only my second time discussing a game here, so please keep that in mind. I will try to adhere to Mr. Edwards rules. I am doing this project…
In Game Development
Participants: Malckuss, Noon, mark2v, voidgere, Ar Kayon, Vulpinoid.

6/22/2011 darp: Looking for direction as a writer
I'm new to the forums, and I want some general direction as to who to talk to if I want to collaborate and help write a story for a classic…
In Game Development
Participants: darp, Locke, Eero Tuovinen.

6/27/2011 jburneko: [Silent Sound] Revisiting My White Whale
So I thinker with game design from time to time.  I admit I'm not crazy serious about it but there is one project I keep revisiting.  It is very much…
In Game Development
Participants: jburneko, hix, Chris_Chinn, Noon.

7/1/2011 John Michael Crovis: SYNERGY Role Playing Game Version 1.5
I'm looking for comments and constructive criticism for the first RPG I've designed. This RPG is designed with spontaneous storytelling in mind. This game provides a rules-light framework that is…
In Game Development
Participants: John Michael Crovis, voidgere, Chris_Chinn.

7/2/2011 Err: Robot Explorers in the Moon
So I had an idea for a game mechanic the other day, and so I decided to embrace the spirit of those 24 hour design contests, ans see how far…
In Game Development
Participants: Err, John Michael Crovis, phatonin.

7/5/2011 btrc: EABA v2 playtest
As a crunchy, generic system, EABA might not be everyone's cup of tea here, but because there are a lot of really sharp designers roaming these parts, I figured it…
In Game Development
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards.

7/5/2011 pawsplay: Conquest of the Universe
Conquest of the Universe is a science-fantasy RPG. Right now it's in kickstart mode, as I try to get the funds to pay for art and layout up front:…
In Game Development
Participants: pawsplay, Ron Edwards.

7/6/2011 ScottOden: [ATTIKA] A Principia Hack
(Originally posted at Story Games) After reading Tony Dowler's PRINCIPIA, I've thought of creating a hack called ATTIKA, centered around ancient Athenian politics. Spanning the Classical Age (508-322 BC), the…
In Game Development
Participants: ScottOden, John Michael Crovis, Ron Edwards.

7/10/2011 fire_rods: Living in the Alleys abilities
My game is called "Living in the Alleys", for those who haven't seen my other post. It centers around the characters, who are thieves, and are tasked with stealing various…
In Game Development
Participants: fire_rods, Vulpinoid, Ar Kayon, Ron Edwards.

7/11/2011 Red Lila: Initial Concept Mechanics
I need some feedback as to viability of  a system concept. Strictly dealing with mechanics at this stage. The system makes use of a Tarot deck as the primary method…
In Game Development
Participants: Red Lila, Xmarksthespot, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

7/12/2011 Sp4m: Evil High: a game about would-be villains in highschool
Hello World! This is my first post to these forums, and my first post discussing this project after 7 years, so let's see if we can make some music…
In Game Development
Participants: Sp4m, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2011 jjafuller: Effects of Magic on the Real World
I am not sure if this topic has been addressed before, if so let me know and I'll take a look at the other work. Right now this is just…
In Game Development
Participants: jjafuller, ADGBoss, stefoid, happysmellyfish, mark2v.

7/15/2011 Nalanthi: [Broken Sky] How to balance Area of Effect damage
The system I am working on is a fairly crunchy urban fantasy system.  Combat is supposed to feel fast but fairly realistic.  One place that we have decided to leave…
In Game Development
Participants: Nalanthi, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, Noon, Keltorian, Daniel36, Danny Bridges.

7/15/2011 Maugh: Probability Puzzle. Attack vs Defense rolls, w/ modifier.
So, I'm looking at dice probabilities, and I have a puzzle for you folks, which I could use some help with.  It has to do with balancing attack and defense…
In Game Development
Participants: Maugh, horomancer.

7/16/2011 Night1983: Mystic Quests has been released!
Mystic Quests is a new Role Playing Game that lets you play as adventurers in a pen and paper role playing game, questing to save the world of Sarax from…
In Game Development
Participants: Night1983, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>