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7/17/2004 Hobbitboy: Ratings vs In-game reality -- Help!
[quote="Mike Holmes"](which almost gets me off on my in-game/metagame rant - a really high strength ability doesn't neccessarily mean that the character is strong at all)[/quote] Actually I wish you…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Bankuei, Thor Olavsrud, lightcastle, Eero Tuovinen, soru, Mike Holmes, Alai, Bob McNamee, KingOfFarPoint.

7/23/2004 Hobbitboy: Essential references?
If I was going to (attempt to) run a HQ campaign centered around the region just to the south of the Dragon Pass (Sartar?) what HQ/HW books would be either…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Thor Olavsrud, Donald, Nick Brooke.

7/29/2004 Hobbitboy: Increasing undesirable attributes.
The discussion on modeling the effects of the dark side of the force (Is 'modeling' a bad word in non-sim games?) has got me thinking about unconcious attributes or attributes…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Brand_Robins, newsalor, Mike Holmes, Drastic, ddunham, lightcastle, CCW.

10/30/2004 Hobbitboy: N&R for dummies
Does anyone know where I can find examples of scenarios/adventures designed/written with narrativism in mind? Especially ones aimed at introducing the narrative style to players who have not encountered it…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Brand_Robins, Bankuei, Mike Holmes.

11/26/2004 Hobbitboy: HQ does Sim?
During descriptions of the HQ system it is often mentioned that HQ deals with Nar. situations very well. Occasionally, as a counter point to that statement, it will be claimed…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, droog, cappadocius, Brand_Robins, MikeSands, Scripty.

12/22/2004 Hobbitboy: Too wierd?
Am I right in assuming that a character with the skill 'Close Combat (soggy noodles*)' is just as effective in fight as someone with the same amount of 'Close Combat…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Different Games, Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, KingOfFarPoint, Snowden.

4/11/2005 Hobbitboy: A twist in the tail.
When it comes to entertainment I like nothing more than a good-old unexpected ending. How easy is it to do this sort of thing in ForgeQuest? ;) Actually I should…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Different Games, Bryan_T, lightcastle.

5/20/2006 Hobbitboy: Messing with relationships?
In the "Request for assistance with Demo and my gaming woes" thread Mike Holmes makes the following statement... ... In fact I've been going a…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hobbitboy, Mike Holmes, Web_Weaver.

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