The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

2/16/2006 WhiteRat: [Ends and Means] Steel Pit Fight Night: Sydney
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – The Steel Pit Fellowship entertains its members with preseason fights aboard a cruise ship. Local favorite The Bull is trounced on the foredeck by newcomer B.J.! Simon…
In Playtesting
Participants: WhiteRat, Andrew Morris, Graham Walmsley.

2/16/2006 Paka: 1st Quest - The 19 Questions
[b]1.) What is your game about?[/b] My game is about children who leave home to save the world with friends and the mentors who aid them. [b]2.) What do the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Paka, Arpie, pedyo, Anders, Troy_Costisick, Andy Kitkowski, anders_larsen, TroyLovesRPG.

2/16/2006 Lisa Padol: [Sorcerer] Our Fourth Session
This was the January 29, 2006 Session. We've since had another one. The description of the characters and the write up of the first session are here: The write…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, mneme, Peter Nordstrand.

2/15/2006 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Backing Facts with Rules
One of the things mentioned in the Dreamation playtest of Mortal Coil was that magical facts sometimes need some system backing to make them effective. To that end, I have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inthisstyle, Thor Olavsrud, Keith Senkowski, Nathan P., mtiru, TonyLB.

2/15/2006 James_Nostack: [Paladin] Reactive/Reactive Combat?
In the rules of Paladin, there's a chart for combat outcomes depending on whether someone is Active or Reactive.  As I understand it, an Active Flesh attribute is utilized whenever…
In CRN Games
Participants: James_Nostack, Artanis.

2/15/2006 14thWarrior: Orchard Plains Branch
Here's my second attempt at a town. I developing this town, I had two goals in mind. First, I wanted the action to be at a fever pitch when the…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior.

2/15/2006 Matt Snyder: Forge Midwest Official Thread
This is the official finalized information for the Forge Midwest gathering April 7-9, 2006. The event will run Friday April 7 through Sunday April 9. The even is at the…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder, ptevis, Valamir, Blankshield, Nev the Deranged, Jared A. Sorensen, Seth L. Blumberg, reaction, abzu, Keith Senkowski, timfire, Andy Kitkowski, Domhnall, jrs, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, Kesher, greyorm, GregStolze, Biggles, Ron Edwards, Thor Olavsrud, Emily Care, c, mtiru, Mike Holmes.

2/15/2006 Matthew Glover: Explicit Rewards for the Producer
"Man, I know you're the Producer, but you oughta get Fanmail for that." After "Man, I wish this was a real show so I could watch it," that's what our…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Matthew Glover, Arturo G., Matt Wilson, Paka.

2/15/2006 joshua neff: Actual Play: [The Grave of Heaven] Me & the Kid
I've been wanting to introduce my daughter, Morgan, who will be 9 years old in a week and a half, to playing RPGs for the past few years, but I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Bryan Hansel, Technocrat13, Paka, Anders, komradebob.

2/15/2006 Vaxalon: Initiation
It just struck me that Nine Worlds seems to be missing something... Initiation.... I mean, people arent' BORN Archons, right?  It seems to me that since PC's don't start play…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Vaxalon, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, Valamir.

2/15/2006 Selene Tan: [Mountain Witch] Out-of-character conspiracies
For two Saturdays in a row, I've played The Mountain Witch with some friends. I did not GM. The people involved: Will, GM. Has read Polaris and wants to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Selene Tan, Eero Tuovinen, Will.Skyfall.

2/15/2006 dyjoots: [Manaka] Playtesting my game
Actual Play: Manaka I've been working on a game called Manaka for the past several weeks, and I've gotten the rules basically together, so my wife Susie and I play-tested…
In Playtesting
Participants: dyjoots, Troy_Costisick.

2/15/2006 Paul Strack: GM Assessment in Conflict Scenes
More questions as I try to puzzle through the game. On p. 74 it says that a GM gets once opportunity to assess and increase/decrease suffering per "round" of panels.…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: Paul Strack, Michael S. Miller.

2/15/2006 Eric J-D: Why Some Folks Dislike Fight!
...and by "some folks" I of course mean me. <wink> Over on the Harn Forum I have been engaged in an ongoing discussion about Burning Wheel's "Fight!" mechanics and the…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Eric J-D, Arturo G., abzu, Wolfen, Bankuei, Lamorak33, Valamir, rafial, Lisa Padol, jchokey, Durgil, Storn.

2/14/2006 Dom: Apocalypses
Keith, Came across a book that may be of interest – "Apocalypses" by Eugen Weber ISBN 0091801346 – at the local remaindered shop. Talks about all sorts of different apocalyptic…
In Bob Goat Press
Participants: Dom, Keith Senkowski.

2/14/2006 dwilsonh: [Listen to the Ether] Power 19
Hey everyone, this is my Very First post to the forge, though i have been lurking and studying for quite some time. I have this idea for a game mildly…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dwilsonh, Bill_White, Troy_Costisick, Czar Fnord.

2/14/2006 jrs: Art buttons
This is for any artists out there who want some additional exposure for their artwork.  I recently discovered Prickie.  Basically artists can sell their artwork as buttons, get 25% commission…
In Connections
Participants: jrs.

2/14/2006 kingschizo: Looking for Staff for new Game Workshop
Okay I will try not to be to vauge on what I am looking for.  The first thing you should know is that I have set up a Role-Playing Game…
In Connections
Participants: kingschizo, Eero Tuovinen, Arpie, M. J. Young, daMoose_Neo, CommonDialog.

2/14/2006 Lisa Padol: Demon-Human Crossbreeds
I'm likely to just wing this, should it come up, but I'm curious to know what others might do and if there's an actual rule I'm missing. In our Sorcerer…
In Adept Press
Participants: Lisa Padol, Ron Edwards, Julian, preludetotheend.

2/14/2006 Malcolm: [Cold City] 'Transformations' - playtest
These three threads: Introduction and character creation: Character creation (revised) & consequences: Mechanical basics: give further information on the development of Cold City and what the game…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm, jasonm.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

2/16/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Heist] Stake-setting and sharing narration
For a long time, I've wanted to design a roleplaying game that was playable in a pub. Ideally,  you'd just get out a pack of cards and begin playing. So…
In Playtesting
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Eero Tuovinen, Matthew Glover.

2/16/2006 Supplanter: Town: Bat Eshta/Skeleton Dell
I apologize in advance for the shocking lack of sex. Instead you get: dinosaurs! We're not done with this one yet, though everything's been revealed to the Dogs, so there's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, dunlaing, Vaxalon.

2/16/2006 c: [Outside] Need help with Power 19
Hi Everyone, I've been stalled for about 5 months, as I couldn't get my head around how I wanted to do conflict resolution. Thanks to Timfire's Mountain Witch, where he…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: c, talysman, Troy_Costisick, reaction, Czar Fnord, dindenver.

2/16/2006 ffilz: [Troll Slayer] Player and GM power divide
First a confession inspired by the brain damage thread - when I GM games like D&D and Cold Iron, I almost always include an NPC in the party that is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ffilz, c, joepub, Dantai, Troy_Costisick, TonyLB, Noon, dindenver.

2/16/2006 Bryan Hansel: No Attraction in the First Date
Thanks for sending the game right away, Emily.  I got it before Valentine's Day and was able to give it my Ilena for a V-Day gift.  I actually gave it…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Bryan Hansel, Andrew Morris, Emily Care.

2/16/2006 Czar Fnord: [GLASS] Request for Comments on Cost Balances
Hi, folks; I've been away for about a year, but I am back and I actually have some content for your perusal. Those of you who recall my (perhaps too-ready)…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Czar Fnord, Graham Walmsley, Troy_Costisick, Walt Freitag, Ben Lehman.

2/16/2006 iago: And we're back
The Evil Hat forum is back on the Forge after a hiatus.
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: iago, Valamir, Ben Lehman.

2/17/2006 Troy_Costisick: [Cutthroat]2nd and 3rd Playtest
Heya, I got in a couple playtests over the last three weeks or so.  Wow, did I learn some important stuff.  I'll go over the in-game stuff briefly here then…
In Playtesting
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, Vaxalon.

2/17/2006 Noon: [Rifts PBP] I look at it. What do I get?
An exerpt from this Rifts play by post game: There was already some activity with a third player trying to talk to some probably sentient trees. But I figured…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, contracycle, Graham Walmsley, Supplanter, Elindryn, gains, Marco, Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB, Caldis, Warren, Gaerik, Lord_Steelhand, Rob Carriere, dunlaing, Grover.

2/17/2006 vgsmart: Cover Artist and Editor
You know, it is funny that I am posting here; but I am betting I can find both items I am looking for. I work in the video game field,…
In Connections
Participants: vgsmart.

2/17/2006 Marco: Telekinesis
So I've got this character with a brain tumor named Amanda Averice (that's the tumor's name, not my character's name) and it talks to me and gives me TK. The…
In Adept Press
Participants: Marco, Ron Edwards.

2/17/2006 signjc: [D53] - Critical feedback before rewrite
I have written a humorous role-playing game, D53, and require some feedback before I do my next rewrite (current version is 5.5).  I am particularly interested in the organization of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: signjc, Czar Fnord, Justin Marx, Bryan Hansel.

2/17/2006 Vaxalon: [DitV] Repentance Crossing
One of my players (the marvelous Dorothea Salo) posted a session summary to our private list today. Preface: The Dogs had discovered a town where the following events had occurred:…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon.

2/17/2006 Vaxalon: What do your Dogs sound like?
I have noticed that many of my players, not only in my current game but in other FTF games I have run in the past, have affected a Texas drawl…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, lumpley, Levi Kornelsen, Adam Dray, Iskander, Technocrat13, Frank T, Arturo G., Ben Lehman, Blankshield, James Holloway, Krista E, drnuncheon, Graham Walmsley.

2/17/2006 ffilz: [DitV] Portland Independent RPG play
Joe has named our group the Portland Independent RPG players... We got to our first town last night. I forgot to bring my notes to work with me, so I'll…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, ScottM, Barlennan.

2/17/2006 Peter Nordstrand: Combatr combat combat
Hi there, I'm going to put up a couple of combat examples here to discuss or study. I'm having a devil of a time figuring rollover…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Julian, Ron Edwards, Paka, Valamir, ubergeek2012, ijonchrist, Hisho, angelfromanotherpin.

2/17/2006 Czar Fnord: [GLASS] Power 19
As a possible reinforcement to the existing content in GLASS v0.9beta (, here is the GLASS Power 19: 1) What is your game about? "About" is a bit of a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Czar Fnord, Andrew Morris.

2/17/2006 Bailywolf: [At the Threshold] Formalizing the Community
For Threshold, all the action takes place in or around (either literally or thematically) the shared Community that all the player characters serve and inhabit.  I wanted a different word…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bailywolf, Arturo G., dindenver.

2/17/2006 Calithena: [S&S] Ask How
I just roughed out the following text for the game I'm writing. It's an attempt to formalize the play-procedures associated with certain variations on the 'realism' question. Feedback would be…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Calithena, Sempiternity.

2/17/2006 John Wick: "It's up to you to decide where you stand..."
After talking to Ron last night and answering a few personal e-mails, I've heard this phrase stated multiple times: "It's up to you to decide where you stand." Can someone…
In Site Discussion
Participants: John Wick, jburneko, Paka, Clinton R. Nixon, greyorm, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>